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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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I certainly hope Diamondback is not filled with sand. A lot of the newer B&M's have been lately and it really takes away from the first impression of the ride in person. When you walk up to a coaster and it has that roar to it, it's very intimidating and makes it seem like there is a lot of force to it. I absolutely love that roar and I hope Diamondback has it.

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^On the other hand, the roar can get a bit annoying, especially after waiting in a queue for 1/2 hour right around the thing. Wicked Twister's scream and Face/Off's noises come to mind.


Though I readily admit that neither of those are B&M roars, and that the Beemer version gets old far, far slower than those other ones. I don't personally mind the roar much, though I know people who don't like it (particularly Mantis), and can understand it.

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^On the other hand, the roar can get a bit annoying, especially after waiting in a queue for 1/2 hour right around the thing. Wicked Twister's scream and Face/Off's noises come to mind.


I think the reason why I love the roar so much is because my home park is Dorney Park. Their B&M's are filled with sand, so they don't have it. When I visit a park that has B&M's with the roar it makes it that much better since I don't hear it very often. I also enjoy listening to Voodoo's launch which I'm pretty sure sounds the same as Wicked Twister's. Maybe I'm the weird one cause I know a lot of people don't like that "scream" the launch has.

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