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Kings Island building a B&M Hyper Coaster

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Just in case there are other slow individuals like myself, the proper homepage is "http://visitkingsisland.com", not "www.pki.com", "www.visitkingsisland.com", or any other homepage that seems correct but has no reference to the new ride.


I must say I am impressed with KI's publicity stunts for this so far. I can't wait for the 6th.


So there are bright yellow supports and silver/gray supports in the park?

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And King's Island does kind of seem like the mega-park that time forgot, in terms of their coaster selection (i.e., the no Intamins or B&M's thing).


Yeah, I think their ride collection has aged very poorly. There are much better versions of almost everything they have:


Racer/Beast -> Almost every woodie in Indiana and several in PA.


Vortex -> Basically every B&M sit down or floorless looper.


Adventure Express -> BTMRR & Vekoma mine trains.


Face/Off -> B&M inverts


Top Gun -> BBW, Eagle Fortress


SOB -> a tilt-a-whirl or a very slow carousel.


Flight of Fear -> Intamin rocket coasters.


Firehawk -> Tatsu.


Nothing they have right now stands out that much. For a park with one of the larger coaster collections this is quite sad.

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Yeah, I think their ride collection has aged very poorly. There are much better versions of almost everything they have:


Racer/Beast -> Almost every woodie in Indiana and several in PA.


Vortex -> Basically every B&M sit down or floorless looper.


Adventure Express -> BTMRR & Vekoma mine trains.


Face/Off -> B&M inverts


Top Gun -> BBW, Eagle Fortress


SOB -> a tilt-a-whirl or a very slow carousel.


Flight of Fear -> Intamin rocket coasters.


Firehawk -> Tatsu.


I'm not exactly sure if that's entirely fair. I agree that KI's coaster selection is a bit...lacking...but I think you've gone a bit over the top in attempting to show mediocrity.


Racer/Beast to Indiana woodies - Yeah, of course there are better woodies. But how many coasters ANYWHERE can really match up to Indiana's Troika? I think people that complain about the Beast should come over here to SFNE where your selection consists of what is more or less a slightly larger Scooby Doo and a neutered-beyond-belief-yet-still-painful pile of matchsticks.


Vortex - Agreed, but you should make mention of parks with both ride types. SFGAdv's GASM/Medusa, for example. I don't think Vortex is necessarily replacable by a B&M looper, it's just that KI has this ride as their MAIN looper - which is the problem.


Adventure Express - I agree, this one sucks. Not every park can have a perfect mine train, however, and I can easily name a few other parks that I feel are significantly lacking in this area.


Face/Off - C'mon, really? You're comparing this to a B&M Invert? They're different experiences in my view. I don't see this as a downgrade from a B&M Invert - I see it as a major upgrade to the conventional Boomerang that would probably be here otherwise.


Top Gun - Again, really? You make it sound like BBW and Eagle Fortresses are just everywhere. I'm happy there's even still Suspended coasters LEFT.


Flight of Fear - To be honest, I think this ride is quite good, if they would just let the damned MCBR go. Once again, there are parks that are much worse off. I'd kill to have ANY launched coaster at SFNE.


Firehawk - Ugh, please...I'd take Firehawk over S:UF every day, and name me one park with a flyer that looks comparable to Tatsu.


I guess what I'm saying is it's a bit unfair to point out the mediocrity of KI's coaster lineup by just giving the absolute BEST examples of every single ride type out there. You can do that with almost any park's coaster lineup, and I would if my post hadn't already exceeded the size of most term papers.


Don't get me wrong - is KI's selection a bit lacking when compared to other parks of its size? Of course - but it's not because they don't have the best possible rides of each type - it's just that they've seemingly fallen behind in terms of the rides that are defining today's "best thrills".


My apologies for the rant. I just don't like to see parks get unfairly hammered.

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Can we please get back on topic here? This thread is about Kings Island sucking ever-so-slightly less due to a planned B&M hyper that has yet to be officially named and/or announced. There's really no reason to debate how bad Kings Island's coaster collection sucks, or that Kings Island is well behind the times due to their horrible coaster collection.....and it sucking....really bad.


So really, it's important that we try to figure out what's in the box. I'm thinking Gweneth Paltrow's head now.

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The park that time forgot - I guess that's what happens when you're owned by a movie studio that has no clue and when planning a ride thinks about the lame movie tie-in possiblities over and above anything else.


They need this ride badly.

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Adventure Express - I agree, this one sucks. Not every park can have a perfect mine train, however, and I can easily name a few other parks that I feel are significantly lacking in this area.


