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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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For those complaining about the price and comparing it to other things...what exactly is your guys' end game? Nothing is going to change the amount Hershey is spending on this project. And at the end of the day, it really doesnt affect anybody. Its not like HP is spending OUR money and we can decide if its frivolous or not. Its all on THEIR books, only they know how much it will take to get the project done. And on that note, do we really think HP would willingly waste $14 million of their own money? Plus to top it all off, the thing isnt even open yet...even the accountants at Hershey Park wont know if its money well spent or not yet. Im just confused by the complaints about price. If youre not excited for the addition thats one thing, I get that. But delving into arguments about the cost seems like a waste of time to me...

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Off topic - For the out-of-staters, Pennsylvania is one of the three remaining Commonwealths (Kentucky, Virginia), and the old "blue laws" are still on the books, unlike most other states that no longer have them or never had them. At this point, the LCB (Liquor Control Board) will do its best to see that its monopoly remains indefinitely. It brings in a ton of money for the state. It was still illegal to sell alcohol on Sundays up until a few years ago. Moreover, one cannot sell six-packs and cases of beer in the same location, nor can hard liquor be sold where beer is sold. Hard liquor sales are confined to state-run "Wine and Spirit" shoppes.


I recommend doing research ahead of time if you want to find a place to buy beer. Most bars will sell six-packs, at least, just keep in mind "Beer Distributors" are stores where you can specifically purchase cases of beer. Hopping over to a gas station or grocery store will likely net you zero results, although that is slowly changing. Both Sheetz (West/Central PA) and Wawa (Eastern PA) are intent on obtaining liquor licenses so they can sell six-packs. Meanwhile, some grocery stores are now selling six/twelve packs of beer, but those locations are fairly limited. The only grocery stores I've seen selling beer are in the metro Pittsburgh and Philly areas and suburbs (think Giant Eagle or Wegman's).


I remember the first time I traveled out of state and could legally purchase alcohol. Going to a gas station and finding beer was miraculous to me haha. Anyway, that is your TIL lesson for the day if you're traveling from out-of-state! I'm not a Hershey local so I can't give you the best advice for that area; hopefully others can help you out there.

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For those complaining about the price and comparing it to other things...what exactly is your guys' end game? Nothing is going to change the amount Hershey is spending on this project. And at the end of the day, it really doesnt affect anybody. Its not like HP is spending OUR money and we can decide if its frivolous or not. Its all on THEIR books, only they know how much it will take to get the project done. And on that note, do we really think HP would willingly waste $14 million of their own money? Plus to top it all off, the thing isnt even open yet...even the accountants at Hershey Park wont know if its money well spent or not yet. Im just confused by the complaints about price. If youre not excited for the addition thats one thing, I get that. But delving into arguments about the cost seems like a waste of time to me...


EXACTLY. The cost is meaningless to us, we have no idea what they're including in that price. For all we know the building is going to have bathroom facilities and a new employee rec room. It's fine to say you're disappointed in whatever they're building, but going back and forth about the price is just pointless. We know exactly what we're getting, if there were any other exciting features they probably would've been included in the press release. I'm not even expecting an indoor queue with this, probably just an uncovered outdoor cattle pen like they did with Skyrush and Fahrenheit.

Edited by neil009
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Off topic - For the out-of-staters, Pennsylvania is one of the three remaining Commonwealths (Kentucky, Virginia), and the old "blue laws" are still on the books, unlike most other states that no longer have them or never had them. At this point, the LCB (Liquor Control Board) will do its best to see that its monopoly remains indefinitely. It brings in a ton of money for the state. It was still illegal to sell alcohol on Sundays up until a few years ago. Moreover, one cannot sell six-packs and cases of beer in the same location, nor can hard liquor be sold where beer is sold. Hard liquor sales are confined to state-run "Wine and Spirit" shoppes.


I recommend doing research ahead of time if you want to find a place to buy beer. Most bars will sell six-packs, at least, just keep in mind "Beer Distributors" are stores where you can specifically purchase cases of beer. Hopping over to a gas station or grocery store will likely net you zero results, although that is slowly changing. Both Sheetz (West/Central PA) and Wawa (Eastern PA) are intent on obtaining liquor licenses so they can sell six-packs. Meanwhile, some grocery stores are now selling six/twelve packs of beer, but those locations are fairly limited. The only grocery stores I've seen selling beer are in the metro Pittsburgh and Philly areas and suburbs (think Giant Eagle or Wegman's).


