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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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Says right on the website:

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™, Despicable Me Minion Mayhem, Studio Tour and other

select attractions will not be open during the event.


To experience all our daytime attractions, check out our Day/Night Combo Ticket

So no go for Potter during HHN. It looks like they are using the Potter incentive to sell the day/night combo though. It's kind of unfortunate that they are limiting the Day/Night to a 2PM arrival as you only get 4 hours in the park before they kick you out to set up for HHN and then you have to reenter at 7...


Oh well, maybe I'll do the Day/Night combo anyway since I want to see Potter, they have sucked me in.

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Imo, that Day/Night combo pass is a pretty good deal. If you go on Thursday, Friday, or Sunday, the park will be pretty slow during the day and you'll still be able to do pretty much everything worth doing. Also, I imagine that the process for re-entering will be much quicker than for those showing up just for HHN.

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I'm trying to plan my trip but not sure how to go about buying my front of the line pass. I want to do the day/night combo for Saturday October 1st, which is $99. But then the front of the line ticket is $180 and says it includes admission into HHN. But it doesn't include admission during the day time? I need an option where I can buy the day/night combo AND front of the line pass for HHN. I can't find it, though. Last year I bought a HHN ticket online, but didn't buy a front of the line pass till we were at the park. And lucky for us we barely managed to get them before they sold out. I don't want to cut it that close again. Any suggestions?

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Unique is one thing . . . is it worth the 40 dollars lol.

Tough call. For me it wouldn't be — even if I'd never seen it before. We always ride it when we're there, but aside from the show buildings scattered throughout, it really is a tourist thing more than a thrill ride — one that offers a glimpse into the film industry (and does it very well). If you're local to the area, it feels a bit redundant — like taking one of those star tours buses around Mulholland or something. The King Kong section is good, and the Fast and Furious section is similar (although I prefer the Kong thing), but $40 would be hard to justify. I'm glad it's not an upcharge attraction at the park, but the situation you're in has basically made it an upcharge attraction for you by the sounds of it. If you love TV and movies and have never spent much time in Hollywood, it'll hold more appeal than just the shows stages but $40 is steep.

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I would say its worth it because you won't ever have another opportunity to see the studio tour for that cheap AND you'll be in the park before the rest of the early entry crowd (which means first dibs on the mazes they open early).

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Saw that Eli Roth has taken over the terror tram. I'm going to be severely disappointed if it's the same terror tram albeit new costumes. Really hoping they're making it a fresh experience this year!

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Got my tickets for my first HHN, pretty excited. Also, this will also be my first trip to a Universal Studios park in general. I'll be there on a Thursday, are Thursdays usually less busy then Fridays and Saturdays? Also got the after 2pm combo ticket.


Thanks for any info or tips ahead of time!

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Purchase your tickets online and you will have early entry into WWoHP one hour prior to posted park opening. That will easily get you through both lands and Ollivander's if you care to do so (Do Ollivander's first---always have longest waits). After that, you can exit right out of the land to the Studio Tour and get that done. From there, just look at the wait time signs and go with the flow!

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I ended up getting the Costco AP for $110 (only $5 more than a one day pass). It has a bunch of black out dates, but not a bad deal in case we visit again in the next year. That being said, the first day I use it will be in a few days. Am I able to get the early entry with that? No big deal if I can't. Also, what food items do I have to get?

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You won't get it right away, but they will typically still open 15-20 minutes early for all ticket holders each morning.


Three Broomsticks is the best food place IMO---big portions and great food. You could probably eat an entire "great feast" (a meal meant for 4 people---ribs, chicken, corn on the cob, veggies, salad) by yourself.


I don't remember if Orlando has prime rib like Hollywood, but that was pretty good for being theme park quick serve! The cheese soup was delicious as well. The "sticky toffee pudding" is my favorite not dan friendly item.

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