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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Fast and Furious - Supercharged closure announced

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Yeah, I'm surprised they just cancelled it like that. I mean, sure people are going to get offended, but come on - Superman turning gay and living up to the stereotypes? I'm not offended by that, I guarantee I'd sit there and laugh with everybody else. Guess that's what you get in an age where we're all supposed to be PC 24/7.

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I'm not sure how much pressure Universal got over the article (I now see it's been tweeted around like crazy), and they may have been left no other choice. You have to remember that "Idiocracy" is coming true, and when you're dealing with masses of dumb, it might be better to cut your losses than to deal with an escalating issue that may only get worse over the next 10 days.


It's a real shame.


Why can't people take a f'ing joke???

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I saw that show opening night, sat in the front row and had superman shake his crotch in my face...I loved it. I loved the show. Yes, he is an over the top stereotype, but that's why its funny, because its exaggerated... Just like any stereotype that's exaggerated. I am gay and was not the least bit offended, nor did I think the jokes in the show were detrimental to the LGBT community.

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I'm on the fence with this. I've never been a big fan of any of these type of lowest common denominator shows (Bill&Ted, Hanging etc).

I do think people are a little too quick to be offended and bring out the internet pitchforks over anything remotely edgy these days, however a large corporation like Universal needs to be more sensitive to what kind of messages they're putting out there.


I'm not sure why they didn't just nix the Superman part and move on though.

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As a foreigner, I've always seen HHN and Haunt as bastions of political incorrectness, which I find surprising for the US. Hopefully, this is not the beginning of the end for going un-PC at Halloween.


Sucks I'm going on Thursday, good I know, so I can plan accordingly. Thank f*** I went VIP.

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Maybe they can hire better writers to figure out clever new ways to marginalize minorities via stereotypes!



Or people could simply realize that everyone - regardless of race, creed, gender, ethnicity, heritage, whatever - gets stereotyped and made fun of, and learn to take a freaking joke.


B&T is a parody show that in no way is meant as a realistic depiction of anyone. That shouldn't be hard to understand, but people are just flat out dumb.

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Though i've never seen the show, I don't so much view it as the closure of a good or bad show, I worry more about what this could lead to being censored in the future if a big deal is made out of Bill&Ted being closed due to the media. Some-one complains and it's blown up that a haunt is racist,sexist, insensitive to a religion, offends clowns etc will it be closed in the future?

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I've got to say, that I figured this was going to happen. The mincing and the limp wrist and the sex jokes were annoying and stupid, but not necessarily a game-changing problem. There have been childish stereotypical gay jokes in the show for years without the show being canceled.


I don't think the problem was just the stereotypes, it was the violence that was done to the newly stereotypically gay Superman as soon as he came out. Yes, I know that it's superheroes who fight all the time. Violence is a part of the trope, and it's part of the trope with the Bill and Ted show overall. But the way the scene is written, it's easy to take the scene as that now he's gay, we have to beat him up.


You can all tell me to lighten up and get a sense of humor all you want. But as a gaybashing victim, I don't find watching a gaybashing on stage to be funny. If I did, I'd look down to the scar on my arm and remember my own bashings for a good laugh. I find watching the crowd applauding and cheering on a gaybashing (even if it's fictional) to be pretty damn disturbing.


Maybe next year, they can show some really stereotypically slutty or bitchy women getting some really funny rapes on the stage, and we can all cheer the rapists on laugh about how they deserved it. Then we can complain when those all too sensitive rape victims don't like it or "get the joke".

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Very well said.


I am all for parody and humor, and I have seen some pretty offensive stereotypes over the years at Bill and Ted's. But when it escalates to violence, I think they've crossed the line.


I would think someone along the way during the creative process should have seen some potential problems with the script and addressed them before the show opened. I know in Orlando, the final run thru of Bill and Ted is attended by many of the upper management types, and a joke or sketch may be changed at the last minute after this final viewing.


It's too bad the same process wasn't used in Hollywood. I feel bad for the performers who are now without work due to the mistakes of others.