I remember the first time I traveled out of state and could legally purchase alcohol. Going to a gas station and finding beer was miraculous to me haha. Anyway, that is your TIL lesson for the day if you're traveling from out-of-state! I'm not a Hershey local so I can't give you the best advice for that area; hopefully others can help you out there.

And people say Utah's laws are strict! Every gas station and grocery store sells beer by either the six-pack or case in Utah. Just shows how stereotypes can cloud judgement.

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Off topic - For the out-of-staters, Pennsylvania is one of the three remaining Commonwealths (Kentucky, Virginia), and the old "blue laws" are still on the books, unlike most other states that no longer have them or never had them. At this point, the LCB (Liquor Control Board) will do its best to see that its monopoly remains indefinitely. It brings in a ton of money for the state. It was still illegal to sell alcohol on Sundays up until a few years ago. Moreover, one cannot sell six-packs and cases of beer in the same location, nor can hard liquor be sold where beer is sold. Hard liquor sales are confined to state-run "Wine and Spirit" shoppes.


I recommend doing research ahead of time if you want to find a place to buy beer. Most bars will sell six-packs, at least, just keep in mind "Beer Distributors" are stores where you can specifically purchase cases of beer. Hopping over to a gas station or grocery store will likely net you zero results, although that is slowly changing. Both Sheetz (West/Central PA) and Wawa (Eastern PA) are intent on obtaining liquor licenses so they can sell six-packs. Meanwhile, some grocery stores are now selling six/twelve packs of beer, but those locations are fairly limited. The only grocery stores I've seen selling beer are in the metro Pittsburgh and Philly areas and suburbs (think Giant Eagle or Wegman's).


I remember the first time I traveled out of state and could legally purchase alcohol. Going to a gas station and finding beer was miraculous to me haha. Anyway, that is your TIL lesson for the day if you're traveling from out-of-state! I'm not a Hershey local so I can't give you the best advice for that area; hopefully others can help you out there.


Let's not forget about Massachusetts!


I have always thought that PA seems a bit strange regarding beer sales than NY. I remember when visiting my sister in Allentown one Labor Day weekend and their kegerator went dry, we all about went into panic mode because all of the distributors were closed. We did what you mentioned and went to a bar and got a twelve pack to hold us over till they reopened.


Being in NY, I am used to just driving to a supermarket and picking up any beer and then popping over to the liquor store if I need anything there - seven days a week. Although I like the idea of being able to just purchase it all in one place 24-7...like in Vegas!

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Can everyone just shut up for a minute? Hershey never half asses anything.


Reese's Xtreme Cup Challenge


Pretty awful ride. It's too bad that the person who showed me around the park on my first visit made me ride it 4 or 5 times...


It's all part of the initiation process!


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Spent the day at the park today. Crowds were more than I expected but still nothing insane. Longest wait was about one hour for Storm Runner around mid day and that's only because one side went down for a short period. Won't go into a detailed trip report but I'll share my thoughts on what I rode quickly.


Fahrenheit - (x1) 8/10: First stop of the day. Sat front row on the only ride of the day with about a 45 minute wait. First time ridding this as I haven't been to Hershey since 2006ish. Had a smooth ride and didn't hit much rattle (if any) through the cobra or any other inversions. Nice pop of air towards the end. Vertical lift and drop were fun but the height/speed was nothing to write home about.


Storm Runner - (x3) 9/10: Other than the close to an hour wait when one side went down for a short period (also waited for the front this round) we didn't wait more than 30ish minutes the other two times (rode 3rd row and second to last). I'm a big Storm Runner fan. Launch is one of my favorites anywhere. Great air over the top hat and the rest of the ride just hauls through those inversions. Last ride of the day was riding this second to last row at night and it was incredible, especially being pulled through that snake dive. Can't say anything bad about this ride, only wish it was a bit longer.


Great Bear - (x2) 7/10: Had about a 30-45 minute wait both times (second and last row). Not one of my favorite B&M inverts but I can appreciate the custom layout and enjoy the turnaround before the drop. The ride just kinda crawls through the rest of the layout after the heartline which is a letdown.


