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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I'm going to figuratively punch myself in the groin every time someone compares Skyrush to Intimidator 305. Two completely different beasts.

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I know Skyrush isn't an I-305 clone, and I wasn't even comparing them to each other. Fooz asked if there has ever been a coaster with a low-to-the-ground layout with airtime hills before. I was saying that I-305 would be one other example of such a coaster. i.e., I'm NOT saying they are clones.

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I'm going to figuratively punch myself in the groin every time someone compares Skyrush to Intimidator 305. Two completely different beasts.

This I have to mostly agree with. I think the only way this could be similar to I-305 is the way the lift hill looks and even that is going to be different since it won't be built in one piece.


By the way, after looking at Formula Russa, it turns out that those single spine pieces are nothing new:

Photo by dubaidave



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I'm going to figuratively punch myself in the groin every time someone compares Skyrush to Intimidator 305. Two completely different beasts.


This makes me want to start a thread comparing the two coasters, unfortunately you included the word figuratively.

Edited by larrygator
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...What about the brakes? Will we have kingda ka/desert race type brakes or more cheetah hunt? The section where the brakes are supposed to be looks quite small, and the way it goes uphill into a small short section reminds me of cheetah hunt. But who knows-- maybe it'll be like desert race where it slows it down significantly on the final little hill and then it goes through some turns and then stops.

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...What about the brakes? Will we have kingda ka/desert race type brakes or more cheetah hunt? The section where the brakes are supposed to be looks quite small, and the way it goes uphill into a small short section reminds me of cheetah hunt. But who knows-- maybe it'll be like desert race where it slows it down significantly on the final little hill and then it goes through some turns and then stops.


If they do put in place something like on Desert Race, I hope it's not nearly as detrimental to the ending of the ride. In POV's I've seen, it slows to a craw before the final turn.

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This makes me want to start a thread comparing the two coasters, unfortunately you included the word figuratively.

Now, now, I cause enough bodily harm to myself already.

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I'm going to call it now. Once this opens, the general consensus will be that this is the best new coaster of 2012 anywhere in the world.


Really? Leviathan, Verbolten, Wild Eagle, X-Flight? I think it will be good but only be like 3rd or 4th best. Leviathan and Wild Eagle FTW.

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I'm going to call it now. Once this opens, the general consensus will be that this is the best new coaster of 2012 anywhere in the world.


Really? Leviathan, Verbolten, Wild Eagle, X-Flight? I think it will be good but only be like 3rd or 4th best. Leviathan and Wild Eagle FTW.



After seeing the POV animation for Wild Eagle, I have to say that I was little underwhelmed. I wonder if compromises were made to incorporate the ride into the terrain versus being one of those rides where the terrain adds to the ride experience (sky rush?). Dare I say that the X-Flight layout looks better? Regarding Leviathan, I enjoy a B&M airtime machine as much as the next person, but an an incremental height and speed upgrade of a concept done so many times doesn't excite me as much as SkyRush does. Either way, I'll be riding them all next year and loving every minute of it.

Edited by Chroniq
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SkyRush is absolutely #1 on my list of most anticipated coasters next year, followed by Leviathan, Verbolten, and Wild Eagle. I'm not going to ride X-Flight next year, so it's not really on my excite-o-meter. Leviathan is highly anticipated for obvious reasons, and I'm looking more forward to Verbolten more than Wild Eagle basically because of the "unknown" factor with Verbolten. Wild Eagle looks fun, but I honestly don't think it'll be anything more than a standard B&M with a different seating arrangement. The best thing is that SkyRush, Verbolten, and Wild Eagle are all opening in some of my favorite parks in the country, so I'm compelled to ride all three next year. Leviathan is at a new park for me, so I'm also compelled to make the trip there for that, as well.

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Actually I could see Skrush becoming many enthusiasts' #1 coaster in the near future. It has twisties like Intimidator 305, airtime hills and turns over the water like Expedition GeForce, a First Drop that looks like someone combined i305's and EGF's drop and the winged seats could make the ride experience even better.

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Skyrush is definitely the coaster to beat in 2012.

Piraten is my #1 coaster, and this has the same number of elements, in the same style, plus winged seating.


My dad travels to Hershey every fall for some annual old car market, so maybe I should follow him next year to try all the awsome coasters in HP.

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Skyrush is definitely the coaster to beat in 2012.

Piraten is my #1 coaster, and this has the same number of elements, in the same style, plus winged seating.


My dad travels to Hershey every fall for some annual old car market, so maybe I should follow him next year to try all the awsome coasters in HP.

It kind of depends on when you arrive for the car show. The park was closed that weekend since it took up the whole parking lot (plus, it's in between the summer and Halloween season). You may have a chance if you would arrive the weekend before the car show.


Expect another Skyrush update sometime tomorrow night! I did see a crane over with the track on Monday, so there is a chance more track has arrived.

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It kind of depends on when you arrive for the car show. The park was closed that weekend since it took up the whole parking lot (plus, it's in between the summer and Halloween season). You may have a chance if you would arrive the weekend before the car show.


Thanks man, i did not know that!

It would be kind of a bummer to arrive there next fall only to find out that the place is closed

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A friend of mine who has some pretty good sources posted this on the Project 2012 group earlier today:

Two things to post...

1) I think it's safe to say vertical construction has begun - if only because the second lift footer has part of the support structure built directly into it.


2) The restraint of Skyrush will not be an OTSR, it will be a lap bar


Sure enough, I went over to the construction site and found this:

Time to take to the skies...


I'll post a larger update tomorrow!

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