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Guilty Pleasures


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-vekoma rides

-listening to slow-ish rock songs and sleeping with them playing... its really relaxing, things like End of Heartache by Killswitch Engage, Bloodwork - 36 CrazyFists and the likes...

-singing along really badly with them (i cant sing to save the world)

-i liked Snakes on a Plane... wtf???

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Crazy by Gnarls Barkley

El Manana by Gorillaz

Tear you apart by She Wants Revenge


Just like you! OMG!!!


My guilty pleasure is actually liking the Arrow Cork at Calaway. <_<


thats where my name came from


my guilty pleasure is King Da Ka's Airtime hill I like the float

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^ yeah, I did also watch and like a show I think was called "Divorce court", when it was on TV here.

Movies that are so-bad-they're good


And some songs like Celine-Dion's Power of love, My heart will go on and Britney Spears' Baby one more time, lol.

Also bubblegum from bubblegum vendors, machines.


There's much more, but can't remember just now.

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Wow, is it wrong that I'm reading so much of this and thinking, why the hell should that be classified as a guilty pleasure?!?!


Old American sitcoms. I Love Lucy, Mary Tyler Moore, Taxi, Bewitched, I Dream Of Jeannie... I can't get enough of them.

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I have several:


Anything 80's (music, movies, etc)


Teen Drama's (Dawson's Creek, Degrassi, especially)


Bubble wrap...


Sending butthead cops on crazy calls when they tick me off (I'm a police dispatcher).


Sneaking up behind my fellow dispatchers and shocking them when I get up from my console. (For some reason, I am a static magnet in that room. I actually shoot blue sparks from my fingertips most times when I touch anything other than what's at my console.)



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Train watching. Since I live about 100 feet from a busy Union Pacific track, I see 'em all---Amtrak, Metrolink, freight. I have a spot all staked out in my back yard where I can look over the fence and get a front row seat.


Sometimes, the trains run just late enough to where I can see three Amtrak trains and a Metrolink one within a half hour. There's a siding where, say, the one Amtrak train will wait for the Metrolink train to go by, then have to back onto the main line and proceed down to the station.


If trains bore you, then this isn't for you. But I like 'em!



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