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Apple sells their 100 millionth iPod

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Simple proof that Apple's iPod has, is, and always will be taking the biggest slice of cake out of the marketshare for consumer portable audio devices.


Earlier this week on Monday - April 7, Apple announced that they have sold their 100 millionth iPod unit (100,000,000 --- count those zeros!), making the iPod the best and fastest selling portable music player in history. That's 100 million iPods sold since it was first introduced in 2001.


Read Press Release via PRNewswire here.


Question to you guys is...do any of you currently own an iPod or have EVER owned an iPod -- and in some cases, multiple iPods?


An iPod family portrait. The sluttiest portable music players on the town. All other MP3 devices: flushed with envy.

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I have a Nano and I LOVE it. I would have never guessed that I would use it as much as I do. Since I got my FM transmitter for Christmas last year, that pretty much guarantees that I'll use my iPod every day! It's a fantastic device. I'm not a Mac fan, but I've gotta give them kudos for the iPod.



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I have a SanDisk Sansa m240, and I've also had a Shuffle and nano, and if I had to pick, I would pick the Sansa. Just overall better.


I plan on getting a video eventually, I'm just cautious of them releasing a much better one as soon as I buy mine.

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iCouldn't care less.


The screen is very small. This thing is definitely overpriced and in a fact it can only play music, display photos and video clips. This is what my mobile phone is capable to do plus it can make phone calls and pictures. I know about iPhone but this thing is even more expensive.

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I have a SanDisk Sansa m240, and I've also had a Shuffle and nano, and if I had to pick, I would pick the Sansa. Just overall better.


I plan on getting a video eventually, I'm just cautious of them releasing a much better one as soon as I buy mine.


consumerism hasnt got the better of you then, eh? I think thats the correct term...



i considered buying one, but the Nano's were over the top in price. I bought a Zen 8gig Microphoto instead for the same price...

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