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Kingdurk Kurr

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This one's for you... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

On June 8th, KK closed due to problems with the switch track. Later, during a test launch, Blueberry Muffin was seen on the launch track with sparks, smoke, and parts flying around it. The ride closed for the rest of the day and has yet to reopen. The train did not go up the tower and thus did not roll back, but became stuck in a position several feet from the 90 degree ascent into the stratasphere. Several sources say Muffin took off brake fins with it, however I beg to differ since the brake fins run so they go under the train so they don't collide, and since the sled runs inbetween the brakes. The only speculation that I feel is possible is if a brake fin was bent and then caused the train to stop when it broke off and got caught under the train. BB Muff was removed from the track, as seen in Amusementpics.com's recent pics, and a maitenance fence has been put up around the part of the launch where the train got stuck. Unfortunately, Kingda Ka may not be open for a while, quite possibly 2 months or more (or less as no one really knows what happened)

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Those who know don't tell


Although what I will say is Great Adventure was running and maintaining the ride just as Intamin had told them so it's more Intamin's fault here but if anything it's a "stuff happens issue". I would expect more downtime than Top Thrill Dragster had (in first year) since the issue is completely different and most likely worst than anything Top Thrill Dragster had.


It's really ashame becuase Kingda Ka was running very well. Aside from the rain most of the downtime has only been because the park shut the ride down to do check ups on everything at first. In fact their has been one day where the ride ran from 10am to close without ONE single shut down. (Has Top Thrill Dragster ever had one of those days?)

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Well, this definitely sucks, especially since I was planning to take advantage of Friday morning ERT's this summer, but I'm glad that I was able to ride it before this happened.


Mark "I've heard that it was a serious malfunction, but that is just speculation" Luskus

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  stew560 said:
TTD is now down as well... Coincidence?



Top Thrill Dragster is currently closed. We are working diligently to have the ride operating as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


We might as well call TTD and KK the "first generation" strata coasters. I surely hope they get the kinks worked out because both TTD and KK have had a lot of downtime since they've opened.


I surely hope they have TTD working when i get to CP in early august.

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Six Flags Great Adventure has finally made an offical statement:


June 14, 2005

Dear Valued Guest:


Six Flags Great Adventure’s Kingda Ka roller coaster is not currently in operation. We are working diligently to bring the ride back in operation as soon as possible. However, we do expect it will be closed for several weeks.


We realize that our guests’ expectations for this record breaking coaster are especially high. We apologize for any disappointment or inconvenience this temporary closure may cause.


Please check here for updates on Kingda Ka. As soon as we have determined the specific date it will reopen, we will post details.


Until then, we hope you will enjoy all of the other great entertainment our park has to offer, with over 60 rides and attractions, including our new Golden Kingdom section featuring Balin’s Jungleland for youngsters and a one-of-a-kind tiger show, 6 other new shows, the world’s largest drive-through safari outside of Africa, and one of America’s best water parks at Six Flags Hurricane Harbor. Six Flags Great Adventure offers an enormous entertainment experience for our guests.


Thank you for your patience and understanding.


Rick McCurley

Vice President and General Manager,

Six Flags Great Adventure, Wild Safari and Hurricane Harbor

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  SpartanTS said:


We might as well call TTD and KK the "first generation" strata coasters. I surely hope they get the kinks worked out because both TTD and KK have had a lot of downtime since they've opened.


I surely hope they have TTD working when i get to CP in early august.


Honestly - and I love TTD and KK - I can't imagine anyone shelling out megabucks for a "second generation," any more than X has led to the building of Y and Z. I can't imagine a ride whose predecessor was so troublesome, and that now breaks down less than a month into operation, is anything less than a fabulous lemon...whatever you might think of Six Flags.

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^I have no clue what you're talking about.


However, back on topic, About.com has more info:

Six Flags technicians and engineers, along with representatives from Intamin, the coaster's manufacturer, have determined that a piece of the liner that covers the trough of the launch track came loose. That caused the train to malfunction and damage other pieces along the track, including the ride's brake fins. Siebeneicher says that the team investigating the malfunction has not established what caused the liner to come loose, but that Intamin and Six Flags will "take steps to make certain it will not happen again. Safety is our top priority."


Siebeneicher says that while Kingda Ka's brakes were damaged and will need to be replaced, they were operating properly at the time of the malfunction; the catch car's brakes were engaged to slow it down, while the train's brakes were in the down position to allow it to continue up the top-hat tower. She adds that the brakes and other damaged parts that need to be replaced were all custom-made and need to be fabricated to order by Intamin. The Swiss-based manufacturer has begun producing the replacement parts, but Siebeneicher is not sure how long it will take.

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THIS JUST IN, well not really.


TTD had a malfunction yesterday (6/13/05). Apparently they have to get a part in from Intamin, so it may be a little while before it's operational again.


Strata Coasters have horrific reliability issues. TTD better be up and running when I go to CP in August.




Just out of curiosity, does Superman:The Escape at SFMM use a different type of technology that TTD/KK? Superman seems to be functional pretty much all the time, and it reaches speed of 100MPH, although it has no top hat to climb over.

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First, Superman does use completely different technology. While rocket cosaters use a hydraulic motor and a cable to pull the train, Superman's cars are propelled by a LSM, or Linear Synchronous Motor, which uses a series of electromagnets along the track to attract or repel large perminant magnets mounted on the underside of the cars.


Second, Superman by no means is more reliable than TTD or KK. After the passholder preview in 1996, the ride closed for a whole year before opening to the public. Since then, it has had several extended downtimes, and wasn't open for much of last year. There would be far more downtimes, but they have the ability to close each side independantly. Plus, every launch is a rollback

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Look at the bright side: Thunderhead hardly ever breaks down.

My family and friends usually buy cars brand spankin' new off the lot and they are almost guarenteed to break down at least 5x in their first year. they don't even go 300 feet and seldonm hit 120+ mph...

everything breaks down. Eg

Gluding m' dangggggggggggggggggggggggg

k'board here attttttttt wrkkkkk.


t'retts oooof the k'brd!@##$$%#@!

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I heard from a friend Intamin forced Storm Runner to close due to KK's breakdown, but I haven't found any official confirmation of that yet.


I just hope KK is open on July 19, because I was hoping it would be my 300th coaster. If not, I think the alternate #300 will be J2 at Clementon. I can ride a coaster that had a cooler name and meet the Swingman too!

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