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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Those houses will also be the death of Wonderland. Idiots move in next door to an amusement park, and then raise hell about the noise levels and demand that the city do something about it. Uh, hello jackasses, don't move next door to an amusement park if you want quaint quiet time! Idiots!


I hate people. I hate Vaughan. I can't wait to get out of here and move to the country.

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I'm not sure how true it is, but my friend that works for the park had told me that when people move in next to the park they have to sign something about that. It was something like stating that the home owners realize the park was there first and they cannot complain about any noise coming from the park.


Not sure if it's true, but it makes perfect sense and is a smart move by the park since those houses are all on once-owned Wonderland land

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Yes, there would have been a schedule on their purchase contract that specifically stated noise levels, fireworks, etc. would exceed normal standards set by the Ministry of the Environment due to the park location. They probably got a free air conditioner to compensate for the fact that opening their windows would subject them to greater dB than allowed (although the 400 probably makes more noise than the park). That's pretty standard even for houses built next to major roads.


Doesn't stop them from complaining, but they don't have a legal leg to stand on. Although the thought of falling asleep to the B&M roar is appealing in a way, certainly not every night.

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It seems someone decided it would be cool to pull an April fools joke. They sure got me going. Sorry for the incorrect information guys!


Even if it was real it would hardly be news. And definetly not bad news.


Coasters valley all the time. Especially while testing a new ride during cold weather.


Millenium Force at CP will valley during the spring/fall if an empty train is sent. They have to have the water dummies in during the morning or it won't clear the 2nd hill.


It's no big deal.

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I think it's a great thing. However, I don't think many people would be interested. It's only an hour before season pass night. But, you do get a dinner and can stay for the rest of the night, even if you don't have a season pass.

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It really is going to a great cause though. If I had a spare $100 laying around, I'd do it. It's great that every single cent goes straight towards the Children's Aid Foundation of York Region. Forgot to mention this too: Not only will the 64 top bidders get the first ride, they will get a reception dinner, a special gift from Wonderland, admission to the park on April 25th, 2008 (Sneak Preview Night), and one complimentary ticket for a friend to watch them enjoy their first ride.

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The "extra ticket for someone to watch" sounded funny.


I assume that means that you get a free guest admission for the night.


Sounds kind of odd the way they worded it. "Bring someone along so that they can stand and watch as you have fun, while they get left out".

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The fact that they made it so you have to bid a minimum of $100 kinda makes me mad. I would've have definitely bid if it wasn't for that.


I know that charities deserve the money they're getting, but by charging a minimum donation, it kinda defeats the purpose. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't get 64 bids because of this.


Did they make minimum bids for rides like Maverick and TTD?

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Did they make minimum bids for rides like Maverick and TTD?


They did the first Maverick rides a lot differently. They made it sort of a game where if you found an employee wearing a golden ticket (or something of the sort) and then you said some magic words you would get to be on the first ride.

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