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Why you Love Coasters/Amusement Parks

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I can't begin to count how many times I've been asked why I love coasters. While I want to tell them "They are fun", that doesn't seem to be right. It is so much more than just fun. I love the atmosphere when I visit a park. Each park is different from Cedar Point on Lake Erie to SFKK and its razer wire covered brick walls. I love the rides and what they do. No place else can you find such a variety of ways to twist your body in ways you didn't know it could go. No place else can you scream or get soaked and not get in trouble by someone. Few places have such a vast amount of food, and even the healthiest people will probably be finding themselves eating a funnel cake. Whenever I ride a coaster, I overcome my fear of heights(strange huh), and I look for a ride that goes even higher. Every coaster is different, and I love everyone of them.(some more than others though)

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When a person gets scared, the pancreas produces large amounts of adrenaline that helps face fears instead of fleeing. While waiting in line, the body produces adrenaline. After the ride, an excess of adrenaline produces an "adrenaline rush." That's why some people notice they have an abundance of energy after stepping off a roller coaster.


You asked for educated answers!

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When a person gets scared, the pancreas produces large amounts of adrenaline that helps face fears instead of fleeing. While waiting in line, the body produces adrenaline. After the ride, an excess of adrenaline produces an "adrenaline rush." That's why some people notice they have an abundance of energy after stepping off a roller coaster.


You asked for educated answers!


Actually, it's the adrenal glands that secrete epinephrine (adrenaline).


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I love parks for noe thing!


GP! I love standing in line for KingDa Ka and ehar "You see it twist on the way down so it's not entirely vertical" or "What would happen if the big rubber band makeing the trains launch snaps?" or in Nitros line "The loop on this ride is the fastest on earth and it's 2,000ft tall jsut like KingDa Ka!"

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Coasters intrigue me. I love the way all of the forces feel when exerted on the body. The greatest part about a coaster is going up the lift hill - once you start falling, the ride is so much fun! (Hopefully)

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I love the smells of rides, that mechanical, oily smell, the food, and just everything. There have been many times when I'm outside and I'll say to whoever I'm with that it smells like Darien Lake or it smells like Cedar Point.


I love the feeling of not being able to control what going to happen. It's like taking a risk that you don't have to feel scared nervous about, only fun nervous.

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I do love coasters since I know getting twisted in lots of ways

are really fun like we are going to spin around a loop or I know

drops are kind of super fun like giving me tons of floating good

pops in the air. I also love G forces but the things pulling way too

forceful G's do not make me want to ride on. Super strong G's

mean they rip your fun off and going to let you feel sick or pass

out like SFMM Goliath's 2 intense helices.


Adrenaline does give off when you people feel some kind of scary

feeling on the ride's experiences and it sometimes makes you let

some steams off through screaming out louder than usual.


That's the second reason why I love coasters.

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I like the whole mechanical aspect of it as well. I spent a huge chnk of time a while ago studying wheel set-ups and car linking methods. I just find the whole thing fascinating.


More than that, I just love to climb in, strap up, relax and ride them. I dont get those kind of Gs anywhere else. I was a passanger in a stunt plane once, where we did a few manouvers and got about 9G, which was the most awesome thing ever. That was a once in a lifetime oppertunity for me though, so coasters supply my G fix.

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Hmmm, well coasters is easy. I have always really liked the feeling of floating/falling. Before I got into coasters, I used to ride (BMX) bikes a lot, just because I really liked the feeling of going over jumps and stuff. Not really sure when I really switched over to caosters, but mainly I liked them more because I feel like I have a lot less control of what happens. With a bike you can tell when you're about to hit a jump/crash etc. With coasters, you have no influence over what happens, and I really like that.


I also really like mechanics, and coasters are great machines scientifically. I like that they are so simple yet so complex at the same time. They have evolved so much over the years but essentially, they are the same design they were 100 years ago.


Parks are a bit more different for me. To tell you the truth, I have no idea why I like going to them. Atmosphere is a big thing for me when visiting a park. If I go to a park with none, I won't really have a good time, even if they have the best coaster in the world. Yet I can have SO much fun a tiny parks that really have a traditional feel, even if they only have one coaster that isn't that great.


So yeah, I guess thats why I like them.

