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Six Flags America (SFA) Discussion Thread

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Oh yeah, absolutely! I have always thought that they could use something to look at while on the ride. During Holiday in the Park, they have a bunch of cool lights on display, but during the summer it is a pretty boring ride. Glad the park is doing a lot of different things to try to improve the guest experience. Also, another thing I don’t think anyone mentioned. The park has put the Wild One ACE landmark plaque on a very nice brick podium right in front of the ride

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Spinsanity, get Mind Eraser those other trains, and maybe spruce up the antique cars?


That would as good as Firebird, Macho Nacho, and the Superman bathrooms!


We would need that ROAR RMC the following year.


1. I'd really enjoy a Zamperla Giant Discovery. New trains with them vest restraints would actually make me WANT TO ride ME.


2. I've found that row 6 doesn't bump you around as much on Firebird


3. The tunnel on Roar would make a perfect spot for a zero g roll if it does get the I Box treatment.

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Firebird I don’t find that rough in any row, but row 6 is easily the best with some decent airtime in a couple of spots. Roar is not going anywhere in the near future as they will continue to do in house track work. I would MUCH rather see a RMC Raptor than a RMC of Roar. The Joker at Discovery Kingdom was nothing to write home about and is no doubt the worst RMC I have ridden. Getting a compact single rail coaster and keeping a decent wooden coaster sounds a lot better to me.

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This will be a very nice addition to SFA for sure assuming it is what were all 99% sure what it is. SFA has had a few nice additions the last few years. No major coasters really but I like the adding of nice flats. The only addition I wasn't crazy about was Splashwater Falls...………..you know because I am single with no kids (and yes I have very similar feelings about "Coconut Shores" )

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Aside from Holiday in the Park this would easily be the best addition to this park since Superman. Exciting stuff!


^^this.. Especially, since the way that'll probably be swinging. Let's all pray that no one will lose their lunch while someone on the ground is having theirs. Make for a bad day.

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