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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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So...Maybe I'm the only one but it hasn't been clear to me due to the "it sucks" "its running faster now" posts.


Is the ride being trimmed hard, is it creeping through the course, is it any good?


According to the video it looks like its slow after the turnaround where I believe the first trims are at.

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Is the ride being trimmed hard, is it creeping through the course, is it any good?


I rode it today, and the trims were only even on on the morning runs that were mostly full. Even then they were barely noticeable. Later on with empty trains they were off fully.


However ... they could very well end up pulling harder with full trains in the summer heat. Even with today being warm, with only a couple people on the train it's going to be a bit sluggish, and the trims aren't even needed.


Saying "it sucks" is way too harsh. The ride is a lot of fun. The first drop in particular was pretty good in the back. The general public is going to love this ride. (but that was a given, look at what else they have).


Just don't go in expecting a new #1 ranked coaster and you should get off pleased. It's good, it's not just Ride of Steel good.

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From what I have gathered when they first started testing the ran it wide open and have been steadily adding more and more trim since. Now that the media day stuff is done and video has been posted it is safe to say that they have backed the trims off a lot. Doesn't look wide open but it doesn't appear to be crawling either. Unfortunately most of the vids were pretty low res.

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^ Yeah, that's about right. First drop in the back seat though pulls you out pretty good. But today's runs probably aren't a final judge on the ride. Most of the time there was only a couple people in the train.


Oh, and to those that complained about not being able to talk to your buddies because of the staggered seating. Don't worry you can. You're about as far away as before, so there's nothing stopping you from talking to them without screaming.


Overall the trains felt just like the standard B&M hyper trains. The back two seats really aren't raised up nearly as much as I would have thought. Although the extra arm room is pretty nice. Leg room doesn't really make a difference as the standard trains are spacious enough.


I'd say the trains are pretty good, or at worst equal to the old trains. There's really nothing negative to them IMHO. They ride like the old trains, but with extra space in the outside seats.

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Hmm, not sure. There's not much else new going in this year though that I can think of?


Not sure it will get enough attention though to win.


Oh, I read how the guys from CWmania said the 3rd train was there. They're right, I finally spotted it at the end of a POV I took. That thing really is hard to see.

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Here's a Behemoth POV. Hope you like it: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=1gmUuZsWI0I. Here's another one as well: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=hO8r1ttTp6s


Also, I will be heading to the park soon. If you want to check out the pictures I take, check out this link http://www.flickr.com/photos/clewis4u91/ and click on the pictures titled "A Picture/Video Message!". You'll only see one up now, which was taken a while ago. More will come as I upload them from my phone at the park.


I will also be sending in messages to my Twitter. I'll post about how many people are around, how long the wait for Behemoth was, and how great the ride was. Check that out here: http://twitter.com/clewis4u91

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Let me just say, Behemoth is AWESOME! It is SO much faster than in the videos! Ejector airtime on ALL hills, even the first drop. This beast is so intense my vision was blurred. The helix is actually very forceful. I sat in car 2, outside right seat. The trains are not bad at all, and I'm working on getting the pictures that I took, uploaded onto flickr.

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I was one of the 64 riders, I ended up riding twice in 20 minutes. First time I rode in the Very back, Outside right. and the second time in the second last car as the back car had been closed off due to malfunctioning of sensors in the track. All that I can say is that this ride is AMAZING! They sure do pump those trains on through the course, almost no stacking, even when they went into 3 train operation!!! The air time on the first drop is the most forceful I have ever experienced. It almost makes you sick to your stomach, (The feeling of an Intamin 1st Generation but 10000000x better!) and it is also very sustained! From the beginning of the crest to the end of the pull out of every hill you get ejector air! Helix Forceful and Trims on very, very Lightly, maybe not even at all. I think that everyone attending the Behemoth/Ravine flyer trip in August are going to enjoy the ride ALOT! and If you are considering the trip, It is going to be worth it, esspically with the 2 hours ERT!

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Just got home from the park...I will most more in depth report but here are some notes and impressions.


1. got to ride 3 times today...once at opening took a 1hr wait front seat, second ride was after what were were told was going to be 3 or 3 and a half hour wait by Nick (awesome ride op working the front of the train all night cept when he had to shut the line down at 7:30 to new riders, second ride was in front as well, and then we noticed they started letting people get in again so we went for our third ride. Ended up being the LAST train of the night just around 10:15pm...it was a picture perfect wait to end the night..and yes in the front again.


2. AIRTIME AIRTIME AIRTIME, can't stress it enough.


3. Love the new area, however i strongly dislike the sign. Somehow it doesn't scream BEHEMOTH to me enough.


4. Great DJ even though he was only filling in...informed me he's actually the manager for Splash Works...


5. The crew...amazing loading times and cycle times...great job team...and Chris, who looked like a manager was doing a great job stopping line jumpers which was a BIG problem tonight. Not that it was expected, but several people were removed from the ride throughout our time there for line jumping and I praise CW for doing something about this and not ignoring the issue.


So to sum it up, as you can tell, i LOVE this ride. Gotta be honest, it's probably better, for my at least, then Millenium Force...simply because of how much air this ride gives.


Photos and videos will follow tomorrow once I recover and get some much needed rest.


Goodnight and RIDE ON!!!

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Finally done uploading my pictures to flickr. Here's the link to the set: http://www.flickr.com/photos/clewis4u91/sets/72157604732562716/. Click a little image to view a larger version of it, then click All Sizes to see and even bigger version! The very last item in that set is a video of the Behemoth sign and the chasing LED lights on Behemoth's lift hill. There's also general park photos included. Enjoy!

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TWO people on CWMania also mentioned that Behemoth is better than Millennium Force.


Sounds like home town bias to me.


The rides good, but I don't think it's that good. I'll reserve final judgment though until I can get some full train rides in during the summer.

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The hell? I know this may not be the proper topic, but there's a huuuuge amount of people at Wonderland today... as far as I know, it's closed to the public today. Employee day or something? I'm confused because seeing people go on a day that's not officially open makes me want to go!

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