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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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Basically, all the major rides are pretty open about single rider... not sure why FotH never really advertised theirs. But FJ, Transformers, Mummy, and JP all have it. I've even been told The Walking Dead has it--go figure, it makes no real sense to me either--but that said, when I did ask for it there, they said no, so maybe it was just a one time thing. I don't believe neither Simpsons nor Minions has it, though I've never tried.


Also keep in mind if the lines in general are very short already, or if for some reason SR lines get excessively long, they do occasionally close them off. But it's not too often.


On a side note, the most unpredictable line is for Ollivanders. It generally stays at 30-45 minutes all day, and while it's a nice show, it's not really worth that sort of wait. Again, if you wait towards the end of the day, it can go down, occasionally even to no wait at all. But it's not guaranteed. And it will randomly get short in the middle of the day, but you really can't count on it. So keep checking it all day long (unfortunately, it's not listed on their wait times, so you physically have to look), and if you see it at 15-20 minutes or less, go do it.


If you want to catch shows (Frog Choir or Tri-Wizard Tournament), they are listed on the mobile wait times app (ushwaittimes.com) under Performances.


Bonus tip: You can get your Butterbeer at the Hogshead bar inside 3 Broomsticks, and generally the line is much shorter.

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Surprised we haven't been talking about HHN in here....


So far they have announced: Exorcist, Freddy vs. Jason, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and another Halloween maze based upon the second movie. Pretty solid lineup of iconic horror characters and movies!

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Excellent, especially that Flight of the Hippogriff has a secret single rider line.


Any other rides that have hidden ones?


When Minions first opened, they had a single-rider line that entered through the Gate A line. The team members would stand outside the entrance holding a single-rider sign, and they would send you down into the special line if you asked about it. I haven't seen it much since early 2015, but I also haven't been on a crowded day since.


I'm glad to hear Hippogriff has a secret single-rider line. The one attraction I wish had one is the Simpsons ride. I'm not a huge Simpsons fan, but I do enjoy the attraction, so a way to ride without having to sit through an hour of Simpsons clips would be amazing.

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Excellent, especially that Flight of the Hippogriff has a secret single rider line.


Any other rides that have hidden ones?


When Minions first opened, they had a single-rider line that entered through the Gate A line. The team members would stand outside the entrance holding a single-rider sign, and they would send you down into the special line if you asked about it. I haven't seen it much since early 2015, but I also haven't been on a crowded day since.


I'm glad to hear Hippogriff has a secret single-rider line. The one attraction I wish had one is the Simpsons ride. I'm not a huge Simpsons fan, but I do enjoy the attraction, so a way to ride without having to sit through an hour of Simpsons clips would be amazing.


Yes, officially speaking, Minions did stop Single Rider right after it opened. I asked about it once not long after they took down the sign, and they said no. Granted, I've never asked since then, but I've never heard anything. Fortunately, though, the line is generally not too long.


I also agree it'd be nice if Simpsons had a single rider. Especially with the way the ride is set up, I'd imagine there'd be quite a few empty seats to fill. I suppose the problem is where, exactly, do you have single riders go? There's not really any space for an extra queue, and I don't think the exit would work well either. Not to mention the fact there are 3 different possible levels to go to... I think the logistics of it make it not practical.

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I have literally never come across someone who's dislikes The Simpsons.

I was always turned off by it as a kid, and while I've learned (partly thanks to TPR) that I'm able to watch it, I'm still not a "fan." (I've never cared for cartoons, so don't expect any academic criticism here, haha.) That said, I was hugely impressed by, and perhaps even loved the simulator at USO. The theming and even the ride experience itself was top-notch, not to mention more thrilling and satisfying than many simulators.

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Tis the season for Krampus as Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Orlando Resort bring the terrifying dark Christmas legend to life in an all-new "Halloween Horror Nights" maze beginning September 16, 2016.


The creative minds behind the nation’s best and most extreme Halloween events unleash the wrath of Krampus, Legendary Pictures and Universal Pictures’ Christmas-themed horror film co-written and directed by Michael Dougherty, in a sinister new "Halloween Horror Nights" maze.


The dead of winter sets the stage for the terror that’s about to unfold one cold, dank and dreary Christmas Eve as the fabled anthropomorphic "half-goat, half-demon" horned creature emerges to terrorize those devoid of holiday spirit. In scenes lifted from the film, guests will navigate the dysfunctional Engel family home to encounter the evil ancient spirit of Krampus – the dark shadow of Saint Nicholas – and his band of Dark Elves and sinister Gingerbread Men, who cause the family to fight to see the light of day.


