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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Carnage is right. People respond if there is something to respond to. No offense, and please don't let this discourage you from posting, but I looked at the phots and I just didn't see much to comment on.


A bunch of photos of the parking lot and a few photos, most kind of out of focus, of track sitting on the ground.


So maybe I was taking the "if you don't have anything nice to say...." approach.


--Robb "But since you asked, that's my comments!" Alvey

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^^^The park opens April 21st, but the ride is sceduled to open Memorial Day weekend.


Hmm...how did I know I was going to ge that response. But meh ok, yea they are alot of parkinglot pics and such but it is better than nothing. I guess the least I could get was some thanks or recognition, but whatever.


Kings Island will NOT turn into a Geagua Lake. And if it does, I want the B&M Floorless


And Pretty much the only sign that needs to be changed is the big sign out in the front of the park

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Hmm...how did I know I was going to ge that response. But meh ok, yea they are alot of parkinglot pics and such but it is better than nothing. I guess the least I could get was some thanks or recognition, but whatever.


Just don't take it the wrong way.


It's an average at best used Vekoma being moved. It's nothing new, just same crap different pile.


So no one except PKI fanboys are going to be all that interested in it.

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Okay, here is a 'post worthy' update. Firehawk is taking shape....but looks like it should be taken down, not being put up with those colors! They need to get that base paint on it now!



Pics from KIcentral.


Racer rehab?!?!? =)


I dont know if I wana ride tha thing....shouldnt it be being torn down?! Look at that!


I guess it is an overbank




another look


closer view


Station is coming together, aswell as the loop and turn around


In other news, Firehawk is taking shape



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That brownish-red paint is just a primer. As I understand it, the ride will be painted once most if not all of it is up. If you look at some of the photos on the official website you can see that the supports that are standing haven't been painted either. The final paint color for the track is supposed to be a nice, vivid red.

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If there's anything Cedar Fair can do right, it's painting a coaster red.


I wouldn't worry about the paint job.


My sentiments exactly... I actually like the dark red/brown it is right now, but it'll look sweet once its done regaurdless...

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My opinion I'll hold until I see any trace of theming put up. Because only theming can save this ride. Without it, it will be what it was at GL: an average ride that doesn't really stand out if you've riden a couple flyers. I'm glad to see SOMETHING new at KI this year, though, as I expected nothing, especially after the SoB fiasco.


-James Dillaman

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I see little improvement on SoB. But I did notice this...


1. Red, white, and blue on the station? WTF?

2. It looks like there will have to be a trick track of some sort....

3. Looks like they completely repaired that part of the rose bowl.


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Trick track on SoB with G-trains?! That will be very rough, and CF could have easily gone with a small airtime hill.


As for Fire Hawk, while I don't think it will be over a grass field, I would suspect that they do the area similar to Talon.



Not great, but better than Scream

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Trick track on SoB with G-trains?! That will be very rough, and CF could have easily gone with a small airtime hill.


As for Fire Hawk, while I don't think it will be over a grass field, I would suspect that they do the area similar to Talon.



Not great, but better than Scream


Oh yeah, no more parking lot coasters please! I think the gravel would be a good touch primarily for theming. just saying that things that are on fire burn things around it..... so it would give it the "firehawk" look.....


as for the color scheme on firehawk, I like the brown/red pain, looks almost burnt........ maybe have the rails red, the spine&ties the burnt red (red/brown), have the supports a brown-ish black, and have the trains red, the harnesses a dark orange. I think that would look pretty good......

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