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Saving lives?


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I was going to push somebody in front of a train and then I didn't, does that count?


I xrayed this guy that shot himself in the head. I totally got to look right through a 1 inch hole at his brain cabbage, couldn't stick my finger in though...even though I had gloves on.


Dude totally died, but it's not like I could have done anything. Kinda hard to live with a huge hole in your head. guess he shoulda thought about that! LOL!


I've saved myself from dying all kinds of times. You could say I'm somewhat accident prone!



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Dude totally died, but it's not like I could have done anything. Kinda hard to live with a huge hole in your head. guess he shoulda thought about that! LOL!

Some guy managed it in 1860 or something. He was placing a dynamite charge for a railroad and it blew up in his face and put a foot long chunk uf metal through his left eye. He survived with it in his brain for 15 years but with severe mental problems.


Never saved anyone myself.

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my sister (aged 3 at the time) jumped off a diving board in a private pool with a rubber ring around her waist. She threw her arms up and completely sunk to the bottom of the pool and started panicking. i jumped in and saved her


A friend got drunk and forgor what a road was and nearly walked out infront of a car before i yelled 'gay!', lol. i nearly got killed by him on return!


then my younger brother saved my life (not that it was in any danger)on Corkscrew at AT. i was riding on a 4 click restraint without the seat belt (they didnt install them, stupid b*stards). we got to the top of the lift hill when my bars clicked, and opened up a bit. i had 1/2 a foot between my stomach and the restraints. it was FD3 all over again! if you know how hard it is to stay seated on that ride, you cant imagine how i managed to wedge myself into my seat over the airtime hill using my brothers restraints and the little piece of plastic in front. scary as hell!

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In 6th grade I choked on a hotdog at lunch , and Ironically it was the day we learned the heimleck manuever(horrible speller)and the fire chief who was teaching us was at lunch and saved me...


Also, my retarded dogs always choke and I always "save" them

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Well one I dont know if any of you know but a few years ago a barge hit a bridge in Oklahoma which caused the interstate to fall into the water. Well a truck driver and I helped stop traffic so no one else went over the edge. Oh then when my H3 and I were hit by a train a lady called 911. Its strange because she had been in one of the cars I stoped when the bridge had fallen like 4 years before.


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well if you want to count this.. i've donated blood a few times now and they say that for every pint you give, you save three lives!


I didn't think about that. In that case I've saved dozens of lives, because I used to donate plasma twice a week for four months.

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I used to work as a lifeguard for 2 years at Six Flags White Water, so i've saved quite a few lives. Parents are just stupid, and send kids down on slides who can't even swim. The worst is the adults and teens who can't swim, and you need to jump in for them. Seriously, who goes to a waterpark and can't swim. I've never had to do anything though other then jump in after someone.

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Well on my class trip in 8th grade we were waiting to cross the road in boston and so i stepped off the ledge/curb but as soon as i did that a car came 1 inch from hitting me but it would have hit me if my friend didnt pull me back. the amazing thing is i was fliming it all so my death might have been witnessed on film if i would have been hurt enough to die.

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