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Holiday Park Discussion Thread

P. 32: "100% Wolf" family coaster and themed land announced!

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^ On the ride in California they did, but miss launches do happen, so that ride is never going to be 100% safe from the same stalling happening again.


It looks on this ride that if the ride makes is to the top, and over, then it can't stall the same way as the Superman ride, du to the increased slope down the roll.

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^But didn't superman stall just before the roll (where the still is no slope)? Because I think that the roll itself also has a slight slope as it is clear the trains gain speed while going through it.

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^But didn't superman stall just before the roll (where the still is no slope)? Because I think that the roll itself also has a slight slope as it is clear the trains gain speed while going through it.


It's because the track revolves around the track in the roll, which causes a small uphill portion for the train, that is what cause the stall on Superman, it went almost half way through the roll, before it rolled back again. It seems like the roll here is much more down leaning in order to avoid this.

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^Really nice that they have released a testing POV and I have to say that, from this video, the roll doesn't really look much if any faster than superman's. So maybe I was just mistaken.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice shots. Interesting, initially, I thought the roll looked faster than superman's but now I counted the seconds and it's the same.

Just one question, are the station and tunnels going to look like that or is there anything they will still add?

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Just one question, are the station and tunnels going to look like that or is there anything they will still add?

The exterior should be finished by July, including a snack bar.

Interior/queue, as well as more buildings (a shop and a bakery) not until next season unfortunately.

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^You're right. I said it looked funny. I know it's there for safety reasons and I have seen it before but I still find it odd, that's all. Also, when I said funny I was talking about the picture in general: the guys' faces, the fact that he's being interviewed while riding,... not just the duct tape.

Just one question, are the station and tunnels going to look like that or is there anything they will still add?

The exterior should be finished by July, including a snack bar.

Interior/queue, as well as more buildings (a shop and a bakery) not until next season unfortunately.

Thanks. Well, that's always better than no theming. At least it means there is still plenty to do.

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^Serious, much?




To put this into perspective. If someone carries a Sony FDR-AX100 4K video camera onto Formula Rossa, and it flies out of the hand at the very end of the launch track, hitting one of the mechanics walking out of the motor's building at max velocity, it will have a kinetic energy on par with being shot by a .300 Winchester Magnum at about 50 yards, (assuming its 4.3 lb weight is correct) which is the minimum recommended hunting caliber for grizzly bears.


99.9% of the rules at amusement parks are in place for a very good reason.

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^Serious, much?




...It's a media video being taken by a member of the media who is clearly abiding by the rules and the park has let him do so. There's no safety issue here, and the original person who said the picture was funny did not once suggest that anyone should take a video sans-duct tape (or at all). So yes, extremely serious for a simple comment about how funny someone looks with duct tape wrapped around their hand.


Anyways, the ride looks sharp. Solid colors, and I'm glad to see more of these popping up around the world.

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  • 1 month later...

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