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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I never noticed from all the promotional videos that the first turn around was more of a flat turn, unlike Leviathan which is more of an over naked turn.... This thing is really going to be a great ride, one that seems to offer a few variations from Leviathan, making it for a different ride! So excited for July when I get down there to ride it!

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Looking ahead as well, they need to finish the tunnel area before they can place track... Is it possible that they would skip that section and come back to it at the end? I know they said that construction would continue through the course, but this hiccup makes sense in my mind....

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Looking ahead as well, they need to finish the tunnel area before they can place track... Is it possible that they would skip that section and come back to it at the end? I know they said that construction would continue through the course, but this hiccup makes sense in my mind....


I don't see why not. I think it's very possible that they'll even start at the brake run and work backwards allowing more site work to go on around the new entrance/tunnel before laying more track there.

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