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Six Flags New England (SFNE) Discussion Thread

p. 337: Quantum Accelerator family coaster announced for 2025!

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Stopped by the park for a bit last night for some Superman and Wicked Cyclone. I don't know what's been going on with WC recently but it hasn't felt as good as it did at the beginning of the year. Felt a little bit slower in the 2nd half. Superman was running amazing and I know it's a hugely unpopular opinion but Superman shits all over WC imo, at least recently it has.


"Shits all over WC"...yet you have them right next to each other in your top 5 in your sig lol. Both coasters are amazing but I feel WC is the more intense, faster paced ride with a bit more variety in elements and far more comfortable trains. Superman was my #1 before Toro was built so I'm definitely not knocking it, just prefer WC.

OK maybe I should've worded it better, recently at least in my experience WC hasn't been running that great and while Superman has been brilliant so recently it's kinda gotten shit on by Superman. At the beginning of the year it was very close and I wouldn't have been able to choose between them. But now, idk my recent WC rides have been kinda slow especially after the first outward banked hill. But I'm definitely nitpicking, I ride it so much I notice stuff most people wouldn't.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was at SFNE today. The park was very busy, but I got to ride Wicked Cyclone. I was in the front row, first train of the day. It was blah... I then rode it 4 more times in the last row, and better. This is my least favorite RMC remake. I've been on NTAG, IR, (both in Texas) and TC (Magic Mountain). This one doesn't hold a candle to any of those 3 RMC's. I've got a feeling Mean Streak will be my fav at Cedar Point when that's complete.


One other important and disappointing note. Superman was down all day today. I left at 5. They were working on the motor / chain lift at the top all day...

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I was at SFNE today. The park was very busy, but I got to ride Wicked Cyclone. I was in the front row, first train of the day. It was blah... I then rode it 4 more times in the last row, and better. This is my least favorite RMC remake. I've been on NTAG, IR, (both in Texas) and TC (Magic Mountain). This one doesn't hold a candle to any of those 3 RMC's. I've got a feeling Mean Streak will be my fav at Cedar Point when that's complete.


One other important and disappointing note. Superman was down all day today. I left at 5. They were working on the motor / chain lift at the top all day...


That's too bad about both rides. WC is an interesting case. It appears to be extremely tempermental in terms of ride experience. On both my trips it was neck-and-neck with El Toro as my favorite coaster out of 148. A lot of people have it ranked among the best RMC's, and others have it ranked among the worst. I've heard similar things with Storm Chaser. Apparently ever since they switched wheels from last year it has been running far better in the 2nd half of its course.

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Of the RMC's I've been on (6), Wicked Cyclone is in the middle but it's still a top 10 steel for me. On a slow day, the train peters out on the last few hills after the last zero g roll but it still amazing to that point. Then 2 years ago, they had a vibration issue with the trains but I haven't experienced that issue this year. For reference, I rode Storm Chaser last year and that one hauled through the course. I rank it below WiCy though since it is missing the insane RMC first drop. The barrel roll drop is cool, but I prefer that first drop.


Shame about Superman being down. Hopefully they can get it back up and running soon.

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I rode Superman last night and on my last ride there was a puff of smoke off the top of the lift right before the train dropped and it smelt like something was burning. That's probably what caused it being down today. Too add onto that the lift hill lights burnt out too and it looks hilariously stupid.


Sorry for the bad quality but yeah the lights are dead. Did the same thing last year

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That doesn't sound good. Wasn't Saturday night season pass holder ERT night too?

Yes it was and I noticed it on the 2nd to last train of the night. They were supposed to have another one for Superman tonight too but it got moved to WC because STR was down.

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So weird story..... I was riding Superman today and during the final bunny hop the guy in front of me blew chucks and I got hit with some of...... Straight to the face. Literally went to the bathroom and stuck my face under the sink for 5 minutes. Then went home and sat in the shower for an hour. Have a Six Flags day!

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Superman is very good in the back, but I think the front seat is the truly special seat. The air seems more intense up there.



Agreed completely. Since my first rides on it back in 2004 I have always felt the front was better. The ejector is stronger, the view is obviously better, and nowadays a lot less shuffling up front.

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Me and my family are going to the park for rope drop, one of our favorite rides, Pandemonium always gets a long line, We live and 1 1/2 a way South of Albany, NY, What are the odds we can no to minimum wait


Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

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I've always just done the single rider line on Pandemonium and get on in less than 5 minutes. It's poorly marked (if it's even marked at all) but you go up the Flash Pass ramp and just tell the grouper you're a single rider.


Not sure what the main wait would be immediately after rope drop but I can't see that being the first ride for too many people. The line will build up quickly though and be over an hour for sure.

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Yeah, if you have a family with you and want to get on with a minimum of waiting, it's pretty smart to hit Pandemonium at rope drop then carry on back towards WC. That line can easily grow to a 30-60 minute wait in no time flat.

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The pre-show on Houdini probably would have freaked me out as a kid as well. Tower of Terror's did that to me my first two times at Disney. Thankfully my dad wasn't going to force a crying child on the ride. Granted I probably would have liked the ride, but that's still not great parenting.

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The pre-show on Houdini probably would have freaked me out as a kid as well. Tower of Terror's did that to me my first two times at Disney. Thankfully my dad wasn't going to force a crying child on the ride. Granted I probably would have liked the ride, but that's still not great parenting.
But then the mother gave the kid a chance to get off the ride and wait in that hallway, but the kid insisted to stay on. Great ride though.


Sent from my Moto G (4) using Tapatalk

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