Crazy4Coasters! Posted April 15, 2009 Author Share Posted April 15, 2009 Woah, there's a lot of drummers (and some enviable set-ups) on this board! I may as well join the club! I've been playing for 12 years now. I currently own a Roland TD-8 and in the summer of '07 I got my current acoustic kit. Kit: Mapex Pro M shells 14 " Snare 12" Rack Tom 14" Rack tom 16 " Rack tom 18 " Rack tom 24 " Kick drum Cymbals: Zildjian A customs 14" hi-hats 14" Crash 16" Crash 18" Crash 20" Ride Accessories: Gibraltar V-rack (3 sides) Tama Iron Cobra rolling glide twin pedal Roc 'n Soc motorcycle top throne Protection Racket 3x1.8 meter drum mat Standard Mapex snare and hi-hat stands Gibraltar road series clamps It's a bit of a beast to play as due to the size of the drums the ride is in a different time zone to the hi-hats but it's a really powerful kit and sounds pretty sweet! I'm looking at a china and a splash at the moment which would be quite nice How are those A customs treatin' ya? I've been kind of a more Sabian AA, AAX and HH or HHX kind of guy, but I've been trying out different cymabls recently. I tryed out Paiste, and I've been liking it a lot more than my Sabians. So how are your A customs? I'm a Zildjian kinda guy, but I do like the Sabian AAX and Paiste Signiture Series cymbals. All my cymbals are Zildjian A Customs with the exception of my ride (Zildjian Avedis 21" Sweet Ride) and my china (Zildjian Avedis 18" Oriental China-High). I attached a picture of my baby for you guys to enjoy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dandaman Posted April 15, 2009 Share Posted April 15, 2009 I played trumpet in band for six years (today was my last day, actually...), but my real love for music lies with my Casio LK-45 keyboard. I can't read piano music worth a damn, so I just play by ear. Mostly movie or TV themes (or Disney park stuff) but my repertoire runs the gamut from Pachebel's Canon to Reflections of Earth to the Futurama theme. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
upside down Posted April 16, 2009 Share Posted April 16, 2009 I play Bass and drums, drums for six years, bass for 3 years, I own two bass's, and a six peice drum kit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Invertalon Posted April 16, 2009 Share Posted April 16, 2009 Drums Gretsch Catalina Birch - 22x18, 8x7, 10x8, 12x9, 14x11, 16x13 All toms have been refitted with 2.3 hoops Snares 14x6.5" Pearl Reference in Rootbeer Fade 14x6.5" Pearl Steve Ferrone Sig 13x6" Phattie Custom Drums, 10ply Maple Cymbals 20" K Custom Hybrid Ride 20" A Custom Crash 18" A Custom Crash 18" K Dark Medium Thin Crash 18" A Custom China 17" K Custom Dark Crash 16" Oriental China Trash 15" K Dark Thin Crash (Brilliant) 14" K Custom Dark Top Hat / 14" A Custom Bottom Hat (reversed) 10" A Custom Splash 9" Oriental Trash Splash 8" A Custom Splash 6.5" Zil Bel Heads Toms - Clear Emperors over Clear Ambassadors Bass - Superkick 2 with Ported Ebony Ambassador Phattie - Remo CS over Ambassador Snare Reference - Remo Emperor over Diplomat Snare Ferrone - Vintage Ambassador over Ambassador snare And all snares equipped with Puresound Custom 20 Strand Snares. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee cannonball Posted April 16, 2009 Share Posted April 16, 2009 ^Holy law-abiding citizens batman! I have a DW FS 5-piecer with 10 12 and 14" toms. My cymbals are Zildjian ZBTs. I like Zildjian for my "important" cymbals but I rely on Sabian for my crazy-ass effect cymbals Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterguy618 Posted April 16, 2009 Share Posted April 16, 2009 ^Holy law-abiding citizens batman! I have a DW FS 5-piecer with 10 12 and 14" toms. My cymbals are Zildjian ZBTs. I like Zildjian for my "important" cymbals but I rely on Sabian for my crazy-a$$ effect cymbals I'm pretty sure you mean Pacific by DW. Don't get them mixed up, my friend. Still a nice set, none the less. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yankee cannonball Posted April 16, 2009 Share Posted April 16, 2009 ^Yeah I knew that I just didn't know if it made that much of a difference. Is it like a Fender/Squire kind of relationship between DW and Pacific? