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Elissa's Random Thought of the Day!

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I had a flight that had to return to Atlanta once because the landing gear wouldn't go up and thought "well at least its not the other way around". Personally I thought they could just keep flying with it down, does it mess up the aero really badly or something?


It creates A LOT of drag on the Airplane. Since the airplane is designed to cut through the air like a knife.


Also, keep in mind the plane is flying at hundreds of miles an hour. So keeping the gear down COULD rip off your landing gear...thus leaving you in an unlandable situation.



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Sorry to read your flight got delayed.


That sucks, especially at the start of a tour like the TPR tours.


On our trip back from Paris/Amsterdam this past spring, we encountered the following at Schipoldt (sp?) airport...


Thurs/May 10


- Arrive at airport at noon, for a 3pm departure. Wait and wait and get delayed an hour here; two hours there. Seems 'something' had to be fixed on our plane and by the time it is fixed, our first flight crew and staff's wait time (per their contract) has "run out". So a second crew/staff is called, but after another few hours of re-fueling and cleaning up the plane....you guessed it. Second crew's "contract time" runs out." And they leave, too. And now, they can't find a replacement crew/staff anywhere....


FINALLY - at 8 PM - the entire flight is CANCELLED and the planeful of us is booked into hotels and re-routed on other flights, etc. And David and I have to get our luggage back out of "the system" as meds are needed that weren't before this all happened. So that takes over an hour....


Get to the swanky (132 Euros per night?) airport hotel, attack the dinner buffet, and get ready for..... tomorrow.


Fri/May 11


- Arrive back at airport with bags. Re-check them in. Flight leaves on time and we get home approx. 24 hours after we should have....


But - our luggage does not travel back with us!!!!! Seems our removing the bags, then re-checking them back into "the system" did not 'compute' out accordingly with the auto-baggage handling... and our three bags plus several other peeps' stuff are all left in one container, back in Amsterdam! .


Sat/May 12


- Our luggage is finally shipped back to us at home. We are told it will "probably be early evening" when we get them. Then, we get a call from the delivery service... "Not till near 10 pm, we figure" they say. Okayyyyy...


9:45 PM we FINALLY get a phone call from the delivery guy. Seems the idiot didn't have a flashlight with him, so he couldn't 'read' the house addresses at night? So he stopped at the beginning of our block (guess which end, and we're at the other of course...), and was already unloading the bags onto the sidewalk when we raced down the street to meet up with him!


And cart our three bags up the entire black to our house.


All told - 48 hours to get us AND our bags, back to home! Fortunately, nothing is torn or 'missing' etc. from any of them. (whew)


* * * * * * *


My heart goes out to you guys starting the tour. If it's weather-related... or not, with the flight delays and all.

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Also, keep in mind the plane is flying at hundreds of miles an hour. So keeping the gear down COULD rip off your landing gear...thus leaving you in an unlandable situation.

ah see I think that's more understandable. I mean I knew it wouldn't be great on drag, but also don't think it would be "A LOT", at least not percentage wise when you compare it to the fuselage. Then again I didn't take many aerospace classes, that stuff sucked

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The worst I got was 2 hours on a plane in the middle of Turkey because there were too many planes running out of fuel while in the air... We ended up singing folk songs, then me and my friends started singing the Hybrid Theory album... we got through it one and a half times before they took off to a round of applause from the whole plane... Ahhh... Good times

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My parents flight back home from Atlanta on Wednesday was delayed because of a fuel leak by an hour. Then after that, Delta forgets their luggage and we had to wait another 1/2 hour for the luggage to arrive!


Stupid airline companies and weather.

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I hate flight delays as well!!


Flights for me always get delayed when I need to be somewhere!!


For example, My boyfriend lives in Ireland, so I fly quite reguarly over there and experience no delays there, which Im not complaining about but if there was a delay it would not be the be-all and end all!


But when I need to be somewhere or have something planned my flight is delayed... when I was going to Disney, my flight to Chicago was delayed and because it was delayed we missed our connect to Orlando, so the next flight they put us on was delayed too and then we had to sit on the runway for 2 hours because of a storm!! Another favourtie one of mines was when I went to see Robbie Williams in a place just outside London called Milton Keynes. I was flying to London Luton and our flight was delayed because our Pilot called in sick! We were delayed for 4 hours


Grrr!! Rant over lol!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

^Right now!


7/17/07 - Time Zones


I'm seriously comtemplating if there is a way that the whole world can be on one time zone. With electricity, and crazy schedules, would it really be so difficult? I mean, stuff's already 'backwards' to us in the Southern Hemisphere. Xmas when it's hot is a prime example.