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I've been taken to Chessington WoA since around 1994... I was too scared to find anything till i was .. about... 9? 10? when we went to Australia and my sister forced me on Leathal Weapon.


I don't remember riding it, but i'm guessing it lived up to it's name.


I remember the first time i went to Alton in 2000 being totally mesmorized by Nemesis. So, blame Nemesis. S'her fault.

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i love rollercoaster for may reasons. The main reson is because of the thrills generated due to not having control of whats will/is going to/has happened. To intensify the thrill, i tell myself that the ride is most likely going to crash, even though i know you have more chance of dying by being hit on the head by a falling coconut...

Another reason is themeing. If a ride has a lot of consistent theming, i will enjoy it more because there is more chance of being hit by the theming...




Theme parks are a little harder. I love the skyline, which sets me off (i tend to go hyper and not eat while at a themepark due to the atmosphere), i love being able to watch the rides in action as you drive up and enter the themepark. Thorpe Park (my home park where all my favourite rides are, except Oblivion, Nemesis and Rita ) is great! Firstly you can see Stealth, Detonator, Colossus and Vortex from anywhere... you have to walk right by Vortex and Colossus when you enter, which also prepares me for my adrenaline filled day.


I also love the noise and smells of a theme park. Hearing people scream, whether its for fun, fear or excitement, it always makes me happy knowing that people are having the time of their lives without doing anything extreme. The smells are awesome! I love walking passed a shop and smelling the sickly sweets and treats inside each of the shops. My favourite smell is probably candyfloss and freshly cooked doughnuts!


the last reason why i love theme parks is the night-life (if they open until late). Being on a 200ft freefall tower at midnight is a really wierd feeling. Having so much time to do everything at a theme park is insane. normally, the time would be spent queuing or getting food, but recently, i've avoided most of that and i have spent some time watching sideshows and actually joining in with them! It creates a sense of euphoria, where you feel nothing could go wrong, and it rarely does!

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I love themeparks because it's a change of daily rountine.Just hanging out at a themepark always makes me relax, and really want time to just stop.I also enjoy all the scientific and/or hightech parts of coasters,Im a bit of a gadget geek,even though I don't understand most of them.


Here's a Summary,when someone says find a happy place,mine's a themepark.

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I think that a lot of people who have issues like coasters because it gets them away from there problems and it takes a lot of guts to ride them the way that we do.


With that said, I like coasters because it takes my mind off things (even though I usually don't have much on my mind) and gives the awesome feelings of weightlessness and acceleration. I also met a lot of cool people riding coasters (my girlfriend too).

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What my Signature says:


I love how you feel after riding a great coaster like "Megafobia", you have lots of energy and alive, I feel happy and more human.


When I came off MF (in 2000) I felt so free/ alive and thought everyother ride at Cedar Point was kiddy size.


I don't like the Winter Months, I get depressed not being able to ride anything till Feb / March.


I wish I had my very own indoor Theme and Water Park to keep me going through those few cold months.

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Everything about amusement parks makes me love them. My first coaster was at Land Of Make Believe when I was 4 and BTMR just a few months later. The sounds, the sights, and the feeling of not being in the "real world" just excites me. And its not really that I hate the "real world" I just like the "Surreal" feelings that an amusement park gives. The smells are the kicker for me....especially in early morning Florida when your just waiting to get to one of the parks and the dew is so strong and just awesome!!! Words can't describe how I feel about an amusement park that isn't my home park. There is just something so unique and different about it than any other experience. The rides have just always interested me. Since my first coaster ride I had always wanted to go on again and re-ride until my mom got annoyed. The way the worked, the feeling, and the sound of the lapbar or restraint (really dorky I know)!!! I just like to getaway from the boringness of the rest of the world and just party and ride coasters....hey that's what amusement parks are all about

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Well, I used to REALLY hate roller coasters. I would do all of the coasters at DL except for Space Mountain. Then when we got KBF passes, I wouldn't even go on Jaguar. When I finally went on it, I wouldn't go on Monty. After Monty, I found this site, started going on more coasters, and BOOM!, I was hooked. The reason I adore and treasure roller coasters is because of the overall fun you have riding them. The elements are freakin awesome, but sometimes it makes the coaster when you are riding with your friends. But, the elements still are better.


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