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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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^ Oh cool...I love the opening area but it was getting a bit tired. Are they gonna try to switch up Terror Tram a bit too? That's feeling very stale.


They have officially announced that the NY Street sets on the backlot will be a scare zone and house mazes!


Walking Dead on the Backlot!

Edited by Jew
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That's pretty cool that they will be using New York Street for a scare zone and some house mazes. I just hope it doesn't get all jammed packed like the Bates Motel area. That could have been a really cool area but it ended up being a massive slow line throughout the entire area.

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The Mummy's Tomb, AKA Dante's Peak, AKA The Ice Tunnel closes for good September 3 - replacement will be announced soon.


Closes September 3? It's been closed all summer. I was there yesterday and it was still closed. Are they gonna open it for the Holliday weekend and then shut it down permanently?

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It was open on Memorial Day...but it looked super run-down. All the blacklight painted mummy warriors didn't even show up. Kinda sad it's going away if only because it's been there in some form forever..but if it's replaced with something better, I'm all for it.

And yay...we won't have to watch Stephen Sommers circa 2000 pretend he's a badass director in the little pre-movie anymore!

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Just an FYI: a very limited number of the "Killer Deal Nights" passes are going to go on sale at 12:00pm today. Follow HHN on facebook to get the link. They will definitely sell out almost immediately!

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Double post...The Universal Plaza and Pinks have opened! Not exactly a new attraction, but it is nice to have some open space in the park again.


Here is the finished product of the "Cathay Circle ripoff" another site got so worked up over...


The plaza features a small water play area...which is nice, because soon it will have to replace Curious George until Silly Silly Funland opens!


Anyone from LA should know Pinks is as good as it gets for hot dogs in this town...


A sampling of the menu...lots of unhealthy awesomeness

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^Health nuts?


To no fanfare what-so-ever, the Curious George playground and Flinstones Carnival Game area have closed. And the avalanche/mummy tunnel. Construction walls are already going up. Amplitheater's last show is Sept. 6.


I didn't realize it until today, but over the course of the last 10 years nearly the entire park has been updated. Only JP and the Animal Actors show remain as the elder statesmen.

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^Health nuts?


To no fanfare what-so-ever, the Curious George playground and Flinstones Carnival Game area have closed. And the avalanche/mummy tunnel. Construction walls are already going up. Amplitheater's last show is Sept. 6.



Good riddance!




I didn't realize it until today, but over the course of the last 10 years nearly the entire park has been updated. Only JP and the Animal Actors show remain as the elder statesmen.


You forgot WaterWorld.

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^Health nuts?


To no fanfare what-so-ever, the Curious George playground and Flinstones Carnival Game area have closed. And the avalanche/mummy tunnel. Construction walls are already going up. Amplitheater's last show is Sept. 6.


I didn't realize it until today, but over the course of the last 10 years nearly the entire park has been updated. Only JP and the Animal Actors show remain as the elder statesmen.


What about Waterworld? Or is that closing too?

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I didn't realize it until today, but over the course of the last 10 years nearly the entire park has been updated. Only JP and the Animal Actors show remain as the elder statesmen.

And from what I'm hearing, even JP is slated to get an update sometime in the near future. Never has there been this much in the history of the park to be excited for. Can't wait to see how it's all changed in the next 5 years.

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I'm surprised at how large the work wall area is!! I'm interested to see how Hollywood lays out their WW land compared to Orlando. And what, if any, new stuff they will build in comparison. Orlando is fortunate to not have neighbors and such restricting attractions in that park. I doubt they'd build any large outdoor coaster or replicate dragons challenge, so I wonder what types of different attractions could be built instead.

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So could I, but like USO, I think that it would probably come in a phase two because of its large size, but who knows. None of us seem to know anything about this potter land here. I can see them building the kids coaster, like in Orlando. and obviously some sort of Hogsmead. But I think they will likely open the new land with more then 2 rides.

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Is the issue with the outdoor coaster with the neighbors or with the film studio? Something about having people scream in the background of a film?


I would never expect Dueling Dragons at any other HP land. It just worked out that an existing ride fit the theme at the location they were building on. I would love to see a Gringotts coaster, but where would it go?

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Is the issue with the outdoor coaster with the neighbors or with the film studio? Something about having people scream in the background of a film?


I would never expect Dueling Dragons at any other HP land. It just worked out that an existing ride fit the theme at the location they were building on. I would love to see a Gringotts coaster, but where would it go?


The Falls Lake, Psycho House, and War of The Worlds area of the backlot. I can't help but think, if they ever were to expand this park even further, that area of the backlot would seem to be the most obvious place to go.

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Is the issue with the outdoor coaster with the neighbors or with the film studio? Something about having people scream in the background of a film?


I would never expect Dueling Dragons at any other HP land. It just worked out that an existing ride fit the theme at the location they were building on. I would love to see a Gringotts coaster, but where would it go?


I wonder how much of a consideration that kind of noise is these days. I took the VIP tour at USH a few months back and the guide told me most dialogue is re-dubbed in post production anyway, especially for scenes shot outdoors.

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