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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Quote this post if you think that TPR should come back to CW and do another Behemoth Bash next year! (Yes, with ERT on Leviathan!)


Count me in, and if I can bring two other people then count on three of us.

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Quote this post if you think that TPR should come back to CW and do another Behemoth Bash next year! (Yes, with ERT on Leviathan!)


Although I really want to visit Canada's Wonderland (not just for Leviathan, but in general) it would be a bit too far to travel for a one day event. However, if TPR decided to do a similar trip to the 2008 Behemoth/Ravine Flyer tour, I would be 90% in provided it is similarly priced (~$1000) and includes Canada's Wonderland & Waldameer.

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Quote this post if you think that TPR should come back to CW and do another Behemoth Bash next year! (Yes, with ERT on Leviathan!)


Of course you should. I will most likely not attend, as the trip from Stockholm to Toronto is a bit too long and expensive, but I will be sitting at home checking out your updates here and on Facebook.

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Very cool to see B&M join the 300 foot club. I got to say it's a bit odd having it Canada's Wonderland, seeing as the have a fairly new B&M Mega already. But, atleast they got two Mega coasters, and not two Boomerangs!


Have fun with that one SFNE

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I think most people are happy with the addition (I know I am), but it's that "weirdness" that's throwing everyone off. At any other park, I would have been "holy crap, that's awesome". But here, I'm all "that's cool...but wtf?".
Exactly. At any other park that DIDN'T just get a B&M hyper coaster as their last coaster, you wouldn't have questioned it, even at one of the CF parks who already have a Morgan hyper from 10 years ago, you wouldn't question it. But this...sure, it will be great for the park considering what they've gotten in the 10 years prior to Behemoth...it's just weird, that's all.


I can't but help but to wonder what some of those parks think about it- particularly those who were a part of Cedar Fair before the acquisition of the Paramount parks. While most or all of them have received something some time in the last few years, the biggest projects have been going to former Paramount parks.

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I have to really wonder what kind of air you will get on the first large camelback. The first sequence is not that different from Millennium Force: 300' drop, 160ish foot overbank turn, long low to the ground speed section, then 183' camelback hill. The 182' camelback hill on Millennium Force is pretty disappointing air-time wise (at least in my opinion), so I wonder how a similar sized hill is going to ride on this coaster? Of course, the MF 3rd hill radius over the top is pretty huge - so that could definitely have something to do with it as well. Anyway, I don't care about it being similar to Behemoth, I'm still planning on going up there to ride it next summer.


Someone asked about all modern B&M's having trims, but one I can think of that doesn't have trims is Manta at Sea World. Of course it does have the mid-course block, but no trims throughout the rest of the ride.


I think the single biggest cost driver of paying for a B&M is the track. From what I've always been told, their track costs more per linear foot to manufacture than any other steel coaster company. Supports are going to cost similar no matter who builds it. That could be a big reason that this ride doesn't have any more track on it than a normal B&M hyper... Throw in another helix, or add a few more hills and this thing could have easily got up in the mid-$30 million range.

Edited by CoryPa77
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Quote this post if you think that TPR should come back to CW and do another Behemoth Bash next year! (Yes, with ERT on Leviathan!)



I'm in! I could use a second Canada stamp in my passport.


I really hope this part of Canada has power.


I know where you're staying for your vist! And of course I'm in for a Bash event at my home park!

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It's a hard life, isn't it? Having two B&Ms in one place. I guess we'll just have to bite the bullet and go somewhere with a B&M Hyper and Giga in one place. Now, I know it's tough, but I know we can unite together and just go. Even if it's just for an hour. Canada has it hard. I feel for you guys.


On a side note, a Leviathan Bash sounds incredibly awesome and I would LOVE to go. However, a giant expanse of water prevents me from doing it. I'll make it out some other time, I'm sure. Nick will just have to put up with me for another week!

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But my truest thought is that this addition is that this is the biggest waste of a 28 million giga coaster I can think of.


Note to complainers of the "complainers":


This, is actually the first real negative thing that I have read posted about Leviathan in this thread. Do you see a difference from what has been posted before now?

Edited by ernierocker
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