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Worlds of Fun (WOF) Discussion Thread

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^That makes sense. Since Cedar Fair is making dark rides about monsters in the park, I wonder what monster it will be. A giant eagle?

It will be a 500 ft. Matt Ouimett ripping apart classic flat rides at the park and giving us Planet Snoopy expansions until the end of time.

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^That makes sense. Since Cedar Fair is making dark rides about monsters in the park, I wonder what monster it will be. A giant eagle?

It will be a 500 ft. Matt Ouimett ripping apart classic flat rides at the park and giving us Planet Snoopy expansions until the end of time.


Evil Giant Matt!!!

Edited by SixFlagsAstroworld
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^That makes sense. Since Cedar Fair is making dark rides about monsters in the park, I wonder what monster it will be. A giant eagle?

It will be a 500 ft. Matt Ouimett ripping apart classic flat rides at the park and giving us Planet Snoopy expansions until the end of time.

...I take it you haven't read the last headline link in this thread.

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^That makes sense. Since Cedar Fair is making dark rides about monsters in the park, I wonder what monster it will be. A giant eagle?

It will be a 500 ft. Matt Ouimett ripping apart classic flat rides at the park and giving us Planet Snoopy expansions until the end of time.

...I take it you haven't read the last headline link in this thread.


Sometimes the obvious is lost on people. Especially millennials

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^That makes sense. Since Cedar Fair is making dark rides about monsters in the park, I wonder what monster it will be. A giant eagle?

It will be a 500 ft. Matt Ouimett ripping apart classic flat rides at the park and giving us Planet Snoopy expansions until the end of time.

...I take it you haven't read the last headline link in this thread.


Sometimes the obvious is lost on people. Especially millennials


It's almost like I was using comedic exaggeration in order to bring comedy to a discussion. But thanks for bringing that discussion to a grinding halt in order to discuss the practicality of an obviously satirical joke. It's also ironic considering that PhanotomPoster32 and I were the first to report the addition of the condor and troika literally within the same minute of each other.


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They haven't hidden the fact that there was going to be major reprofiling done.

Yeah...I totally knew that before just this moment too. It's really hard having everything be old news, but I guess that's the price you pay for being so hip.


No need to be butthurt. However it has been discussed numerous times in this thread.

Edited by PhantomPoster32
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They haven't hidden the fact that there was going to be major reprofiling done.

But to replace one of the best ejector moments on ANY wooden coaster with a lame over bank? Reprofiling usually means it will be better than before.


Actually it means any change to the original layout.

They reprofiled the first drop and curve last year, was that for the better?

They are trying to keep the trains from tearing themselves apart. Hey, at least the first drop trim is gone now, right? (as of last year)

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Photo Credit: Worlds of Fun Facebook


*Besides the new rides - notice the progress on TW in the background.

Wtf is this? Looks nothing like the original. Same photo creds as above.


Take a closer look at the second drop. It has been changed a lot as well.


All of this work will make the ride a lot smoother and it will require a lot less maintenance. Once all this is done, they can remove the "You will encounter intense ride jostling" sign. Most guests will probably prefer the newer Wolf. For those of us who know the ride well, well... the Timber Wolf that was, is no more. I am now referring to it as the Tamer Wolf.

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I wish Worlds of Fun would focus on keeping Prowler in good shape rather than doing this work on Timberwolf. I've only ridden Prowler probably 4 times, twice in 2009 and twice in 2015, and it really has not aged well. Timberwolf was closed when I visited last year and it didn't seem like much of a loss. Maybe nostalgia is lost on me, but if they built a GOOD new coaster to replace Timberwolf, I think the GP would be pleased and Worlds of Fun could draw better crowds.

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I wish Worlds of Fun would focus on keeping Prowler in good shape rather than doing this work on Timberwolf. I've only ridden Prowler probably 4 times, twice in 2009 and twice in 2015, and it really has not aged well. Timberwolf was closed when I visited last year and it didn't seem like much of a loss. Maybe nostalgia is lost on me, but if they built a GOOD new coaster to replace Timberwolf, I think the GP would be pleased and Worlds of Fun could draw better crowds.

I also second this. Even when it was newer, the Timberwolf (my second wooden coaster experience) did not impress me at all (around 1995) compared to the Screaming Eagle and after riding all the other wooden coasters since then (Outlaw Run, the Boss, Raven, the Legend, the Beast, Prowler, Comet (HP), Wildcat (HP), Lighting Racer (HP), Colussus (SFMM), American Thunder, Jack Rabbit (KW), Racer (KW), Thunderbolt (KW), Apocalypse (SFMM), Grizzly (KD), Rebel Yell (KD), Hurler (KD), the Racer (KI), Blue Steak (CP), Judge Roy Scream) makes it seem even weaker. The only wooden coaster that I can say for certain is worse was the Rattler (SFFT) and I go back and forth on whether Mean Steak (CP) is worse than it. I have never understood how this thing ever won any award. Even if it was made to be smooth as glass with all this work, it would still be slow, short, forceless, and boring due to its rather uninspiring layout. The money should be spent on either keeping Prowler up (which is a very good coaster) or spent on doing an Iron Horse conversion. The last time I went it was shut down and I did not miss it one bit. It meant more well spent time on the Prowler, Mamba, and Patriot.

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OR Timber Wolf could be viewed as a family friendly wooden coaster with the revamp!?!

Perhaps it's not about you "self-proclaimed thrill seekers" this time!?!


Nah, that's just crazy talk.

Fact of the matter is that the revamped sections last year were great. I don't need my spine realigned for a "good time"

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