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Hellboy II: The Golden Army 9/10


Amazing!!! This film has a $85 million budget and looks like $150 million dollar budget. The special effects are on par with Transformers, and it's as good or better then Iron Man. It has way more action, it's funnier, and overall alot better then the 1st Hellboy.



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Wanted - 10/10

That was sooo great. Easily the best action movie I've seen so far. MANY twists and turns.


Unbreakable - 9.5/10

This turned out to be my favorite M. Night Shyamalan movie.


Wall-E - 10/10

I loved how they clearly showed emotions with almost no dialogue! Loved it!


Hancock - 5/10

I gotta' say that Will Smith knew how to act...well, drunk, but there were many parts in the movie that it SHOULD have ended...it instantly turned from "kinda funny" to "pretty corny".


All this talk about [REC.] makes me want to see it. Mmm.

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my domestic box office predictions for this weekend.


1)Handcock - 32.1 million

2)Hellboy ll: The Golden Army - 31.7 million

3)Wall-E - 25 million

4)Journey To The Center of The Earth 3D - 19.7 million

5)Meet Dave - 13.1 million


1 Hellboy II: The Golden Army $35.9

2 Hancock $33

3 Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D $20.5

4 Wall-E $18.5

5 Wanted $11.8



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I saw three movies in these last two weekends. They where all at the drive in... that was really cool; watching a movie under the stars. It really makes the movie better IMO. But back to the movies...


Kung Fu Panda: 8/10

Very fun movie. The only complaint is some parts got a little boring... maybe that was because I was tired though?


Get Smart 4/10

It had it's parts, but not enough of them. This movie ruined Steve Corell for me


WALL-E 9/10

Amazing movie! It said so much about the human race in general. I love the "We have a pool?!"

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I was really impressed with Hancock - I expected it to be a corny feel good movie but it had a really good plot (plot twist!) and was more like a 'real' movie than a Superhero cheese fest.


On another note I am really bummed because The Dark Knight isn't coming to my cinema until at least the end of August

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I caught Wall E yesterday, and I think it may be Pixar's best flick--especially during the first half. The opening scene is the best I've seen in any movie all year.

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I caught Wall E yesterday, and I think it may be Pixar's best flick--especially during the first half. The opening scene is the best I've seen in any movie all year.



I agree! I saw Wall-E Saturday and I loved it. I was amazed at how cute a robot could actually be!

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My domestic box office predictions for this weekend.


1)The Dark Knight - 121.7 will be the 3rd biggest openig weekend ever.

2)Mama Mia - 22.1

3)Hellboy ll: The Golden Army - 16.2

4)Handcock - 15.7

5)Space Chimps - 11.6




I'm guessing at least 145 for the dark knight.

I think it has a chance to be the number one opening of all time, but who knows.

It's always a strange game.


This weekend I saw Hellboy II.

I liked it, but It wasn't as great as I thought it would be.

It was visually amazing, but had some pacing problems.

I hated, Hated, HATED the love stories.

However, the troll market scene was one of the most amazing things I've seen in the theater in the last few years.


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My domestic box office predictions for this weekend.


1)The Dark Knight - 121.7 will be the 3rd biggest openig weekend ever.

2)Mama Mia - 22.1

3)Hellboy ll: The Golden Army - 16.2

4)Handcock - 15.7

5)Space Chimps - 11.6





I would up The Dark Knight quite a bit. Major cities sold out of the midnight showing so fast, they added 3 am and 6 am showings. Its going to be ridiculous. Not only will people who loved Batman Begins see it, but people who want to see Heath Ledger in his last film will go. Plus Ledger is getting Oscar buzz so that will draw a few more curious people.

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^I don't know about that. I think $120-$130 million sounds about right to me.


Journey to the Center of the Earth (digital 3-D) 4.0/5.0


It was an enjoyable movie, just not as good as the original. The big selling point for me was the digital 3-D. Very cool. I would suggest seeing it in 3-D, but if you can't then wait till it hits video or HBO.

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I saw The Happening the other day..it was TERRIBLE. Even though I had heard it was the worst movie ever, I still wanted to give it a shot, I thought it looked good. It was not scary in the least, its definitely one of the worst movies I've seen in like a long time.

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I saw The Happening the other day..it was TERRIBLE. Even though I had heard it was the worst movie ever, I still wanted to give it a shot, I thought it looked good. It was not scary in the least, its definitely one of the worst movies I've seen in like a long time.


I saw The Happening opening night and it sucked soooo bad!!!! My boyfriend and I were so excited and thought we'd give M Night Shamylan another try and wow, what a HUGE dissapointment. I'm sorry you subjected yourself to that waste of time movie!

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Christian Bale is an amazing actor. He re-invented the Bruce Wayne character in the new Batman films (he's the best Batman by far in my opinion), and all of his other movies are simply brilliant. (ie: American Psycho, The Prestige, The Machinist... etc) Being a huge fan of the Terminator films, I honestly cannot wait to see Bale take on the role of John Connor. I'll be there opening day!


I saw The Happening opening night and it sucked soooo bad!!!! My boyfriend and I were so excited and thought we'd give M Night Shamylan another try and wow, what a HUGE dissapointment. I'm sorry you subjected yourself to that waste of time movie!


Well, what do you expect from one of the most overrated directors/writers in Hollywood? "The Happening" gets my vote for worst movie of 2008 thus far. I do not know one person who has found this film to be any good.

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There is actually a large petition for the new Terminator. Apparently the ending has been released unintentionally and it is not under the approval of the fans. It's not sure if this is the official ending or a rumor...but the ending is sort of shocking. I can post it if you want...

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I was just reading the Internet Movie Database page for the movie E.T. The Extraterrestrial, looking at the 'Content Advisory for Parents' for no reason, and in the 'Intense/Frightening Content' part of it, the person said that there should be no kid that's at all afraid of E.T. Pfft.


--Eric (Haunted by E.T. for 10 years) B.

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