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mwm1444 Posted April 17, 2009 Share Posted April 17, 2009 I play idea what the different makes are, but my main snare is a custom rebuild, my back-up snare came with the rest of the kit, which is D-Drum, in red. One tom on top of the bass, two floor toms, and three (seperately bought) plastic-skin rack toms. I actually have my ride cymbal next to my hi-hat (think I play it better that way), a crash cymbal on the other side of the hat, and another, splashier crash next to the racks. Love my kit, even if I have no idea whether it's of good or bad quality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WilliamBauset08 Posted April 17, 2009 Share Posted April 17, 2009 Well i play the keyboard/piano and my current equipement is: Yamaha PSR E403 (great synthesizer) Technic KN2000 (great workstation) Casio (dont remember the brand:P) But my future keyboard equipement will be: Roland Juno D (going to buy this summer) Roland Juno Stage Roland Fantom X61 Keys Korg X50 Korg Triton Korg Karma Korg N364 Korg OASYS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goliath513 Posted April 17, 2009 Share Posted April 17, 2009 ^Nice! After a long period of inactivity during the winter, I am back to making electronic music using a software program called Reason 4.0. Today I began work on a 380bpm speedcore track. I have always wanted to do a speedcore track. So far all I have (from about 10 minutes of work) is a distorted bass drum that will dominate the track and a Hoover synth. Aside from constant noise, which most speedcore music sounds like to those who tend not to listen to electronic music, there will be an ambient breakdown section in the track with a few surprises. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted April 17, 2009 Share Posted April 17, 2009 Dude that drum set kicks a**, nice job. Ive been playing guitar on and off since I was a kid (im no Randy Rhoads ) but ive been working since I was 15, and between school and work I just never have good practice time. My new years goal every year is to play more. Awhile back I got a new guitar: a silver Dean VMNTX (as much as I wanted to go for the VMNT im just not that good to justify dropping $800-$1000 on a guitar). Mike541x, IMO those Epiphones are really underrated. My father had a Gibson Les Paul which he traded in and got a Epiphone Les Paul (actually not even a Les Paul, the base model shaped like it) and I like playing the Epiphone way better even though its less than half the price. I own a Black 1980s fender strat I had one also, AWESOME guitars, im jelous and wish I didnt sell it. It had Fender lace-sensor pickups which IMO sounded better than the Seymore Duncan ones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mike541x Posted April 17, 2009 Share Posted April 17, 2009 Thanks Papas. I really do agree. Epiphones are great guitars. They're not as pricey as Gibsons but they still play great. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
U2Rox Posted April 18, 2009 Share Posted April 18, 2009 I just need to say Invertalon, that is one BadA$$ Kit you have there!! True Beauty!!! Hello, Hello to all musicians here on TPR!! And Since I'm here, well... my main instrument is Voice, and I haven't yet acquired a picture of my vocal folds, so you'll just have to imagine my instrument. I can play piano, but i'm not very good.. I own a keyboard, acoustic guitar, and a cello, and my vocal folds!! I currently teach middle school Orchestra and piano and have taught choir and music history!! I cannot live with out Music!!>..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
generaleclectic Posted December 30, 2009 Share Posted December 30, 2009 I've been skimming through some older topics to find something that peaked my interest in the off season. I had totally forgotten that this was out here, so I'm bumping it. I've been involved in some kind of music since I was 8 years old. I studied Jazz Improv at Auburn University and did a dual major in Trumpet and French Horn. I've played with a bunch of groups over the last 15 years including the Callenwold Symphonic Band in Atlanta, GA, The Sentemantal Journey Orchestra in Doraville, GA, and have done guest spots with David Osborne, John McAndrew, and Pat Upton and the Downtown Horns. I taught high school band and choir at Shaw High School in Columbus, GA for a year and decided that it wasn't for me. About 7 years ago, I pick-up guitar for the first time and have been self-teachning myself. I currently play with a folk group here in Savannah and I'm the artist-in-residence at a local church here. I'm in the process of cutting a demo CD and have some songs recorded already. I have a Tanglewood 12-String (which are the only good guitars they make) An Alvarez DY-55 12-String and a Fender 6-String Acoustic. No electric for me, though I've been thinking about buying an entry level one just to have it for accents in the recordings. If anyone in GA reads this, I'm looking for a group to get together with and jam for a little while. