therooboy Posted April 5, 2008 Share Posted April 5, 2008 A coaster fansite from Europe has it listed it as opening on April 17th. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
devol4 Posted April 5, 2008 Share Posted April 5, 2008 Thanks, Grrr... Mondays too early.. oh well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coastermaster Posted April 7, 2008 Share Posted April 7, 2008 Tests begin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dr.gumbo Posted April 7, 2008 Share Posted April 7, 2008 Whoop, Whoop! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinhead Posted April 20, 2008 Share Posted April 20, 2008 (edited) Hey guys, i am still wondering, because the onrideshot is now avaiable: Looks not so bad:) Edited April 9, 2010 by Moose Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GiveMeGs Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 From the park's website (loosely translated by Google): here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
devol4 Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 WOOOO! I'm so gonna be there! It opens in one week.... Woot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
haux Posted April 21, 2008 Share Posted April 21, 2008 A mist-filled tunnel? That's gotta be a first on a woodie. Awesome. This coaster looks really good. The first drop is steep and pretty twisty, and the airtime hill with the headchopper looks great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jedimaster1227 Posted March 15, 2010 Share Posted March 15, 2010 Tripsdrill has sent us a press release about their upcoming season and the nature found throughout their park. Quote Mammoth & Co. with a flourish to the season Adventure Tripsdrill Cleebronn: The region between Stuttgart and Heilbronn has a lot to offer, especially for families, there are interesting destinations. The adventure starts on 27 Tripsdrill March again to the amusement park season, and invites adventurers to experience his original more than 100 attractions - especially the wooden roller coaster "mammoth". But even in the wildlife paradise Tripsdrill there is plenty to discover. Who one day to do it is not enough to stand for a short stay amidst lush nature summer rustic shepherds wagon and later original tree houses. A piece of nature: the wooden roller coaster "mammoth" Nature has in Tripsdrill a high priority. Therefore, all are designed over 100 original attractions wisely and integrated into the surrounding landscape. Even the imposing wooden roller coaster "mammoth", blends harmoniously into which a particular landscape of vineyards and woods. The filigree wooden construction is already far from an eye-catcher for visitors. Spirited trains swish through the huge sawmill and hunt with more than 80 km / h through vertical curves, tunnels and banks of fog. Nerves can prove the brave before the start of the journey, for a new thrilling Saws effect increases the tension. Educationally valuable shows the waiting area of the large attraction: A collection of historical exhibits of sawmills throughout Germany conveys useful knowledge for working with the building material of wood. Right next door is located in the castle "Rough Blade" the greatest whitewater schussing Europe - with views of the same sparkling washtub-water rafting, and the beautifully designed park. While strolling through the village street, or the romantic Mill Valley, there are for young and old much to discover. Nature experiences for forest adventure The wildlife paradise Tripsdrill is a paradise for animal lovers. About 130 residents live on 47 acres in part in community confinement almost like in the wild. Many wild animals in their enclosures can experience up close, touch and feed - a fun fun, especially for small park visitors. Instructive and entertaining at the same time it will be exciting for the feeding of wolves, lynx, bear & Co. They will start at 14.30 clock in the warren of European wolves and provides fascinating facts about the lifestyles of different predators. Also at the animal WG Polarwölfen the feeding of bears and make station. Then at 15.30 clock will take place at the new gallery a falconry flying display with the birds of prey - in high season also already at 11.30 clock. All program items are held daily, except Fridays, the animals take a break. If you want to really enjoy the many offerings in Tripsdrill for whom are from the summer to spend the night rustic shepherd cars ready - and later also original treehouses. Trippers to explore in peace the theme park and its attractions for young and old. After a night in rustic forest ambience and a delicious breakfast waiting adventure playground and forest trail in wildlife paradise on the explorer. Actions and Events The event started in 2010 to match