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If a huge plot point of the show wasn't about objectifying half naked women and men, making fun of celebrities with their own serious problems (drug/alcohol abuse, domestic violence, etc.), and violence in general...I'd say you guys have a point. But I respectfully disagree, since I don't think with a show like bill and teds you can one day decide there is a line that can't be crossed.

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I believe that the writer of Hollywood's show is also gay! This seems really weird to just bow out so quickly without so much as a rewrite or redo!?!? And since when do we all take the media so seriously?


I'm willing to bet there's a good percentage of performers on that show who are also gay. Does Universal have no backbone to defend their product? It's honestly a real shame and I'm a bit disappointed on their behalf.


As a personal critique, I didn't think the show was as good this year as it was in past years, but there was nothing mind blowingly homophobic, more then the show was racist, or any other PC no go. But alas, this is the age that we are in. It's the loud 10% that ultimately wins.

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I don't think the problem was just the stereotypes, it was the violence that was done to the newly stereotypically gay Superman as soon as he came out. Yes, I know that it's superheroes who fight all the time. Violence is a part of the trope, and it's part of the trope with the Bill and Ted show overall. But the way the scene is written, it's easy to take the scene as that now he's gay, we have to beat him up.


You can all tell me to lighten up and get a sense of humor all you want. But as a gaybashing victim, I don't find watching a gaybashing on stage to be funny. If I did, I'd look down to the scar on my arm and remember my own bashings for a good laugh. I find watching the crowd applauding and cheering on a gaybashing (even if it's fictional) to be pretty damn disturbing.

OMG! Give me a f**king break! First of all David, you're lying. There was NO VIOLENCE TOWARDS GAYS IN THE SHOW OR GAYBASHING WHATSOEVER!


Here's is a complete transcript of the Gay Superman part of the show:

In this year's play, Bill & Ted are transported to the Land of Oz via tornado (or as they call it, the "ghost of Cory Monteith") where they encounter Superman who promises to help them fight the evil witches of Oz. This all goes awry when Superman accidentally gets dusted with "fairy dust" by one of the witches and becomes gay.


After becoming gay, Superman's voice and posture changes. His lips purse, his toes point inward, and his wrists become limp. His new voice sounds like a homophobic uncle doing a drunken impression of Richard Simmons, complete with lisps and frequent use of the word "faaaaaaabulous!" [...]


Obviously, now that Superman is gay, he is not going to be of any use to them. "Who could possibly make a worse Superman?" asks Bill. "Ben Affleck?" responds Ted.


Then, because Superman is now gay, he minces over to Bill and Ted, blows kisses at them, and slaps Ted on the ass. As he does this, Bill and Ted say "awwww dude!" with disgusted voices.


After a few more attempts at molesting Bill and Ted, Superman ends up aboard the Starship Enterprise, where he runs into Superman villain General Zod. General Zod tells Superman to get on his knees. Because Superman is now gay, he assumes this is an invitation to give Zod oral sex. "Finally!" he squeals.


Also aboard the Starship Enterprise, the gang runs into George Takei. Because George Takei is gay too, he and Superman share an instant mutual attraction. "Who's your friend?" asks George, in the same lisping, gay-minstrel voice that Superman uses.


Before Bill and/or Ted can answer, Superman interrupts by yelling "Hey daddy!" to George...George and Superman disappear to have sex. "Time to boldly go where no man has gone before!" says George, as they exit the stage.


This is the last we see of Superman in the play.

Tell me where ANY of this is that offensive?


Seriously, David, shut up. Lighten up and get a sense of humor.


The show ran for several weeks without any issue at all until ONE idiot with a very loud voice felt the need to make a big deal out of it, and then all the idiot sheep in the world felt the need to jump on that bandwagon because they have an internet connection, a keyboard, and an uneducated voice to speak with.


And that resulted in Universal closing the show. I personally don't put any blame on Universal. I put the blame on society and people like David who are making comments and exaggerating stories either without having a clue what they are talking about, or to somehow feed into their own personal agenda, both have absolutely NOTHING to do with the show.


It's just sad what society has become.

Edited by robbalvey
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