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My name is Eric, I'm 22 and from Germany...

I study since October 2011 in Hildesheim Scenic Arts.

My homepark was until the summer BELANTIS and Freizeitpark Plohn, because I'm from Saxony. But now my home-park is the Heide-Park-Resort.

At the Moment my coaster-count is 101 unique coasters - but my aim is to improve it...

So I hope we have a great time together; and don't forget: Live is a rollercoaster!

Yours, Eric...


PS...please excuse my bad Englisch, but I do my best to improve it

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Hi everyone!


I'm Austin, currently 18, and living in Orlando. I'm at the University of Central Florida studying Hospitality Marketing (with a concentration in Theme Parks and Attractions of course). Before that I lived in Dayton, Ohio and my home park was Kings Island. I've ridden 49 coasters (that I recall) and have been to 12 different parks. And there is nothing I hate more than Sniffy the Virtual Rat...

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I thought it would be nice to haunt this little corner of the internet.


If you haven't seen the name already, I am Masquerade. I'm also known as "The Ghost" over in Shyguy's World and the abandoned wasteland known as the Atari Forums, and also "CostaFreak" on Visions Fantastic and MiceChat.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I thought it would be nice to haunt this little corner of the internet.


If you haven't seen the name already, I am Masquerade. I'm also known as "The Ghost" over in Shyguy's World and the abandoned wasteland known as the Atari Forums, and also "CostaFreak" on Visions Fantastic and MiceChat.




Just kidding!


Welcome everyone!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hai, I'm Alex, otherwise known as A.S.Coasters, some of you may know me from SSCoasters, Nolimits Exchange, RCTlounge, Coaster Crazy, and RCPro. I've come by TPR every once and a while to check updates etc. and I figured it was time I finally join. I live 3 minutes away from Kings Island and go there all the time, I'm a frequent Nolimits user, and I'm obviously a coaster freak; aswell as halloween (haunted houses, horror movies, and the smell of artificial fog).

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Hi! Im ROLLER97, I am 14 years old and I live in the Netherlands. My home park is Walibi Holland, AKA Walibi World, AKA Six Flags Holland. Of course then my favourite coaster can only be Goliath in that same park. I haven't really read through this forums, I heard of it a lot and it looked fun to join, so here I am!


Furthermore, I play the piano for 8 years, and like to build complex lego mechanisms.



OMG A.S.Coasters, you've JUST joind this community too? Thought you were on this for a little longer...


Oh, And I forgot to say I use NoLimits a LOT. I'm currently recreating Goliath at Walibi Holland. I'll probably show you somethings from it in some time.

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Hi I'm RCT3Bross and first item I wanna make clear: the T stands for Traveler instead of Tycoon. But my real name is Kai I'm 19 and from The Netherlands I live close to The Efteling and come there every now and then but don't care much about the park itself. No I like coasters in general. At my age I don't come far yet but I'm planning to travel around the world for coasters one day. The best coaster I've been on is Blue Fire for my opinion. Reason for joining is my because I like coasters and I like seeing construction sites of them.

Thank you for listening (or reading).

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Hello! My name is Kerry and I currently live in the small town of Hertford, NC. I currently earn my wages as a middle school music teacher and enjoy going to theme parks on the side. I have been to many parks on the east coast as well as a few on the west coast. I believe I have ridden just over 100 coasters to this date. I love ALL B&M coasters (that I've ridden) as well as any coaster Disney builds. I enjoy composing music and draw a lot of inspiration from music heard in Disney parks.


I have been an avid "reader" on TPR for close to 5 years when I finally decided enough was enough...so here I am!

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'Bout time I stop lurking and truly step into the crowd...


Hey, Theme Park Review! The name's Vertigo Master. You may not be familar with that name, but to put it simply, I'm RCT Scenario Lover from the RCTSpace forums and other RCT locales across the internet.


A brief history for those who don't know me: I used to remake the original scenarios from Roller Coaster Tycoon a few years back. I went on a bit of a hiatus, and I'm back loving the game that turned me onto amusement parks in general!


About those theme parks...well, I live in Northeast Ohio, not too far from Cedar Point, which I think is the greatest park on Earth(though that's typical for quite a few people, heh). While I've ridden at least ten coasters in my whole life-time, the only ones I really remember were five from the Point (Cedar Creek Mine Ride, Blue Streak, Disaster Transport, Iron Dragon and Gemini), the Thunder Mountain coaster at Disney World's Magic Kingdom, and the indoor Mummy coaster at Universal Studios. I'm not as big a thrill-junkie as you'd expect from a hardcore RCT player, but one of these days, I'll try to convince myself to live a little and go on Top Thrill Dragster.


At any case, glad to be here! It's good to see the theme park community still so alive after all these years. I hope to have a nice stay here!

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Hey there. I'm Alex, and I'm a longtime lurker (since 2001) but a first time poster.


I've been a theme park fan since my first trip to my home park, California's Great America, back in 1997. A trip to Disneyland in 1998 and to Walt Disney World in 2000 helped broaden my horizons, and since then I've been loving theme parks, roller coasters, and everything in between.


I live in lovely Northern California, and I work in the local mall. Nothing terribly exciting, but hey... discount! Shopping happens to be one of my favorite interests, alongside writing, reading, and browsing around the interwebs. I'm an architecture buff, so theme parks manage to satisfy two of my interests: coasters, and buildings. An odd juxtaposition? Maybe. But fun nonetheless.


So there I am. I'm glad to be here, and I look forward to chatting with all of you.

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"Hi." My name is Ashton. I'm new to this site, but not new to the coaster community. I was a member on another theme park forum for a few years before leaving over differences (we were all d-bags, me especially). But, since getting into college, I found that I have absolutely nothing to do besides scholarships, and I got back into No Limits. So, since I have a bunch of projects I'm working on (two terrain Premier launchers, a Euro-Fighter, a terrain Mine Ride, a terrain Arrow hyper-looper, and a giga X-Car), I've decided to show them off and get some advice on them, since I've made only one ride in the two or three years I've been off of No Limits. And I figured I would do it here, since this site doesn't seem to be run by a bunch of religious nutjobs.

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Hey I'm Zach, or herpes (because if I make contact with your genitals you won't forget about it). I like vegetarian nachos and flirting with ugly girls to falsely boost their self-esteem. I dropped out of community college to peruse a (lucrative) career in "performance art," which is a fancy way of saying "getting drunk and talking on a stage."

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Hey I'm Zach, or herpes (because if I make contact with your genitals you won't forget about it). I like vegetarian nachos and flirting with ugly girls to falsely boost their self-esteem. I dropped out of community college to peruse a (lucrative) career in "performance art," which is a fancy way of saying "getting drunk and talking on a stage."


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