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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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I don't think it's going to happen either because I don't think CW is building a 350 foot tall wing rider, but I'll bet ya the first wing rider to debut in America will probably have some themeing somewhat similar to X-Raptor and Swarm.

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1. B&M Giga. My God.


5. B&M Giga. My God.


I would say this pretty much sums up what was running through my mind when I saw those latest pictures! I am awe-struck at the notion of a B&M coaster surpassing 300 feet! I am a pretty huge fan of their coasters, so I am eager to see the announcement tomorrow morning.


And let me join the group that loves the name....I think it sounds totally bad-a$$!!


As for the whole "record breaking" thing, I just have a hunch that they're going for tallest "traditional" roller coaster in the world. Can't wait to see the layout of this bad boy!!

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New rumor is that this is going to be 350 feet tall. I really hope so, that would be wild....


The cached Wikipedia page for CW says:


"2012 - Leviathan, a 350 foot roller coaster, first giga by B & M and surpassing tallest and fastest coaster in Canada (max speed 98mph) [17] (An official countdown clock to the announcement of the 2012 attraction can be seen here. The official announcement will be made on August 18, 2011 at approximately 7:00 am EST. This is also when the countdown clock will end.)"


But when you click on the actual wiki page it isn't there yet. Hmmm...


I know it's Wikipedia but it could be possible someone with legit info works on that page?


wikipedia isn't a reliable resource whatsoever. unless you know the information is 100% fact, don't trust it. some 12 year old kid who thinks he knows everything about coasters could've put that just to make himself feel "cool" or someone could just have put it to watch us coaster fanatics freak out.

now that i've said this, i'm not saying that the info isn't true. i'm just saying lets not jump to conclusions and trust this info just yet. though if it does end up being true it will be one heck of a ride...

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I don't think it's going to happen either because I don't think CW is building a 350 foot tall wing rider, but I'll bet ya the first wing rider to debut in America will probably have some themeing somewhat similar to X-Raptor and Swarm.


I didn't say it was going to be a wing rider, I was just giving my 2 cents on the theming aspect using examples you gave. Either way this thing is going to kick A$$

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A B&M giga in the works, huh? I'm about dumbstruck! This will be VERY fun to watch unfold!

B&M has had to build unique support structures in the past (Alpengeist). I'm interested in seeing if they take that route or stick to their normal support system.

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I think that really brings credit to the 330-350' rumours. If Leviathan (or whatever) is towering over everything including Windseeker, this is going to be massive.


Since everyone else is making wacky predictions, how about a 400' tall traditional coaster? B&M goes for broke!

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^Um, not everyone agrees. I think a dive machine is actually almost out of the question. The track is normal gauge, which rules out a large-train dive machine. And why in the would would they install a dive machine that seats less than 20 people on one train, i.e. Brake, or even Oblivion, when it's 300' tall and is going to bring crowds (to the most-attended seasonal theme park in North America, mind you) like mad? That would make no sense.

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I doubt it's going to be a Dive Machine, the track isn't wide enough for the 8 wide or 10 wide cars, so depending on how many trains this runs, the 6 wide cars would be a capacity nightmare, especially if it uses a traditional chain lift and is 350 feet. Plus, in my opinion a 300+ foot dive machine would look incredibly awkward. A 300 foot turn above the ground would just seem look really awkward over the skyline.


I think we're going to see something like Millennium Force mixed with I305 but from B&M of course. I also think we're either going to have Behemoth style trains, or a whole new train design for this.

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I'm no expert, but I'm fairly confident CW is NOT the most-attended park in North America.


Wonderland is the highest attended park in the CF chain which runs Seasonal operations as last recorded in 2010. The only park higher then us in the Cedar Fair chain is Knotts but they are a year round park. We had 3.38million Visitors in 2010


Source: http://www.coastergrotto.com/theme-park-attendance.jsp

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One problem with a B&M giga is the chain lift. Having a single chain for a 300 foot coaster is just to heavy and hard to move and I dont think it will be able to use two chain lifts, like steel dragon does, unless they completly redesign their track, trains, and braking system. If you look at there rides, beside for the trains, they really havent changed that much over the years. The track, braking system, friction wheels, and lift are all basicly the same on all of there coasters. The only new thing that they added was the magnetic brakes. I think the whole giga stuff is just to tease us. Unless they dig a huge pit and have the coaster drop 50 feet under ground I dont think it will be a giga.

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"We have always loved breaking records.

Congratulations, Wonderland!"

- Richard L. Kinzel, Chief Executive Officer, Cedar Fair Entertainment


From http://www.canadaswonderland.com/2012/



DAMN! I'm exited about this one! Wow!

I am looking so much forward to the announcement tomorrow, even though i live in Denmark, this really is exiting for me.


My guess is a B&M Wing Rider...



I'm all hyped up!

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when it's 300' tall and is going to bring crowds (to the most-attended park in North America) like mad? That would make no sense.


I'm no expert, but I'm fairly confident CW is NOT the most-attended park in North America.


I already edited my post to say seasonal theme park before you commented.


Also, on the topic of the chain - what's to say they won't finally jump into the cable lift business? Nothing stopping them, really.

Edited by coasterfreak101
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^^Sorry, when I read it and quoted it it had not been edited. I apologize for calling you out on it now


Back on the topic of this ride, I too think it will be something other than a standard giga coaster, yet the standard gauge of the track rules out a regular-sized DM. Now I really cannot wait for the announcement!

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I've got to say... this is the most excited I've been for an announcement, ever... Beautiful aqua blue B&M track showing up by the truckload, with some potential record on the chopping block. So looking forward to tomorrow, this is sure to make an already awesome park even better.

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When will the announcement be? As far as I understand, its 7 AM tomorrow morning. However, the countdown when I look at it is now 8 hours and 41 minutes away, and that would be 7 AM where I am, Sweden, which is six hours ahead of Toronto. Makes me confused. Or is the countdown clock set to reach zero at 7 AM anywhere in the world? Will I get my announcement in eight hours? Probably not...


Wonderland Counter

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