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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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That's such bologna that they trimmed it.


What is wrong with B&M and making a coaster with some decent negative G's?


I do not think this is B&M's fault. It would be Cedar Fair's fault since they make the decision on how much a coaster is going to be trimmed.

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That's such bologna that they trimmed it.


What is wrong with B&M and making a coaster with some decent negative G's?


I do not think this is B&M's fault. It would be Cedar Fair's fault since they make the decision on how much a coaster is going to be trimmed.

Yeah. Why would B&M want their coasters "ruined"? They have an excellent reputation and I'm sure they're just as disappointed as we are.

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Screamscape is reporting the ride valleyed yesterday between the 3rd and 4th hills. Sounds like they may have the trims up too hard.

Not surprising. I've spent most of my past two shifts at work watching it test and it's just barely, barely making it over most of these hills. The mid-course brakes are bringing the train to a standstill, and it's just inching itself onto them to begin with. It's absolutely ridiculous how poor the park is treating this coaster already, and it hasn't even opened up to the public yet. If you're going to build a $20 million rollercoaster, why are you running it as if it's a damn kiddie coaster? Jesus...


Anyway, if it did valley, it's all better now because it's testing in front of me as I type this. It's running a bit better today than it was on Tuesday and Saturday, certainly less braked coming into the mid-course. Problem is, the mid-course is still on hot and heavy and is really making the helix/counter-helix and final bunny hop completely pointless, as the train just crawls through them.

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It seemed like in the videos from early testing that the train was hauling over the final bunny hop after the mcbr, I guess that's changed now?


I'm actually hoping that a train did valley. Now maybe they'll lighten up on the brakes a little bit. Keep us posted Jeremy, I'm eager to hear how it's running before I get to try it out on opening day.

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It seemed like in the videos from early testing that the train was hauling over the final bunny hop after the mcbr, I guess that's changed now?


I'm actually hoping that a train did valley. Now maybe they'll lighten up on the brakes a little bit.


Yeah, early on when I saw it testing the mid-course was on but, to my surprise, didn't have that typical "stop the train almost entirely" quality to it. I was hoping that would last, but clearly it didn't.


Today I've noticed that the train seems to come into the mid-course with more speed than it has been doing recently, so I suppose that's somewhat of a positive. But it's still not exactly flying over the hills.


Also, for what it's worth, I've only counted one train testing today... not sure if that has anything to do with the supposed valleying yesterday, or maybe media day. Hopefully someone who attends media day can clear that up in here!

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^Raging Bull has good days, normal days, and bad days, and on a good day, it is the best ride in the park. However, those are few and far between, and usually it is a fun but tame ride.


But even on its 'good days,' the ride is still nothing but a bastardized version of what it was during its pre-trim days. It's incredibly disappointing how much the trims ruin that ride.


As for the Behemoth valley, it doesn't really surprise me, given the owner. I hate to be one of those people, but I'm now going to be extremely skeptical about KI's new coaster. If it's going turn out to be a ride that just barely creeps over the hills, then I think I'll just stop complaining and be satisfied with receiving pass-me-down coasters.

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Not surprising. I've spent most of my past two shifts at work watching it test and it's just barely, barely making it over most of these hills. The mid-course brakes are bringing the train to a standstill, and it's just inching itself onto them to begin with. It's absolutely ridiculous how poor the park is treating this coaster already, and it hasn't even opened up to the public yet. If you're going to build a $20 million rollercoaster, why are you running it as if it's a damn kiddie coaster? Jesus...


Quoted for sheer awesomeness and the truth!!!

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First rule about being interviewed on media day: always make the ride sound good if you want the park to invite you back, no matter how bad the ride may be. ("It's a unique ride, thats forsure" is much better than "Its slow, boring and rough"). So take their opinions with a grain of salt...especially that mans. Has Paul Ruben ever ridden a ride he did not declare one of the best?

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First rule about being interviewed on media day: always make the ride sound good if you want the park to invite you back, no matter how bad the ride may be. ("It's a unique ride, thats forsure" is much better than "Its slow, boring and rough"). So take their opinions with a grain of salt...especially that mans. Has Paul Ruben ever ridden a ride he did not declare one of the best?

You have to admit though, it looks a hell of a lot faster than in the test run videos.

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For those that cannot attend the park tomorrow night, I have something you might be interested in. I have ordered unlimited picture and video messaging on my cell phone. Tomorrow, make sure (if you can't attend the park, that is), that you check out my flickr album located here http://www.flickr.com/photos/clewis4u91/. All pictures titled "A Picture/Video Message!" are pictures that I have sent in to flickr. Yes, this means you get "immediate photo updates"! I take a pic, send it to my flickr album, bam, available for immediate public viewing. If there's enough interest in this, I'll be sure to post as much as I possibly can!

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Also, for what it's worth, I've only counted one train testing today... not sure if that has anything to do with the supposed valleying yesterday, or maybe media day. Hopefully someone who attends media day can clear that up in here!


Hmm, who could that be?


I rode it about 10 times today at the media day. It did valley yesterday. Two trains were running for media day. The third was nowhere to be seen. It's obviously not been put back on.


The trims also were barely pulling, if at all. Then again other then the first few rides the trains were mostly empty.


I'll post some more thoughts and pictures later. Right now my head is spinning after a 2.5 hour drive home.


I hate traffic.

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Nikki and I dropped by after I finished work today and took a few pictures. I know Paul will likely have a Photo TR up later today, so I'll just upload a few in this thread for all y'all.


If you guys want to view any of these pictures at a higher resolution, check out http://www.flickr.com/photos/crustyshoes/... you can get them at much higher resolution there!


Some lucky people got to go in this way... [coughPAULcoughgrumblegrumble], but we had to just take a picture of it and then drive off.


Here you can see the latter section of the ride.




WEEEEEEE this thing might give more air than I anticipated...


My favourite looking part of the ride, I love watching the train fly around this turn.


This one might be my favourite of the bunch, actually.


Whoaaaa man, it's like, sideways and stuff


It's hard to get any shots of the "complete" ride... especially since we took most of these from the road inside Nikki's car.


Holy crap it's like totally giving people rides, what a joke!


And that - is that!

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Also watch this one

The news reporter talks with someone who's ridden over 740 roller coasters, and his opinion about Behemoth .


Has he ever ridden a coaster that wasn't one of the best he's been on? I just thought it was hilarious that he called it "ass-smooth."

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I guess I should mention, it was running a lot faster up close than it was from my work. While it wasn't flying through the track, it certainly appeared that airtime could be had over the majority of the hills.


Also, it's just so damn BIG. We were across the pond taking most of the pictures and the thing is just massive. You can't really tell how big it is until you're standing next to it!

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It's funny watching those news reports, as I can pretty much remember watching all those clips being filmed. I'm just off to the side in a few of them. In fact I've got a picture of that CityTV guy hitting the brake run.


Also a decent chance I'm in some of MuchMusic's footage. I was sitting right behind the chick VJ on a couple runs. (don't know her name though, don't watch MuchMusic)

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