the same year on 1 April with the spring awakening. With cheerful music and craft activities, the Easter season is welcomed - it grows and flourishes throughout the park and children can make colorful spring designs conjure up his face. In those days of Easter also skips past MeisterLampe sweet and distributed gifts. On Pentecost Sunday, 23 May there will be exciting: "On your socks, get set, go ..." says the "Great Washing", because then Tripsdrill meets for the record attempt at the longest leash socks in the world. In addition, all visitors are invited from now, strong pairs of socks to donate to. Who to the event at least ten pairs of socks to add to the Park Authority will receive a small thank you and of course part of the world record. Two other highlights wait in the summer before the gates of the theme parks: In the first week of August Tripsdrill celebrates ten years Red Cross blood donation. And ends is hardly the action that follows, 7 August, the German Championships of the STIHL ® TIMBERSPORTS ® SERIES. For the second time the ten best sports lumberjack in Germany to determine the trip Driller outdoor terrain to their masters. A foretaste of the exciting contest with ax and saw, there are already at the traditional Holzfällerfest on 27 June prior to the gates of the wild paradise. Season Start 2010 The Adventure Tripsdrill starts on Saturday 27 March 2010 in time for the new season and has until 7 November daily open from 9.00 clock. The entrance fee for children (4 to 11 years) is € 18.50 for adults and adolescents (12 years) 22,50 €. The entrance to the wildlife paradise is included in the trip Driller day pass already. Here is the original release just in case anyone wants to provide us with a better translation... Quote Mit Mammut & Co. schwungvoll in die Saison Erlebnispark Tripsdrill, Cleebronn: Die Region zwischen Stuttgart und Heilbronn hat allerhand zu bieten, besonders für Familien gibt es interessante Ausflugsziele. Der Erlebnispark Tripsdrill startet am 27. März wieder in die Freizeitparksaison und lädt Abenteurer ein, seine über 100 originellen Attraktionen zu erleben – allen voran die Holzachterbahn „Mammut“. Aber auch im Wildparadies Tripsdrill gibt es jede Menge zu entdecken. Wem ein einziger Tag dafür nicht ausreicht, dem stehen für einen Kurzaufenthalt inmitten blühender Natur ab Sommer urige Schäferwagen und später auch originelle Baumhäuser zur Verfügung. Ein Stück Natur: die Holzachterbahn „Mammut“ Die Natur hat in Tripsdrill einen hohen Stellenwert. Daher sind alle über 100 originellen Attraktionen mit Bedacht gestaltet und in die umgebende Landschaft integriert. Auch die imposante Holzachterbahn „Mammut“ fügt sich harmonisch in das von Weinbergen und Wäldern bestimmte Landschaftsbild ein. Die filigrane Holzkonstruktion ist bereits von Weitem ein Blickfang für Besucher. Schwungvoll brettern die Züge durch die riesige Sagemühle und jagen mit mehr als 80 km/h durch vertikale Kurven, Tunnel und Nebelbänke. Nerven beweisen können die Mutigen bereits vor Beginn der Fahrt, denn ein neuer packender Kreissägen-Effekt steigert die Spannung. Pädagogisch wertvoll zeigt sich der Wartebereich der Groß-Attraktion: Eine Sammlung historischer Ausstellungsstücke von Sägemühlen aus ganz Deutschland vermittelt nützliches Wissen zum Arbeiten mit dem Baustoff Holz. Gleich nebenan befindet sich in der Burg „Rauhe Klinge“ die höchste Wildwasser-Schussfahrt Europas – mit Blick auf das ebenso spritzige Waschzuber-Rafting und die liebevoll gestaltete Parkanlage. Beim Bummel durch die Dorfstraße oder das romantische Mühlental gibt es für Groß und Klein allerhand zu entdecken. Natur-Erlebnisse für Wald-Abenteurer Das Wildparadies Tripsdrill ist ein wahres Paradies für Tierliebhaber. Rund 130 Bewohner leben hier auf 47 Hektar zum Teil in Gemeinschaftsgehegen fast wie in freier Natur. Zahlreiche Wildtiere lassen sich in Freigehegen hautnah erleben, anfassen und füttern – ein tierisches Vergnügen vor allem für die kleinen Parkbesucher. Lehrreich und unterhaltsam zugleich wird es bei der spannenden Fütterung von Wolf, Luchs, Bär & Co. Sie startet um 14.30 Uhr am Gehege der europäischen Wölfe und vermittelt Wissenswertes zu den Lebensweisen der verschiedenen Beutegreifer. Ebenso an der Tier-WG von Braunbären und Polarwölfen macht die Fütterung Station. Anschließend um 15.30 Uhr findet auf der neuen Falknertribüne eine Flugvorführung mit den Greifvögeln statt – in der Hochsaison zusätzlich bereits um 11.30 Uhr. Alle Programmpunkte finden täglich statt; nur freitags legen die Tiere eine Pause ein. Wer die vielfältigen Angebote in Tripsdrill richtig auskosten möchte, für den stehen ab Sommer zum Übernachten urige Schäferwagen bereit – später dann auch originelle Baumhäuser. Ausflügler erkunden in aller Ruhe den