SDL - (x1) 6/10: Not much to say here. Only about a 15 min wait. I like how SDL is built into the landscape of the park and that might be my favorite aspect of the ride.


Lightning Racer - (x1) 6/10: Rode Lightning side with a quick 10-15min wait. Doesn't deliver much aside from the racing aspect but it could be a lot worse as far as roughness goes. Wish this ride had some airtime.


Skyrush - (x2) 9/10: This is what I came to ride. Waited about 45 minutes for my first ride in left wing of row 3. I was blown away by the ejector airtime over each of those hills; seriously felt like I could have slipped through my restraints over that first hill. The ride hauled through the rest of the course and loved being thrown through the twists and turns. Second ride was only about 30 min for last row right wing. Just as great of an experience back here, lots of fun being pulled through the course especially up and over the first hill. I had no problem with pain or anything from the restraints which was nice. I was only slightly disappointed with the first drop as it really didn't feel like 200ft. Really great ride overall.


Skipped all the other coasters as I've ridden them before and the waits were longer than it'd be worth to re-ride any of them. Overall great day at one of my favorite parks in the state.

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Lightning Racer - (x1) 6/10: Rode Lightning side with a quick 10-15min wait. Doesn't deliver much aside from the racing aspect but it could be a lot worse as far as roughness goes. Wish this ride had some airtime.


I actually really enjoyed LR. I'm not big on woodies usually, unless they are named El Toro or significant otherwise (Beast). But I found LR to have a really cool layout on both sides. In line there was a kid bellowing how "red always wins no matter what" and on my very first ride, my green train came in first

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Can everyone just shut up for a minute? Hershey never half asses anything.


Reese's Xtreme Cup Challenge


Pretty awful ride. It's too bad that the person who showed me around the park on my first visit made me ride it 4 or 5 times...


It's all part of the initiation process!



I'd never made the connection, but Larry and The Joker do look and sound alike.

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There was a Fun Spot White Lightning seat on Lightning Racer today. It's on the third row from last on Lightning and while it seemed to give a slightly rougher ride (probably due to the less padding), it still offered a great as usual ride!


It even has the Fun Spot America logo on the seat back and White Lightning logo on the arms.

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That's a little strange. Maybe they're going to put new trains on Lightning Racer? They only recently switched out the front grates and lap restraints for new ones, maybe new trains are next?

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Maybe they're testing for a lower height requirement? White Lightning is 46" with those trains compared to 48" Lightning Racer. The GCI at Efteling offers the middle cars at a lower height restriction.

That would make sense but the Reese's - Hershey Bar - Twizzler -Jolly Rancher height system has really worked well for them. I can't think of any attraction at Hersheypark that doesn't follow that system off the top of my head.

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^I don't keep up on their crazy height restriction branding. Is there anything between 42" and 48"?
All the category brands are in sections of six inches. Kisses is 36" to 41", Reese's is 42" to 47", and etc. Part of me is thinking that this isn't the reason unless they could make it a little different to accommodate the 42" to 47" Reese's category.

Your guess is as good as mine on this, but I do know that they are a little more restrictive on the larger riders as a friend of mine, who can easily ride in the normal seats, was unable to ride in this row. The side and backrests for this row are sitting perfectly fine back in the transfer area behind the station. It looks like they just replaced the older seats with a newer one. It was fun to ride in and was something different than the upholstered cars that I've only ridden a GCI in.

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Planning on going to the park this coming Wednesday. Almost all schools are back in session. I imagine the park will be pretty dead? Any other thoughts on this?


This is the best week to go to Hershey. We did it a few years ago and walked right on to every single ride on a beautiful day.

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Planning on going to the park this coming Wednesday. Almost all schools are back in session. I imagine the park will be pretty dead? Any other thoughts on this?


This is the best week to go to Hershey. We did it a few years ago and walked right on to every single ride on a beautiful day.


Looking forward to no crowds! Thanks!

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Hey everybody I'm thinking of heading to Hersheypark on Labor Day, how are the crowds usually on this Holiday? I've never been before so I'd like to ride all the coasters and get a few re-rides in if possible.

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