Universal Studios' "Halloween Horror Nights" is the ultimate Halloween event. For more than 25 years, guests from around the world have visited "Halloween Horror Nights" in Hollywood and Orlando to become victims inside their own horror film. The streets of each coast’s event are transformed into highly-themed scare zones where menacing "scare-actors" lunge from every darkened corner. Multiple movie-quality haunted houses are erected throughout the event, based on anything from iconic slasher films to hit horror television series to haunting original stories.


Additional details about Universal Studios' "Halloween Horror Nights" will be revealed soon. For more information about Halloween Horror Nights at either Universal Studios Hollywood or Universal Orlando Resort, visit http://www.HalloweenHorrorNights.com.


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To the question above, Sorry, I don't know


Mini Rant:

They need to build non motion simulator attractions. I know people who hate motion simulators, so I could never take them. There are 4, yes only 4, non motion simulator rides in the park (Super Silly Spinner, FotH, Mummy, and Jurassic Park)!!!!


End Rant


Tbh, I feel you. I can ride coasters all day long, but Universal style rides make me SO NAUSEOUS. After getting off Forbidden Journey, I was so woozy that I could barely walk down the stairs off the exit platform.

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^I don't disagree, but the main problem is space. Non motion simulator rides require a lot of space, which is something that they don't have. When they do put in a roller coaster, it's like The Mummy, which everyone here complains about because it's too short. What do you expect?


So pick your poison: a very short roller coaster, or yet another, but much longer and more immersive motion simulator experience?


With some luck, we'll be getting a compromise with a long rumored SLOP dark ride.

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I'm going to be in the LA area the first weekend of October and was thinking about hitting up HHN. I've been to the event in Florida once and was wondering if the mazes are on-par or better at the Hollywood park? Also, I wasn't the biggest fan of HHN in Orlando due to the mazes just being one big conga line throughout the entire thing, it killed the atmosphere and eliminated any chance of being startled or scared. Is this common practice at the Hollywood event as well?


Also, do you think FJ will be open during HHN?



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The conga line does happen at HHN. I am pretty sure barring a technical issue, that FJ will be open for HHN. I am curious to see how it effects the lines for the mazes this year. Speaking of which, can't say I am interested in Purge - again, as a theme for a scare zone. Mostly because I find the movies scare free. However, with Walking Dead, Krampus, Texas, Freddy Vs. Jason, Michael Myers, and Exorcist, it is an incredible line-up.

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The conga line does happen at HHN. I am pretty sure barring a technical issue, that FJ will be open for HHN. I am curious to see how it effects the lines for the mazes this year. Speaking of which, can't say I am interested in Purge - again, as a theme for a scare zone. Mostly because I find the movies scare free. However, with Walking Dead, Krampus, Texas, Freddy Vs. Jason, Michael Myers, and Exorcist, it is an incredible line-up.


Damn, I'll probably pass on HHN then and hit up SFMM during the day for the coasters. It's disappointing that this "conga line" is a regular occurrence at their HHN events. I'd be willing to pay $25-30 more for a ticket if it was possible to go through the haunts in a group of 4-6 people.

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As a silver lining, you will be at SFMM during Fright Fest so you will have the option of joining the conga lines for the mazes via the upcharge, or just enjoy the scare zones and entertainment during the FF.

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The conga line does happen at HHN. I am pretty sure barring a technical issue, that FJ will be open for HHN. I am curious to see how it effects the lines for the mazes this year. Speaking of which, can't say I am interested in Purge - again, as a theme for a scare zone. Mostly because I find the movies scare free. However, with Walking Dead, Krampus, Texas, Freddy Vs. Jason, Michael Myers, and Exorcist, it is an incredible line-up.


It hasn't been confirmed by the park that the Wizarding World will be open for HHN.

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My, that would be quite evil to close a huge section of the park to save money on labor/ops. One year I went to HHN, and they closed Fast & Furious the extension of the tram ride (despite our tram driving right past the entrance of it), for the first weekend of HHN. Purely a money saver maneuver. I would not go to HHN without FJ being open.

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BTW, speaking of HHN...


The full website is now live and tickets are on sale! Only thing left to reveal is the theme of the Terror Tram.




Day/Night tickets that allow entry into the park at 2PM are available for as low as $89

Edited by Jew
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