Erlebnispark mit seinen Attraktionen für Groß und Klein. Nach einer Nacht in urigem Waldambiente und einem schmackhaften Frühstück warten Abenteuerspielplatz und Walderlebnispfad im Wildparadies auf die Entdecker. Aktionen und Veranstaltungen Das Veranstaltungsjahr 2010 startet passend zur Jahreszeit gleich am 1. April mit dem Frühlingserwachen. Mit fröhlicher Musik und österlichen Bastelaktionen wird die Jahreszeit begrüßt – es grünt und blüht im ganzen Park und Kinder können sich bunte Frühlingsmotive aufs Gesicht zaubern lassen. An den Ostertagen hüpft außerdem Meister Lampe vorbei und verteilt süße Präsente. Am Pfingstsonntag, 23. Mai wird es spannend: „Auf die Socken, fertig los…“ heißt es zum „Großen Waschtag“, denn dann tritt Tripsdrill zum Rekordversuch an mit der längsten Sockenleine der Welt. Dazu sind alle Besucher ab sofort aufgerufen, kräftig Socken-Paare zu spenden. Wer bis zur Veranstaltung mindestens zehn Socken-Paare an der Parkverwaltung abgibt, erhält ein kleines Dankeschön und ist natürlich Teil des Weltrekords. Zwei weitere Höhepunkte warten im Sommer vor den Toren des Erlebnisparks: In der ersten Augustwoche feiert Tripsdrill zehn Jahre DRK-Blutspende. Und kaum ist die Aktion beendet, folgt am 7. August die Deutsche Meisterschaft der STIHL® TIMBERSPORTS® SERIES. Bereits zum zweiten Mal ermitteln die zehn besten Sportholzfäller Deutschlands auf dem Tripsdriller Outdoor-Gelände ihren Meister. Einen Vorgeschmack auf den spannenden Wettkampf mit Axt und Säge gibt es bereits beim traditionellen Holzfällerfest am 27. Juni vor den Toren des Wildparadieses. Saisonstart 2010 Der Erlebnispark Tripsdrill startet am Samstag, 27. März 2010 pünktlich in die neue Saison und hat bis 7. November täglich ab 9.00 Uhr geöffnet. Der Eintrittspreis für Kinder (4 bis 11 Jahre) beträgt 18,50 €, für Erwachsene und Jugendliche (ab 12 Jahre) 22,50 €. Der Eintritt für das Wildparadies ist im Tripsdriller Tages-Pass bereits enthalten. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BDG Posted October 3, 2012 Author Share Posted October 3, 2012 The park is currently putting the finishing touches to a huge new indoor playground for the little ones. Tripsdrill-friendly on the outside: Kid-friendly on the inside: There will even be rides: source: Tripsdrill Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhappy Posted October 22, 2012 Share Posted October 22, 2012 more info regarding the new coaster for tripsdrill for 2013 has been released/posted. source Quote Eine weitere Neuheit entsteht in der Saison 2013 hinter dem Waschzuber-RaftingHier soll eine thematisierte Katapult-Achterbahn die Groß-Attraktionen des Erlebnisparks ergänzen. Beim Abschuss des sogenannten Launch-Coasters beschleunigen die Fahrzeuge von 0 auf 100 in 1,6 Sekunden. Die Fahrt geht hinauf bis auf über 30 Meter Höhe. Als weitere Spezialeffekte erleben Achterbahnfans auf der 700 Meter langen Strecke unter anderem ein Darkride und vier ganz unterschiedliche Überkopfelemente – nicht nur aufgrund der Schoßbügel ist Bauchkribbeln garantiert!! some key points: new coaster for 2013, themed launch coaster. 0 to 100km/hour in 1.6 seconds 30 meteres heigh lenght is 700 meters. darkride, 4 different inversions and lapbars are included Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
_koppen Posted October 22, 2012 Share Posted October 22, 2012 Gerstlauer press release: Quote For a few years it was the exception. But now, producing coasters at capacity each year has become the norm at Gerstlauer Amusement Rides. The Munsterhausen-based company’s reputation has grown to the point that each year the company finds itself selling as many coasters as it can produce. Gerstlauer has responded to the growth by expanding. In 2008 the company opened a new production space dedicated to track manufacturing. At that time they felt it would never be completely utilized. But four years later it is extremely busy with roller coaster track being bent for every corner of the globe. This year the company recently unveiled its newest addition, a new sandblasting and painting facility. Huge pieces of track and structure can now be sandblasted on-site and their painting ability is greatly expanded, which allows the company to do more work on site. Managing Director Siegfried Gerstlauer said, “We have tried to balance the desire to stay small with the need to produce everything in a timely manner for our customers. We are always cognizant of the problems that come with getting too big too fast and have worked to ensure that we have stable, manageable growth.” While 2011 saw a lot of Gerstlauer coasters opening, 2012 was the year of many different projects. “We had a lot of different products open around the globe,” said Gerstlauer. “We had three SkyFly rides debut. In addition, our