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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Just rode Wicked Cyclone 3xs. My first RMC. Mother of god.


Wow! I didn't realize you hadn't gotten on one before! Awesome that you've now been born again in the waters of the RMC magic! Maybe you can start a new sister-cult now!


Enjoy the rest of your day there! Believe it or not, SFNE is still one of my top 3 "Bucket List" parks to get to! Hopefully someday!

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Just rode Wicked Cyclone 3xs. My first RMC. Mother of god.


Wow! I didn't realize you hadn't gotten on one before! Awesome that you've now been born again in the waters of the RMC magic! Maybe you can start a new sister-cult now!


It can be called "The Church of Alan Schilke"!!!

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We've ridden almost everything already. Great day. Just got off Joker. No wait, and Bill and I agreed it's better than Greatadvs installation. Love this park.

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We've ridden almost everything already. Great day. Just got off Joker. No wait, and Bill and I agreed it's better than Greatadvs installation. Love this park.

Thought the same thing when I was up there last week. So I take it lines aren't too bad today? Everyone's on the water park side?

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Yeah we're pretty sure that The Smiler has been unseated as the world's most loopiest loop coaster. I also applaud the park for building the record breaker directly next to a collection of funkdafied dumpsters so while waiting for and riding the loopiest loop coaster at the coaster capital of New England, we could inhale the smell of rank trash that had been baking in the hot sun all day. We even got to look at the dumpsters while riding. Good times, an experience to remember.


In all seriousness we just got home, and I loved the park. Don't understand why the place gets hated on. We rode every coaster in the park multiple times (except the tiny kiddie coaster, yes we did whore Catwomans Whip) and almost all the adult flats. Food good, ops good, rides great. My fourth Six Flags and honestly would rate it under SFOG but over GreatAdv. Superman and WC are ridiculous.


But I'm giving away too much, report coming. And the weekend ain't over!

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^I very much enjoyed the park last summer as well. It has some flaws (like most other Six Flags parks), but I felt like it had receive much more crap than it deserves. Superman the Ride and Wicked Cyclone are the obvious highlights, but I really enjoyed Batman, Sky Screamer, and even Pandemonium as well. I'd love to go back if it wasn't almost 3000 miles away.


But with that being said, Goliath and Flashback both sucked a ton. I"m 100% down for the idea of tearing them both down and adding some cool launched coaster like Full Throttle. But that's just me dreaming.

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Glad you guys had fun! On my trips in 2004 and 2015 I had a blast. WC and STR make up 2/3 of my top 3. The park is actually pretty nice and the waterpark is fantastic. Hopefully the ops have improved as they were horrible in 2015. I'll be heading back up to SFNE in two weeks so I'm eager to see the full trip report.

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I think most of the hate comes from the parks operations, but I have noticed a significant improvement in that area this year.


Glad you guys had a great day! So we know SFNE's Joker is better than GAdv's, but the real question is which looping coaster is better- Fireball or El Diablo.

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In all seriousness we just got home, and I loved the park. Don't understand why the place gets hated on.


Most of the hate comes from people experiencing poor operations (which you didn't) and over the top rude/obnoxious clientele. You didn't comment on the latter so it must not have affected you, hence a good day at SFNE

Edited by larrygator
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You'll always have some but I've never visited and thought a ton of people were rude and obnoxious at SFNE. Park ride operations have significantly improved this year compared to last. Now they just need to speed up the food lines.

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^True but in that ACE keynote that's been all over the place John Duffey said that waiting for food is a pet peeve of his and they are looking to make it better chain wide. He also said that ride throughput was also being focused on.

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Sounds like it's an issue at some of the CF parks this year too...


Is it those damned free refillable soda cups that are screwing everything up? If so, why not just have a separate kiosk or line for those just wanting free refills of high fructose corn syrup?


Or even better...a separate line for beer sales. I'd be cool with that.

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^For Six Flags it's been an issue for years. I'm glad they are recognizing that it needs to improve. Honestly, outside of the dining pass, I think it will improve the bottom line if they speed things up. I've been in several lines where people leave pissed off because of the wait that didn't have the dining plan.

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But with that being said, Goliath and Flashback both sucked a ton.

Flashback was fine. It wasn't great, but we did it early just to get it out of the way and it was fine. It got bonus points from us just for not valleying.


We did Goliath immediately after and... wait for it... all thought it was a decent ride. In row eight. Even Bill thought so.


but the real question is which looping coaster is better- Fireball or El Diablo.

I personally can't say since I've never ridden El Diablo (who wants to with Toro next door?) which is why we made a point to try it, and I totally enjoyed it, despite the toxic dumpster stench. Bill and Brit said it was better than ED, and I felt like Fireball was considerably faster than I imagined ED would be from watching it.


I can't wait to get back to the park this year. The operations and staff were awful when I went, so I'm sure it's great when the park is run well, so it's easier to really appreciate Wicked Cyclone and Superman.

Operations were mostly good to even great at times. Even food staff. Not being sarcastic. We talked about this a bunch throughout the day.


Or even better...a separate line for beer sales. I'd be cool with that.

You know I like the sound of this. All season beer plan while we're at it.


Most of the hate comes from people experiencing poor operations (which you didn't) and over the top rude/obnoxious clientele. You didn't comment on the latter so it must not have affected you, hence a good day at SFNE

It was hot and muggy in the morning/early afternoon so the dry park stayed kinda dead. Later on it filled up with families (whom we presumed came from the waterpark) but I can't recall all that many obnoxious clientele we ran across throughout our day. At Compounce today however were a few douchebags.


Full detailed photo-filled funfest report coming sometime this week. Hundreds of photos I have to sort through.

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I always thought the old top spin in Fireball's spot smelled terrible and thought it was the ride. Sounds like it likely was the dumpster instead. I hardly ever go in Fireball's plaza since those rides can make me queasy.

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Six Flags in general needs not only faster service but better food options.


I LOVE this park but the food options is ridiculous. Both my BF thought that having so many food stands sell the same things is pretty silly. They all sell something with fries. There are a few things that are different but I got bored of the food here fast. However, this is a problem at most chain amusement parks.

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I always say chicken fingers are Six Flags culinary specialty - I honestly always enjoy them. I was going to save it for the report but we did eat @ JB's Smokehouse when at SFNE over the weekend and I tried their buffalo chicken tenders and they were straight up banging. I mean maybe it was the booze talking lol but they were really, really good. I liked that place a lot, wish Great Adv would get a JB's.

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