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Robb & Jahan Go To White Castle

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The original movie says is all brilliantly. White Castle is an institution! I've only been there twice; most of us here in Los Angeles have to settle for the frozen supermarket version. But WC is to others what Tommy's, Tito's Tacos, and Pink's are to us here in LA.

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Here in Chicago, we have White Castle everywhere. Bad neighborhoods, nice neighborhoods. There are 2 within walking distance of my house. Back in my BD days (before diabetes), I used to eat there a few times a week and you do develop a resistance to the digestion issues that can occur with less frequent consumption. If I had some now, I'd probably be typing this on my laptop from my bathroom. Regardless, on a breezy day, when the scent of steam grilled grade Z beef comes wafting by, the temptation is nearly overwhelming. Here's a tip if you have to settle for the frozen supermarket version: buy some hamburger dill pickles also. They are missing from the frozen burgers and are much needed for the full effect. The greatest thing about White Castle is the belch. It allows you to enjoy the taste for 12 hours or more after you've finished and the scent makes it enjoyable for those around you also.

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The first (and only) time I ate at WC, it ran through me so fast that I was in the can before I even finished the entire meal. That can't be good. Some restaurants do that to me though. I'm delicate.


The food was tasty though.


OT: Whatever happened to Jahan? Did he drop off the face of the Earth?

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^ And short version of the story (if you don't want to search)

Jahan: "I'm just not into theme parks any more."


End of story. Let people have their own lives. Move on...


--Robb "I love White Castle!" Alvey

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