Japanese representatives Hanwa sold and installed turn-key the “Veil of Dark” Spinning Coaster to Sega Joyoplis in Tokyo, which was the world’s first spinning coaster to incorporate an inversion. We also opened our second Family Shuttle Coaster at the OK Corral in France and a Polyp at Liseberg in Sweden. All of these very different, unique rides have broadened the portfolio. Next year we are busy doing more classics like hybrid coaster trains and Bobsled Coasters, but also some more firsts, such as our newly-designed 8-passenger launch vehicles.” This year in the North American market Gerstlauer was busy opening one of the Sky Fly’s at Nickelodeon Universe in the Mall of America. In addition, they debuted the first eight-seater Euro-Fighter vehicles with lap bars at the new Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier and replacement trains for the classic “sooperdooperLooper” roller coaster at Hersheypark. “We enjoyed opening three very different projects at three great properties across the country. All were great additions to each park and each showcased a unique production capability by Gerstlauer,” said Adam Sandy, Sales Director for the Ride Entertainment Group, Gerstlauer’s North American sales representatives. Siegfried Gerstlauer continued, “We have several exciting projects opening next year on three continents. We look forward to sharing all of them with our customers worldwide.” I wonder if we will see some new vehicles on this ride, instead of the ones used on Fluch von Novgorod and Anubis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhappy Posted October 22, 2012 Share Posted October 22, 2012 ^ i believe i've read somewhere that it's going to be a 2x4 seating... Should be fun Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SharkTums Posted October 22, 2012 Share Posted October 22, 2012 Sounds great! We were looking for a reason to get back to this 'somewhat' out of the way park and this will certainly do it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sammmmmy Posted October 23, 2012 Share Posted October 23, 2012 Spinning coaster with an inversion? How have I not heard of this yet?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3Mutts Posted October 23, 2012 Share Posted October 23, 2012 ^ Yup heres the inversion! Link: Link: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhappy Posted November 22, 2012 Share Posted November 22, 2012 New construction pictures have been posted on the parks facebook page Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
matteocrepaldi Posted November 23, 2012 Share Posted November 23, 2012 Looks pretty interesting and from what I've seen on my visit at the park last year they did a great job to make every attraction a pretty unique experience. Therefore I'm very excited about this ride! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Porsmond Posted November 25, 2012 Share Posted November 25, 2012 Tripsdrill is a fantastic little park with some unique rides and attractions, I heard they took a big risk when they installed G'sengte Sau with it being a big investment for the park, but its good that over the years, its all payed off, and they got their woodie they really wanted and now a launched coaster(WOW), one coaster to watch next year I think Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhappy Posted January 11, 2013 Share Posted January 11, 2013 (edited) Tripsdrill just posted the following video: 0-100 km/h in 1.6 seconds ?? sounds pretty good to me Edited January 11, 2013 by Hhappy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cfc Posted January 11, 2013 Share Posted January 11, 2013 (edited) Hhappy said: Tripsdrill just posted the following video: 0-100 km/h in 1.6 seconds ?? sounds pretty good to me ^I agree, Hanno. Sound pretty good to me, too. Edited March 15, 2013 by cfc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
_koppen Posted January 11, 2013 Share Posted January 11, 2013 Hhappy said: 0-100 km/h in 1.6 seconds ?? sounds pretty good to me It won't be 0-100 as it will most likely be a rolling launch. Probably something like 25-100 in 1.6 seconds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hhappy Posted January 14, 2013 Share Posted January 14, 2013 some new pictures from the parks facebook page. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FreeFaller Posted February 4, 2013 Share Posted February 4, 2013 Today, they released the name of their launched coaster! It's ‘Karacho‘. Here are some pictures made by coasterfriends! ( Karacho! Coaster model Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
_koppen Posted March 14, 2013 Share Posted March 14, 2013 It's vertical! Source Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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