Now I'm probably just saying this since I'm up in the middle of the night with a severly jetlagged baby, and I don't even know if not having time zones would help, but seriously. It's like the 'Daylight Saving Time' thing, we don't really need to do it anymore because of modern advancements.


Maybe fewer time zones would help. Like one per continent! (Stupid Indiana has like 3!)


Ok, KT acting up again...thanks for reading!

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Very good.


I'm sure the business world would love this idea, everyone at their desks at the same time.


Imagine the arguments between the different continents of which time to go with. If it stayed with GMT then in the US you would be getting up for work in the darkness and going to be when its bright.


I suppose in the Nordic countries they are able to adopt to this in their seasons, its an interesting idea.

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Maybe I'm not think correctly right now, but since it's all based on the Sun rising/setting, earth moving, and all that, Essentially wouldn't having one big Time Zone work the exact same way multiple Time Zones work now?



Jet lag sucks, I hope you guys can get back on a regular sleep pattern!

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I don't have much trouble with time zones and jet lag (when crossing the Atlantic, I 'skip' the night. Travelling from east to west is very easy for me. Daylight Savings, on the other hand, is not worth the trouble. I need to move to one of those states that don't have DST.

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I've never flown far enough to get jet lag, so that's one more way the 5 month old has a more interesting life than mine.....


Truthfully, I agree with a lot of your random thoughts on the time zones, but as a mom, I can also tell you that you could stay at home in CA with KT and still go through some of the same sleep issues you are now (and not be having nearly as much fun). Seriously, Samantha would go through these periods where she would be WIDE AWAKE at like 3 am in the morning. I remember this happening the most when she was between 2-4 years old. I would put on some videos and go back to sleep on the floor next to her. God Bless Elmo!!


I'll loan you Elmo Saves Christmas when you get here...it's even more bizarre to watch at 3 in the morning but it always kept her occupied.....



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I'm seriously comtemplating if there is a way that the whole world can be on one time zone.


Whats wierd is that Aiplanes and Airports ALL run off ONE time system. "Zulu Time". They created Zulu time so pilots wouldnt get confused when changing into different time zones...

But as to the means of making everyone in the SAME time zone..good luck!

I dont understand either why we dont all have the same time zone...but...the world is a very imperfect place, now isnt it?


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I'm seriously comtemplating if there is a way that the whole world can be on one time zone.


Whats wierd is that Aiplanes and Airports ALL run off ONE time system. "Zulu Time". They created Zulu time so pilots wouldnt get confused when changing into different time zones...

But as to the means of making everyone in the SAME time zone..good luck!

I dont understand either why we dont all have the same time zone...but...the world is a very imperfect place, now isnt it?




I did a lot of air transportation coordination for the Task Force while I was in Afghanistan, and all the flight schedules were in Zulu time (Greenwich time). It's nice when dealing with several time zones, but people had to have local times because they just couldn't grasp the concept of Zulu time.

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I agree it would be great to have only one time zone. As already said by somebody else, companies would love it to have everybody worldwide at work at the same time. There wouldn't be any jetlags anymore. You wouldn't have to stay up late for to watch an event like the olympic games (not that I care a lot, but it's just an example) in the middle of the night, etc.

But I don't see it happening simply because of the day and night times we have worldwide. No matter which continent gets the daytime as standard, there will always be a continent having to live the bigger part of the day during nighttime.

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There wouldn't be any jetlags anymore.


Sure there would be. Jet lag is all about your circadian rhythm being out of whack. The circadian rhythm is regulated by the day/night cycle. Light signals you to wake up, and darkness means it's time to sleep. If you travel any significant distance, sunrise and sunset are going to be at completely different times than you're used to. Your body is going to still have that WTF reaction as it readjusts your circadian rhythm to the new situation. A good example of this is how people have trouble adjusting when the clocks are moved forward or back an hour for daylight savings.

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^See I don't totally buy that!


There are plenty of jobs that would be easier to do at night, plenty of people work the night shifts and sleep during the day, it's all just about what you're used to. 100's of years ago we had to work during day and sleep during night due to lack of electricity, but nowadays I bet we could get away with it!

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100's of years ago we had to work during day and sleep during night due to lack of electricity, but nowadays I bet we could get away with it!


It is really interesting to think about this, but I really don't see a solution on how to determine the division of the daytime worldwide during, what would be the 'office hours'. I wouldn't mind to start my day in the very early morning and stop working at what is now noon, so that my evening is the current afternoon. But at the same time, my antipodes will sleep till somewhere before noon, start working in de middle of the afternoon, finish working at midnight and spend there evening in what is now there night. Somebody in the world will have to spend their days like that, and I don't think there are many volunteers in the world.


Maybe, rotating the 'office' hours with eg 1 hour per month would be a solution ?

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