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mastersax68 Posted December 30, 2009 Share Posted December 30, 2009 I play, and have played now, Tenor Sax for 6 years. I'm kinda into jazz, but would much rather be in a rock band(like Pink Floyd for instance) than a Jazz Band. Just in case anyone wants to know, I have a Lazarro Nickel- plated sax, and I use a Maestro 44k gold mouthpiece. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
themeparkologist Posted December 31, 2009 Share Posted December 31, 2009 I play trumpet, piano, and alto saxophone. I don't play sax much any more but I'm 1st trumpet at my school. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
onewheeled999 Posted January 1, 2010 Share Posted January 1, 2010 I don't remember if I've posted in this thread already, and I'm too lazy to check. Besides, even if I did, I've made progress. I play electric guitar and bass off and on, I'm playing a heck of a lot less now since my lessons ended. The most impressive songs I can play are Enter Sandman on guitar (minus the second half of the solo), and Anna Molly by Incubus on bass. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sasquatch Posted January 1, 2010 Share Posted January 1, 2010 I play drums, guitar, bass, and I also sing. I also produce all the recordings I make, simply because facebook, TPR and NoLimits dont suck up my free time enough! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
paintballer Posted January 2, 2010 Share Posted January 2, 2010 Guitarist here. Gibson Les Paul 1969 studio LP Original pickups Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sasquatch Posted January 2, 2010 Share Posted January 2, 2010 ^ Why original pickups? I changed the original bridge p-up in my SG to a Seymour Duncan and now it sounds like some sex! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Devious Posted January 2, 2010 Share Posted January 2, 2010 Computer here & Keyboard FLStudio, ModPlug Tracker, And Audacity mostly, i do have a Korg NanoKey USB midi keyboard mostly for orchestral backings in some songs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King39Hockey Posted January 3, 2010 Share Posted January 3, 2010 Im a drum kinda guy Set: 10" rack tom 12" rack tom 13" rack tom 14" floor tom 16" floor tom 2 22"x16" bass 14"x5 1/2" snare Cymbals: 13" High-hat Sabian B8 14" Crash Sabian B8 16" Crash Sabian B8 18" China Sabian B8 18" Ride-Crash Sabian B8 20" Ride Sabian B8 Accessories: 5 woodblock set(The gray one can't remeber name ATM) Cowbell Here it is: (Stock Photo) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sasquatch Posted January 3, 2010 Share Posted January 3, 2010 When in "drummer" mode, I use: Premier APK drums 22" Kick 13" and 16" toms 14x6.5" Tama maple snare Zildjian A 21" sweet ride Zildjian A 19" medium-thin crash Stagg SH 18" medium crash (better than zildjian, any day!) Sabian AA 14" hi hats My baby! Mmmmmm! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pure Impurity Posted January 8, 2010 Share Posted January 8, 2010 I'm a drummar! Unfortunately, I can't get these pictures posted, because my the file size is too big, and I can't get a smaller size than that . ::Edit::^Did that come out wrong?::Edit:: Anyway, I also play taiko drums... and, no, not the, "Drum Game," type, but the... REAL DEAL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sasquatch Posted January 8, 2010 Share Posted January 8, 2010 I'm a drummar! Unfortunately, I can't get these pictures posted, because my the file size is too big, and I can't get a smaller size than that . Open the file in some kind of picture viewer, zoom out until the pic is of a reasonable size, then either save the file as a JPEG, or take a screenshot and crop it until just the picture you want remains, then save that as a JPEG. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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