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Vekomas arn't the end of the world. Boomerangs hurt, but they are still fun. And my ride on Viper 2 days ago, I barley got any headbanging at all :shock: ! But ya I'm spoiled by the smoothness of many coasters like Xcelerator and Riddlers Revenge.

Kevin"Hoping the Vekoma SLC insn't so bad when I go to SFMW this summer"Bujold

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^ Stay that way!

My sister has chosen not to ride any boomerang coaster. She's been on a super-invertigo and SLC, but she won't go on a boomerang. She keeps a "credit count" and wants it to be more about quality than quantity. Me on the other hand, well I'm a credit whore.



I've never liked Vekoma coasters. Even before I had been on smooth B&M and Intamin coaster, I thought the boomerang and SLC designs were extremely rough. Kiddie coasters are probably the only thing that Vekoma does ok. I wonder how an Intamin or B&M coaster would be...

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One thing to remember is that Disneyland's original Space Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad are Vekoma rides. So Vekoma isn't all that bad.


Believe it or not, I didn't have any problems riding Kong (SLC) at SFMW five years ago. (Of course it may be terrible now, but I don't hear much about it.)


The honest truth is that any ride can be bad. I've even ridden a couple of bad B&Ms.



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They're not all rough... The Swamp Thing at Cypress Gardens is rough as hell. I had a bruise on my arm as big around as a baseball after riding it 4 times in a row (gave two go rounds per ride.)


*BUT* the Swamp Thing at Wild Adventures is incredibly smooth. And I know that one is more that a year old. So, hopefully the CG one will smooth out over time, but I'm not holding out too much hope.

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What is wrong with Vekoma coasters?


Nothing at all.


Vekoma coasters are cheap and thrilling, Flamingo Land's new Booster Bike cost HALF the price of Alton Towers Rita - and it's a better ride, so obviously, Vekoma have to be doing something right to get a ride down to that price and still have a decent ride for a park.


There SLC's have been subject to a bit of change too - they've re designed the wheel assemblies and axles, like on the SLC at Magic Sprigns, which apparently gives a smoother ride all round - and I've always believed that if they could take a bit of the bumpiness out of the SLC there on to a winner - an excellent ride for the up and coming park.

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I absolutely *LOVE* them. The only two Vekoma coasters that I found to be excessively rough were Goudurix and SFSL Ninja. Part of the problem with those two coasters was that I didn't expect them to be as rough as they were, so I didn't brace myself enough, and they really caught me off guard!


Sure, most enthusiasts hate Boomerangs and SLC's because there is an oversaturation of them throughout the world; but, if you take the rides for for they are, they're pretty damn good. Enthusiasts are just used to 15 years of being gently whisked around on B&M's.


My opinion on this also extends to Arrows. I *LOVE* them. They are rough, true, but if you know how to brace yourself properly, they are fine. What upsets me is how the Arrows, in addition to not aging well, are losing ridership because frankly, the GP prefers the smoother B&M or whatever. Arrows are a dying breed. We've lost a bunch of major Arrows within the last five years, and I'm sure many more are on the chopping block.


/end random tangent




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Ahh, no wonder I hate Space Mountain. I thought it was very jerky. I don't know how much different the orig. BTM and FL version are, i just know i liked the one in FL.


Wait, Space Mountain is a Vekoma?!?!?!? (looking up...) WHEW! OK, that's the Paris version. Good, I was afraid that I wasn't still a Vekoma virgin!

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Vekomas are fine!


After growing up living 5 hours away from the nearest SMALL amusement park and 10 hours from the nearest major park I have learned that there is no roller coaster I won't ride. I would much rather live next to a park with an SLC and a boomerang than not live close to any park at all. So I will always ride any rollercoaster even if it is a vekoma.



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My 50th coaster was a Boomerang. So every 25th coaster I ride is going to be either a boomerang, or an SLC.


As for Arrows, I like arrows also. GASM at SFGadv was a lot of fun. The people I went on with complained about the roughness, but I thought the roughness made it good. They wouldnt let me ride again... Booo!!!

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It can be summed up very easily......

People are Pus***s.


People just are getting used to smooth coasters. And now, people dont like rough coasters because they became used to smooth Intamin and B&M's.


It's not just a matter of being a pus**, oh butch one. I can enjoy Joker's Jinx or GASM, despite some banging. But I find the thrill-to-discomfort ratio on SLCs to be pathetically low. Just Not Worth It.

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Well, I would hope you wouldn't have headbanging on Joker's Jinx - seeing as it has lap bars.


Chiller, the Freezes, Flight of Fears, Poltergeist, and Jinx all have lap bars now. I liked them with shoulder restraints. Now, with just lap bars, they are simply brilliant.

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Well, I would hope you wouldn't have headbanging on Joker's Jinx - seeing as it has lap bars.


Chiller, the Freezes, Flight of Fears, Poltergeist, and Jinx all have lap bars now. I liked them with shoulder restraints. Now, with just lap bars, they are simply brilliant.


Indeed, I should have said "roughness," not "banging." (Not having meant, nor said, "head banging," though I'd argue that even some rides with lapbars can ram you up against a seatback pretty nicely.) Agreed, Jinx and FOF are a lot of fun. Hardly B&M-smooth, though.

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And my ride on Viper 2 days ago, I barley got any headbanging at all

That's an Arrow. Oh well, Vekoma isn't that bad. I mean, Boomerangs are fun, but they bounce you around a little bit. Sometimes they can be REALLY brutal though. On KBF's Boomerang, my friend hit his nose against the side of the restraint, causing his nose to burst out blood. It still isn't that rough.

---brent 8)

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Sure, most enthusiasts hate Boomerangs and SLC's because there is an oversaturation of them throughout the world;



Who's fault is that? Vekoma, or the parks?


I love Boomerangs and SLC's, I find nothing wrong with them. The ones at SFEG are quite smooth. On Boomerang you even experience weightlessness and sometimes lots of G forces at the bottom of the lifts.

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  • 3 months later...

Weird thing is... I have never experienced pain on a Vekoma. :shock: Everyone I ride with complains while I'm always like "I didn't feel anything." Could my height be a factor? (I'm 6 feet tall)


Also, I think that muscle control is a big factor in headbanging. If you are coming to a part that you know you will hit your head on, just tighten your neck mucles and try to keep your head from moving. It works for me.

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This is a really old topic , but anyway...


I don't think all Vekomas are that bad. I loved Ninja @ SFOG, enough to ride it twice in a row. There are some rides, however, that I will try to avoid, not just Vekomas. I try to avoid rides like Son of Beast and any rough Arrow or Vekoma.

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