When I went to King's Island last summer, I enjoyed my ride on Adventure Express. It's much better then the Cedar Creek Mine Ride at my home park, Cedar Point. The terrain and the tunnels make it better and I actually have enough leg room on this coaster! It's not perfect, but it's still fun.



Top Gun - Again, really? You make it sound like BBW and Eagle Fortresses are just everywhere. I'm happy there's even still Suspended coasters LEFT.


Again, I enjoyed Top Gun much more than monorail at Cedar Point...err...Dragon' Iron...um...Iron Dragon. It's fast and aggressive (compared to Iron Dragon at least), but sadly Top Gun is on the short side. I still love it at the end of the ride when it looks like the train is going to hit that pillar.

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The park that time forgot - I guess that's what happens when you're owned by a movie studio that has no clue and when planning a ride thinks about the lame movie tie-in possiblities over and above anything else.


They need this ride badly.


This is such a flawed view, in my opinion. During Paramount's tenure over its parks, they built:


-The 2nd B&M invert

-The first LIM launched coasters (indoors at that)

-The first launched and fastest inverted coaster (with heavy theming to boot)

-The first flying coaster ever

-The fastest accelerating coaster in the world

-The first 200ft tall, and only looping wooden coaster in the world

-The two tallest drop towers in North America

-The first inverted shuttle coaster in North America

-The first interactive coaster?


Sure, many of these didn't turn out the greatest in the end or they don't pose much competition in their respective category today, but at least they had the huevos to do this stuff. Just about everything Kings Island built during Paramount's reign was cutting edge or pushed the envelope. Nobody was complaining at the time... except maybe PCW fans.


So sure, it sucks that Kings Island doesn't have a stand out ride now, but back when Paramount was building this stuff, everybody was rushing to ride them. I can't be upset with them for trying to do great things, like Son of Beast.


Anyway, I'm really sorry for assisting in the digression of this thread. I just had to say my peace about that.


New times are upon us, and it looks like we will finally have our standout ride. Despite a little skepticism, I'm terribly excited for this ride. I don't really remember the last time I was this excited for the announcement of a coaster, actually.

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^I understand what you're saying about what Paramount did, but the bottom line is that innovation at one time doesn't necessarily translate to quality over time.


To be honest, the coaster I look at the MOST for being truly sub-par is the IJ Stunt Track/Coaster whatevers...they truly are, in my view, the worst of their ride type (Premier "Experience-Coasters", whatever you want to call them) - although that's not saying much because I do happen to think Mummy blows alot of coasters out of the water.


Anyways, about this new ride...I'm excited for the announcement, but something about it being a B&M Hyper sours it for me. I won't get into the whole "floater airtime sucks" debate, but I really don't see how this is THAT big of a deal...after all, we pretty much know what it is, and the only really new feature is the water splash...


I don't know. Perhaps it's got more to do with the fact that KI really, really needed something like this to make it feel like a "complete" park with its collection.

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Can we please get back on topic here? This thread is about Kings Island sucking ever-so-slightly less due to a planned B&M hyper that has yet to be officially named and/or announced. There's really no reason to debate how bad Kings Island's coaster collection sucks, or that Kings Island is well behind the times due to their horrible coaster collection.....and it sucking....really bad.


Very funny because it's true!

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For their next coaster project, does anyone else want King's Island to ask Intamin to completely rehab the Beast with their famous Pre-fab wood? It would be great to bring that coaster back to its former glory!

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^I've been campaigning for quite a while that they need to redo the Beast, Phantom's Revenge-style. Heck, it doesn't even matter that much to me if Intamin did it. I would be plenty satisfied if GCI did it. I'm talking about completely re-profiling the entire ride following the first drop until the second lift; make it so they can completely ax the trims, brake shed, and any straight track.

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^I've been campaigning for quite a while that they need to redo the Beast, Phantom's Revenge-style. Heck, it doesn't even matter that much to me if Intamin did it. I would be plenty satisfied if GCI did it. I'm talking about completely re-profiling the entire ride following the first drop until the second lift; make it so they can completely ax the trims, brake shed, and any straight track.


Yeah, I agree. If they ever did redo the Beast, they should radically change the lay out.

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Alright, to bring this back to the name game, and I know I will be called an idiot, probably, for saying this, but my guess is Raptor. Yeah there is a Raptor a few hours away, but think about it, the eye is of a reptile, its large, intimidating, and well it works. Will that be the name? Doubt it, but it would be interesting.

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I think the Beast has such a large cult-following that any major rehab of it that would involve a large change in the overall ride experience is pretty much out of the question at this point.


As for the name "Raptor"? No. Just...no. Even Six Flags wouldn't re-use a name after sticking two B:TR clones a little over 200 miles from each other.

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