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Robb & Jahan Go To White Castle

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Like Tyler, I've had good experiences at Stake 'n' Shake (Huntsville). Really good shakes and good cheese fries. Burgers there are tasty, but not mama slap.


5 Guys burgers are better than SnS to me, and they give you a lot of fries. Good fries, but too salty.


I've had White Castle a few times, but kinda meh. Potato bun just doesn't appeal. Krystal is pretty much the same, sands potato bun and plus a bit more flavor. The intestinal potency has the power to wake up college roomates. Given the choice, it'd be Krystal over White Castle, partly due to the BA Burgers.

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You West Coasters! So now I know 3 people who don't like Steak 'N Shake: Robb, Chris, and Dane.

Hey now! I lived on the East Coast for a good amount of time too!


Trust me, I am *not* a west coast biased person.


--Robb "Don't lump me in that group!" Alvey

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Is calling them "sliders" a regional thing? We've had White Castle here since I was born and I'd never heard that or any burger called that. The first time I heard a burger called a "slider" was on a season of Top Chef.


No it is pretty much "SLYDER" everywhere. SLYDER is spelled with a "Y" not an "I".



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Hmph...most people I know from around here had never heard them called that either. Weird.


People wanted to eat KFC while we were in Kentucky on the Midwest trip but we never managed to be near one which I thought was kinda funny.


I personally don't like Steak N' Shake either. Their burgers are just meh. They have good shakes but that's it. I personally like Fuddruckers, Back Yard Burgers and Culver's really well.

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^^Aah, Culver's... how could I forget thee?


I was totally hooked after our two stops there on the way across and back Wisconsin last August.


I'd go back to Wisconsin just for Culvers. Thanks Matt for getting me hooked on a restaurant which is like 12 hours away.

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People wanted to eat KFC while we were in Kentucky on the Midwest trip but we never managed to be near one which I thought was kinda funny.

It's just as greasy as it is in every other state. Extremely overrated there also. Here are some good places to grub up in the South.


Andy's Burgers has some of the best burgers I have had in a while. I haven't found a chain in FL that can match them. Steak N' Shake is the closest and it's no comparison.


Bojangles has some of the best chicken and biscuits I have ever had in my life. When in NC, and SC you have to get Bojangles atleast once.

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I wanted to eat KFC in Kentucky on the midwest trip, I didn't expect it to be any better though just one of those stupid things to do like eating White Castle because of that stupid Harold and Kumar.
Lol understandable. White Castle is better frozen I think, the other ones make you feel like hell, but then again so does KFC and all other fast food.
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^I very rarely eat fast food normally, so eating even Mcdonald's is a bit of a shock to the system. White Castle was a case of never again, Jack In The Box was the most offensive burger I have come across. I thought In and Out were good, they were almost like real food.

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LOL White Castle!! God..I almost had sympathy diarrhea just watching the video...


It's not the worst chain out there, though. That goes to either Nu-Way (hamburgers that look like Alpo on a bun) or Hardees.


I wonder if Big Mike will have some White Castle footage soon?..anyway..

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Sorta funny, people say they cause stomach issues, but I can eat 8 of them and not have any. Infact I did on Wednesday on my way home from Indy.


Building a tolerance for something does not make the substance good.


Alcoholics could have a drink without the same problems that most others would.


A drug addict will have less of an affect then someone trying one for the first time.


Coffee barely does anything for me, though gives a boost to those that don't require it multiple times a day.


Back when I smoked, I wouldn't even get so much of a buzz from a cigarette. But when I was first starting, it would give me a wicked buzz.

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There used to be a White Castle in Fountain Valley, CA near Mile Square Park. It closed around 1986ish.


I don't think that we have White Castle in Arkansas. I guess that's good thing!

They really are more of a Midwest Chain:


Although as you can see, you can get the burgers in the freezer section of most retail grocery stores and the experience is almost the same!



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I'd go back to Wisconsin just for Culvers.


You don't have to. There's one in Taylor, Michigan not a mile from I-75. So, next time you're headed to Cedar Point...


Looks far too close to the border to me. Would clash with my policy of getting the hell through Detroit as fast as possible.


It was an adventure enough going to White Castle in Monroe last year. I refuse to get off of I-75 until I'm well clear of Detroit. Most times I gas up in Windsor just to make sure that I don't have to stop before Sandusky.

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Looks far too close to the border to me. Would clash with my policy of getting the hell through Detroit as fast as possible.


A great policy to have. (I waited two hours at the border yesterday afternoon after writing the ACT over in Ann Arbor, but that was mostly due to our ignorance of Game 2 traffic for the Wings.)


Not to mention with all the insane construction near the Bridge, your policy won't come into play anyway. Took us about 20 minutes extra just to navigate through Mexicantown and... well, the slums.


Usually we'll stop at Tim's on the way, go to that one rest stop (Commodore Perry? It's sad I remember that) on the Turnpike and straight shot to the Soak City lot.

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