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Guilty Pleasures


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I will occasionally eat a can of icing. Who needs cake?


Ke$ha - everything inside of me SCREAMS that I should hate her, but I just can't. I think she made a deal with the devil or something.....evil succubus.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Barbeque sauce, roller coasters, and women. Sums it up pretty well if I do say so myself.


Sorry for my illiteracy, I am a roller coaster enthusiast. What are these 'women' you speak of? Are they a food? Some type of new toy? Are they found in this 'outside' place all the kids have been talking about these days?

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Barbeque sauce, roller coasters, and women. Sums it up pretty well if I do say so myself.


Sorry for my illiteracy, I am a roller coaster enthusiast. What are these 'women' you speak of? Are they a food? Some type of new toy? Are they found in this 'outside' place all the kids have been talking about these days?

What? Are women food? A toy?

My best friends are women. I like women? I'm not sure what you mean. lol Are you suggesting I meant something sexist? I by no means did. Just being random in the random threads.

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