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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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A new theme park attraction, located near “Transformers: The Ride” in the lower part of the theme park, is expected to be announced soon.


I'm guessing this will be the Secret Life of Pets project that has been rumored. Seems bold to begin developing an attraction based on a movie before the movie has been released but maybe they think the film will do well enough to justify an attraction. Say what you will about Universal and Comcast but they do seem to be aggressively expanding their park business.


I think even if the movie bombs, a ride featuring cartoon animals could still end up being a great family ride.


After all, USH is the same theme park that has one of the better (if not best) theme park stunt shows based on one of the biggest movie flops of all time!

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A new theme park attraction, located near “Transformers: The Ride” in the lower part of the theme park, is expected to be announced soon.


I'm guessing this will be the Secret Life of Pets project that has been rumored. Seems bold to begin developing an attraction based on a movie before the movie has been released but maybe they think the film will do well enough to justify an attraction. Say what you will about Universal and Comcast but they do seem to be aggressively expanding their park business.


I think even if the movie bombs, a ride featuring cartoon animals could still end up being a great family ride.


After all, USH is the same theme park that has one of the better (if not best) theme park stunt shows based on one of the biggest movie flops of all time!


You watch your mouth, Waterworld is a national treasure! But yeah I get what your saying, and Universal has a lot of experience building great attractions based on mediocre movies (Men in Black, Backdraft, Transformers, Twister......) so they should be fine......

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My understanding is that the soundstage next to Transformers where Secret Life Of Pets is rumored to be going has been built as essentially a black box so that if the movie does bomb they can quickly shoehorn in something else.


It is definitely an exciting time for Universal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes. I believe it is $30-50 to upgrade for the day.


Also, Secret Life of Pets set the record for original franchise animated movie opening with $103 million, so....

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Yes. I believe it is $30-50 to upgrade for the day.


Also, Secret Life of Pets set the record for original franchise animated movie opening with $103 million, so....




Even beating Zootopia!


I honestly don't know how to feel about this.

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I am guessing the purple area is where Secret Life of Pets is likely to be located?


I have been hearing conflicting rumors of where the second phase of Harry Potter will be located. The first is the upper lot replacing Water World, which is what Screamscape keeps reporting. But many other sites have been reporting it will be on the lower lot. To me those 4 sound stages together looks like the most logical location to build London. They should be able to fit Diagon alley, Gringotts, and a Hogwarts Express. The Hogwarts express is the most difficult attraction to build. It is just a very large height difference so either it will be steep, or require a switch back.

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There have definitely been a lot of conflicting reports (naturally) and the latest one I've heard is taking out the lake for Diagon Alley. I don't honestly believe that one as it's a bit too far, but who knows.


If I were a betting man, I'd say goodbye to Take 5, Water World, and Shrek. It would be a really really tight fit, but anything is possible with enough money.


Also, now that Secret Life of Pets is a hit, I wonder what Universal's timeline will be for the rumored ride and everything else around it. Like I said before, definitely an exciting time for Universal.

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There have definitely been a lot of conflicting reports (naturally) and the latest one I've heard is taking out the lake for Diagon Alley. I don't honestly believe that one as it's a bit too far, but who knows.


If I were a betting man, I'd say goodbye to Take 5, Water World, and Shrek. It would be a really really tight fit, but anything is possible with enough money.


Also, now that Secret Life of Pets is a hit, I wonder what Universal's timeline will be for the rumored ride and everything else around it. Like I said before, definitely an exciting time for Universal.



Universal just expanded Take 5 so that isn't going anywhere anytime soon.


If you listen to one of the recent Inside Universal Podcasts, they interviewed former Universal Studios Hollywood executive Mike Sington and he dropped a huge hint to where Diagon Alley is going. If you take him at his word, the Studio Tour load and unload and surrounding backstage areas is where Diagon Alley will be built, with the Studio Tour moving back to the Lower Lot. It was also Mike Sington who confirmed on twitter that Supercharged would be built a good 5-6 months before Universal officially confirmed it. So he has a history of being lose lipped.

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That is some good news on the expansion of the park. Very glad to see them continue to evolve the theme park and soundstages for the area. Interesting that they would relocate the studio tour. It actually make sense, as there is not much to see on it until you get to onto the proper back lot. I hope they do go for some more interesting attractions going forward. Imo, the only misfire of the new wave of attractions has been Fast and Furious. No doubt why the Walking Dead is clearly labeled "a walk through", very clever use of space there. Would be great to see them with a larger scale indoor roller coaster.

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You watch your mouth, Waterworld is a national treasure! But yeah I get what your saying, and Universal has a lot of experience building great attractions based on mediocre movies (Men in Black, Backdraft, Transformers, Twister......) so they should be fine......


