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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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This looks like they have made longer, ongoing pathways through the town,

towards Hogwarts. I love it. To me, it looks different than what's done elsewhere.


Thanks for sharing your tour. I would love to have every box of Bertie Bott's Beans

that has a different head on on each one!

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It's actually smaller, since it doesn't curve like Orlando's did. But the forced perspective from having the castle clearly visible makes it feel larger. It has an extra faux alleyway where Dueling Dragons lockers would be, but that's the only difference.

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Even if you're not a fan of the Harry Potter franchise, you have to appreciate the level of detail that went into re-creating the world of the books and movies.


That pretty much sums up my thoughts. The detail and the technical marvel that is the FJ ride system still make for a very impressive experience.

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It's actually smaller, since it doesn't curve like Orlando's did. But the forced perspective from having the castle clearly visible makes it feel larger. It has an extra faux alleyway where Dueling Dragons fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo would be, but that's the only difference.



Amazing. Thanks for explaining it.


I Forced Perspective.

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Honestly, everything about the construction of the WW is so awe inspiring. The detail, imagination, whimsy, and devotion are incredible.


However... I got REEEEALLY close to puking after my first ride on Forbidden Journey. I was so disoriented, I could honestly barely walk myself down the exit stairs. There's a lot of non-committal rocking motion, and it made me queasy in a way that no coaster or other flat ride has in many many years. It's probably too late, but I think they should reprogram a couple of the scenes. The few dramatic dives and spins were all fine, but the generic boat rocking moments are going to cause a problem for a lot of the GP I think.


Or, they just need some recovery benches and a barf trough tucked away at the top of the exit stairs.

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The level of detail is outstanding, was hoping to get to Universal before the summer crowds arrive. Is it still doing daily soft openings?


Not quite daily. It was dark for 2 or 3 days last week. It's hard to predict, but it's been open a lot more frequently than closed.

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This summer, fans can venture into the post-apocalyptic world of The Walking Dead at Universal Studios Hollywood in an all-new, year-round attraction.


Follow in the survivors’ footsteps for a fully immersive journey, using both animatronics and live performers — the next best thing to actually being on The Walking Dead.


The attraction’s landscapes, special effects, props, staging, costumes and makeup were all created in collaboration with the show’s award-winning production team, including executive producer and director Greg Nicotero.


Thought I'd add the press release that was AMC's site

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The Talking Dead just announced the new year-round Walking Dead walk through.



Why can't that awful show just disappear already?


bBcause of people (see: idiots) like me who hate the show yet keep watching it thinking we have some sort of commitment to ourselves to keep watching this piece of shit show.

Edited by Fire2box
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Some notes from John Murdy on twitter:


-More details to be announced at WonderCon

-He is the creative director, his HHN design partner Chris Williams the Art Director, and it's being produced by another member of the USH entertainment team: Don Burgess (who worked on the night time studio tour)

-Project was two years in the making

-Building designed for this attraction, unlike House of Horrors (which was originally the Victoria Station restaurant)

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I'm not a big fan of Walking Dead, either--kind of over the whole "zombie" thing. But the show is still very popular, so I can understand why Universal is doing this. If it's done well, I'll check it out the next time I visit USH.

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I personally cannot wait for this. Even with knowing little details it'll be nice to have a year round scary attraction at a park again.


Also, now that this will be a year round thing that means you won't see them do a stand alone maze as well during HHN so now those people who whine and moan about that can be satisfied.

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I am hopeful that since it is new construction, they can take the time to deliver a much more interesting version of the Walking Dead maze than last year's HHN. What is the location? Next to Transformers?

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The Talking Dead just announced the new year-round Walking Dead walk through.



Why can't that awful show just disappear already?



Interesting.... That's how I feel about Harry Potter.

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Even with knowing little details it'll be nice to have a year round scary attraction at a park again.


Same. Parks in other countries have year-round, walk-through haunts, but there aren't that many in U.S. parks (the one at Indiana Beach comes to mind).

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This is exciting for me, too. TWD isn't exactly a "Sopranos" or "Breaking Bad"-level show, but I find it very enjoyable, especially its recent seasons. I'm interested to see how they do this walk through.

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I am hopeful that since it is new construction, they can take the time to deliver a much more interesting version of the Walking Dead maze than last year's HHN. What is the location? Next to Transformers?


Location has not been officially announced, but I imagine if they want to open it by summer it is not the site next to Transformers.

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Also, now that this will be a year round thing that means you won't see them do a stand alone maze as well during HHN so now those people who whine and moan about that can be satisfied.


You mean this will (most likely) be included in the HHN haunt list so they can cut another haunt off the event. Maybe they'll repeat one or two haunts again just like last year, leaving us with two, maybe three new ideas if we're lucky, all while increasing the event price again and still no return of VIP.


They may surprise me but after last year's deliberate price-gouge compared to years past, I'm not holding my breath.

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For those wondering were this attraction will be located, It will be located in the Upper-Lot on Bakers Street (London area). The entrance will be right next to the newly opened Starbucks and across from Universal Plaza.


The attraction entrance will pretty much be in the same location as the old House of Horrors exit.

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While The Walking Dead isn't my cup of tea, this will be a hit with the general public and draw even more guests into the park. And having a permanent haunted house for Horror Nights again will certainly allow the budget for the rest of the event to be stretched between the other five mazes/houses that have to be made new each year.

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