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Elissa's Random Thought of the Day!

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Do you have to speak to the teller/clerk through a tv screen and a telephone in all the banks in America? Or is that just some random Disney Vista credit union thing? I thought it was very strange, as in some of the banks over here they don't even have a screen between the customer and the teller!

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I haven't walked into a bank in a long time! I usually do business through the ATM or the night drop-off box. I will have to walk into the bank to order some checks soon, though.


Do they still give out pens and lollipops at the bank?

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I hardly ever go to the bank. If I want to deposit checks, I use an ATM (there's an ATM 10 minutes away and a bank branch on the other side of town)

I can order checks online, pay bills, transfer funds. The last time I went to a bank was about home loan stuff, though I ordered a new debit card (which could have been done online too)


And it is true about drive up ATM's having Braille, at least in Florida

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Do you have to speak to the teller/clerk through a tv screen and a telephone in all the banks in America?


One of the banks near my work has those. They're so funny because they're kind of fisheye lenses, and the tellers are always really close to them. It reminds me of the backlot tour at USH haha I don't particularly like them!


And I had a teller once get mad at me for bringing in a baggie of change, eventhough I had just enough of each coin in the bag to make up a roll, they just weren't rolled yet. How did someone get away with bringing in a potato sack of change??



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The bank.


I really hate going to the bank. Even in todays internet age I still find myself having to go to the bank nearly twice a week (mostly due to TPR Stuff). I really think we need to be able to do EVERYTHING online, or at least somehow get everything done without having to deal with seething masses of humanity.


Although I might miss hearing some of the awesome stories if I didn't have to go into the bank. The other day there was this 20something kid there that didn't understand why his check card was being declined due to having no money in his account! Also the people that cash checks and ask for specific quantities of each bill. "I'd like 17 20's 4 50's 3 5's 4 and a half quarters, etc." Oh, and of course there was my personal favorite the guy that came in with a Potato Sack full of change. Seriously, it was a giant potato sack!!!


I have to agree, today I had to go to the bank to get some money to order pizza, so me and my friend walk up there, just our awkward luck a car pulls into the ATM JUST as we get there, then JUST as that car pulls out, a pickup truck drives up stops real quick, and the guy inside asks us "What are you doing? Robbing the bank?" In a friendlyish voice, obviously we say "No." 2 minutes later I say, "Hey, I'll claim our place in line." and after about 5 seconds of feeling stupid, I walk back on the sidewalk, and the Guy all of a sudden says "Hey!!! Stay the F*ck a way from my f*cking truck!!!" After he leaves earshot, I ask what the heck did we do to him to make him think we were going to do something to his truck. I was there for 5 SECONDS. I could understand if I had some oversized jacket that I could easily hold some sort of vandalism tool in, but I was wearing a t-shirt and pants. And also what have I said to you to make you think I would do something???



[EDIT] Damn, major grammar issues!

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Do you have to speak to the teller/clerk through a tv screen and a telephone in all the banks in America? Or is that just some random Disney Vista credit union thing? I thought it was very strange, as in some of the banks over here they don't even have a screen between the customer and the teller!


I know one of the banks in my area does it. It's funny actually, because one of the main things they advertise is personal service. Nothing more personable than talking to a teller through a TV screen!

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Flight delays suck. It's even worse when it's NOT the airlines fault. There really was terrible weather, our plane was diverted, etc. I can't even complain cause there was no way I would want to be up in the air in storms this bad, but now a bunch of our Spain Peeps will miss the first day of the tour! =(


So I guess I should really be complaining about the weather!


Oh well, good luck to anyone travelling this summer!



We actually didn't leave until 4:05am!!! It just kept getting more and more pushed back! Our pilots were minutes away from being 'timed out' from flying![/img]

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I really hate flying. Every time I come out of the plane, I have a headache!


The worst part of flying came during my return flight from the UK trip. The flight was about an hour late from London. I ended up missing my connecting flight in NYC and had to stay there overnight. The airline employees who rebooked me had a look on their faces like they smelled nasty farts. Other employees directed me to 4 different places when I tried to find my luggage. When I finally got on my return flight, some kid a few rows back took a dump in his pants and I could smell it for the entire flight. I was sick for a day! Man, flying doesn't scare me, but the people who fly do!


I'd rather drive to get from point A to B, although that will be difficult during the Japan trip!

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My mom told me that one time when I was about KT's age, we flew into Denver, CO, but because of snowstorms, the plane had to be diverted to Colorado Springs which is not an airport designed for big jets like 747's. Apparently, the plane was on the ground for 7 hours with the passengers still inside. By the end, many had lost their sanity and were threatening to break into the liquor storage. When tcrew members threatened to call police and have them arrested, they responded "Hey at least we'll get off this f***in plane." My worst experience which I can remember was in June 2004 when our plane sat for 2.5 hours on the runway at the San Francisco airport due to thunderstorms in our destination of Chicago.



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I had my best and worst flying experiences all in one trip. In October 2001, I had to go to a conference at the Silver Legacy in Reno, so I tacked on an extra week to get together with some friends in southern California to check out DL, DCA, and the Haunt at KBF.


My first series of United flights from Richmond to Chicago (O'Hare) to Sacramento went beautifully--so beautifully that I arrived in Sacramento 40 minutes early! I wasn't so luck when heading back, though.


My Dad drove me to John Wayne Airport in Orange County, and the weather was great--aside from the enormous fog bank that surrounded the airport (and nothing else--just the airport). I lost about 90 minutes waiting for that to burn off. Weather really sucked in Chicago--a massive series of storms off Lake Michigan, which caused localized flooding around O'Hare. My flight spent two hot, uncomfortable hours on a tarmac in Des Moines, Iowa, before making the final haul to Chicago, getting me there well after midnight and well past my connection. They directed everybody to a rather overworked, harried pair of ticket agents near the gate for rebooking--longest line I'd ever seen, and everybody was in a foul mood.


So, I ambled outside the security area, where I found a whole bank of United ticket agents with absolutely nothing to do. Typical brilliant United service--if they'd sent everybody out there, the rebooking could've been done much more quickly and conveniently, and their customers made that much happier. (Instead, they chose to piss everybody off.) I rebooked my flight, and ended up renting a room for four hours at a nearby Hojo's so that I could get some sleep before flying out to Richmond.

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My mom told me that one time when I was about KT's age, we flew into Denver, CO, but because of snowstorms, the plane had to be diverted to Colorado Springs which is not an airport designed for big jets like 747's. Apparently, the plane was on the ground for 7 hours with the passengers still inside. By the end, many had lost their sanity and were threatening to break into the liquor storage. When tcrew members threatened to call police and have them arrested, they responded "Hey at least we'll get off this f***in plane." My worst experience which I can remember was in June 2004 when our plane sat for 2.5 hours on the runway at the San Francisco airport due to thunderstorms in our destination of Chicago.




They wouldn't fly a 747 from CA to Colorado. I think that story is a bit embellished. In fact you won't typically see any 747's or larger aircraft into DIA either. It's a regional hub not a major international hub. I'm the adjuster for both DIA and COS, that's the reason I know.

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I haven't any major issues with flying. Greyhound buses, however, are another story. It's normal for them to be anywhere from five minutes to five hours late. Once I went on Greyhound and the bus was over an hour late, meaning that I missed my ride and had to get a cab. I didn't even get an apology. I will never "Go Greyhound" again.

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I had a flight that had to return to Atlanta once because the landing gear wouldn't go up and thought "well at least its not the other way around". Personally I thought they could just keep flying with it down, does it mess up the aero really badly or something?

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