Waterworld was only technically a flop. As number of tickets sold it was a relative hit and was the 9th highest grossing film of 1995. The reason it flopped was not a lack audience but rather was the cost of production due to it being filmed entirely at sea and not a sound stage and an entire set sinking and having to be rebuilt.


As far as your "mediocre" movies go each one was popular and made a butt load of money which is why the attractions are successful as well.

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Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me with this....I'm going to USH early August and saw there is early entry at 7:00 am for prepaid tickets, but that this has a certain capacity. Do you have any experience with this early entry and how early I should be at the front gate to be sure I'll get in?


Thanks in advance!

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To the question above, Sorry, I don't know


Mini Rant:

They need to build non motion simulator attractions. I know people who hate motion simulators, so I could never take them. There are 4, yes only 4, non motion simulator rides in the park (Super Silly Spinner, FotH, Mummy, and Jurassic Park)!!!! They need to put in at least a couple non motion simulator dark rides and then get some flats. If I had to take a kid to the park, who wasn't into big rides, there would be 2 rides, and 1 of them is a stretch. I really hope Nintendo Land won't have a motion simultator, maybe a RsR ride, but by looking at there past, I won't hold my breath. I love Universal, but please, try and get some other styled rides.


End Rant

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Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me with this....I'm going to USH early August and saw there is early entry at 7:00 am for prepaid tickets, but that this has a certain capacity. Do you have any experience with this early entry and how early I should be at the front gate to be sure I'll get in?


Thanks in advance!


As long as you purchase your ticket online you'll have no issue getting into early entry. Be at the front gate 10-15 minutes prior to early entry and you'll be fine.

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To the question above, Sorry, I don't know


Mini Rant:

They need to build non motion simulator attractions. I know people who hate motion simulators, so I could never take them. There are 4, yes only 4, non motion simulator rides in the park (Super Silly Spinner, FotH, Mummy, and Jurassic Park)!!!! They need to put in at least a couple non motion simulator dark rides and then get some flats. If I had to take a kid to the park, who wasn't into big rides, there would be 2 rides, and 1 of them is a stretch. I really hope Nintendo Land won't have a motion simultator, maybe a RsR ride, but by looking at there past, I won't hold my breath. I love Universal, but please, try and get some other styled rides.


End Rant


I would put Forbidden Journey and Transformers in their own unique category...they are definitely not typical "motion simulator" attractions, despite being screen based.

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I'm heading over to the US next month, and will be at USH in the last week of August.

Is Potter still crazy busy at the park, and do they have the timed entry system still going on?

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To the question above, Sorry, I don't know


Mini Rant:

They need to build non motion simulator attractions. I know people who hate motion simulators, so I could never take them. There are 4, yes only 4, non motion simulator rides in the park (Super Silly Spinner, FotH, Mummy, and Jurassic Park)!!!! They need to put in at least a couple non motion simulator dark rides and then get some flats. If I had to take a kid to the park, who wasn't into big rides, there would be 2 rides, and 1 of them is a stretch. I really hope Nintendo Land won't have a motion simultator, maybe a RsR ride, but by looking at there past, I won't hold my breath. I love Universal, but please, try and get some other styled rides.


End Rant


I would put Forbidden Journey and Transformers in their own unique category...they are definitely not typical "motion simulator" attractions, despite being screen based.

I never understood the complaining behind FJ's use of screens besides the use of 3D, which luckily doesn't included Orlando's version. The dark ride portions take up half the ride and are really well done, as I never fail to get scared going through the Forbidden Forest or facing the Whomping Willow, and coming almost face-to-face with that dragon is one of my favorite parts of any ride. It's as much of a dark ride as it is a simulator, just depends how you look at the half-full glass I suppose.


Gringotts is a different case as it is all completely screens ( though hugely impressive in scale as sometimes I forgot I was even looking at a screen). USH is much smaller than Orlando though so I must admit if SLOP is screen-based it will be disappointing but my expectations are pretty much set to that so I won't be let down much. Considering the only other two attacions aimed for kids in USH are Shrek & Minions, both simulators, adding another one instead of an actual dark ride can be a bit repetitive for families. If they choose to go simulator, I hope it at least features a unique ride system.

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I'm heading over to the US next month, and will be at USH in the last week of August.

Is Potter still crazy busy at the park, and do they have the timed entry system still going on?


They never actually ended up using to timed entry at all. Was never needed.


It can be busy, mostly in the morning. But in the later evening hours, the lines tend to get much shorter. Also note that even though it's not advertised, Flight of the Hippogriff has a single rider, just ask for it.

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