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As some of you may know the Macworld keynote was today. This is that special announcement where Apple announces all the new stuff for the year.


It’s that time of year again when the Mac community acts like excited school children on caffeine, awaiting Steve Jobs and co. to appear on stage and let us know what they’ve been getting up to for the past year. Sure, we get the odd keynote throughout the year, but none compare to the keynote at Macworld! Time to put those crystal balls away and read up on whether or not those rumours came true.


Things really started to sink in around 35 minutes before the start of the show as the online Apple store was once again shut down in a routine update that takes place before every keynote. So, what does that mean? New Apple gear my humble folk!


If you’ve read this far without jumping ahead to see what was announced, you’ll be pleased to know that Apple’s popularity is through the roof, as Macworld 2007 had without a doubt the largest audience in attendance compared to past years, so much so that the keynote started later than scheduled due to the large queues waiting outside – Hadley Stern and Chris Seibold of Apple Matters now doubt giving us their account of the atmosphere at a later date.


Read specifics about the iPhone and iTv on the website. I personally would love an iPhone, but unfortunetly they're only for cingular right now and supposedly cost (source, my friend) around $500-$600 depending on the memory.

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I want an iPhone, but will resist my urge for a few reasons.


1. I have Verizon, not Cingular.


2. I have an 80 GB iPod.


3. I have a phone.


4. It's REALLY expensive...



It probably also sucks up batteries like an industrial fan sucks air. Then again, so does my phone!


~Mike "Hey, if they ever make one for Verizon, MAYBE we'll see when I need a new phone." J

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Eh, it looks amazing, futuristic and probably does alot of amazing things, but its way too overpriced for me.. 500-600 bucks for a cellphone is expensive! If you think about it, its like walking around with a Playstation 3 in your pocket.


I really hope that Apple has alot of success with this phone, that way I can get one after the price drops dramatically.

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This is one "smart phone" I'm really not interested in at all. I've had plenty of them in the past that have built in mp3 players and computer programs and games and internet and email and such. The thing that I don't like at all is that it is ONLY touchscreen, making it really difficult to dial a number without looking. Oh well, thats just $500 I can save for another coaster trip or future phone.

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I'm with Derek on this one.


Robb and I have been researching new phones a lot lately and the touch screen thing is hard to use to just dial numbers and use it like a phone. Also, it seems that with each 'feature' you add to a 'phone' it sucks a little bit more in all areas.


It also seems kind of big, I mean heck, an ipod and a phone seperate are still smaller than this!

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Well I for one am a Mac owner (Power Mac G5 w/23" monitor btw). However, I am going to side with those who thinks this phone is lacking and overpriced. Had the price been $499/$599 for an UNLOCKED version of the phone, I would have been really interested in this phone. But having to sign a two year contract with a company as screwed up as cingular, is where I draw the line. 6 months of my bill being jacked up (they say I owe THEM over $1,200 when in actuality I dont owe them a dime and they own ME $235) and they still havent fixed it. After the turned my phone off, I ported my number to T-Mobile and promtley went into the local Cingular store to get all the legal information I need to resolve the issue. Hopfully I wont need a laywer.


Anywho, back to the iphone. I got to ask: where is the voice dial? For a devise that is 100% touch screen, how could they not include a voice dialing feature. Honestly it's all I use on my new Blackberry Perl. With the exception of numbers I dont have in my contacts. Manual dialing on the touchscreen iphone would be fine for the rare times I would need to do so.


A few other things:


* I love the visual voicemail


* Wonder how much Cingular will screw people on the data plan (ex: With the Backberry Perl, T-Mobile charges half of what cingular does for data)


*In time, this phone should be great. Open it up for anyone to use, add voice dial and I am sold. I just like to look at where the ipod started and where it is today. In a few more generations, the iphone will crush most phones.

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I'd still rather take a Sidekick or a Razr. The entire thing looks like it's about to snap in half! Plus, anything that runs Mac OS is a BIG red flag in my mind. (Sorry mac users.) I was hoping for a sleek design with regular buttons... this doesn't even look like something that Apple would make!

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I'm with Derek on this one.


Robb and I have been researching new phones a lot lately and the touch screen thing is hard to use to just dial numbers and use it like a phone. Also, it seems that with each 'feature' you add to a 'phone' it sucks a little bit more in all areas.


It also seems kind of big, I mean heck, an ipod and a phone seperate are still smaller than this!


I work in the telecom industry, and I've never seen a PDA/cell phone that worked well as a phone. Blackberries, for example, make awful phones. You have to adopt this awkward grip when you're on a call.


But, hey this is Apple. They're the masters of overcharging and underdelivering. Their devoted legions of fanboys ensure that they never have to try much. Tens of thousands of VW Jetta-driving, Starbucks-drinking, black turtle-neck-wearing creative department types will buy the iPhone, no matter how badly it sucks. At least they have pretty products!

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