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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Okay, you talked me into it! It'll be fun to turn my travel, attraction, and park notes into a full-on trip report.

Here's one pic of Tajah hanging out with a bear in Alaska last year. She likes bruins as much as we do, but we tried to keep her away from the real ones.


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^ She definitely has that "don't mess with me" look on her, lol.


Pretty kitty.

Yeah, she has an issue with Resting Bitch Face, I attribute that to the Siamese in her, or maybe she's just pissed off at us a lot?

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Btw can we keep the cat photos and this conversation going for sometime?


Tajah will be pleased that you like her as much as CP, I, on the other hand, sort of like CP talk!


Interesting that they're working on SV, it would be amazing if they're able to get all three cars running before the end of the season.

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Btw can we keep the cat photos and this conversation going for sometime?


Tajah will be pleased that you like her as much as CP, I, on the other hand, sort of like CP talk!


Interesting that they're working on SV, it would be amazing if they're able to get all three cars running before the end of the season.


Noted. How about editing your cat into Cedar Point photos?


I really do hope this means that three trains is happening soon, but maybe they’re working on something else. I don’t know what it is but at least they’re working on it which is always positive.



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Well Steel Vengeance will not be on. Early entry on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays until July 12. Read about it here. In its place will be raptor. They are continuing work of SV.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Totally jumping to conclusions here but this most likely means 3 trains are coming, since blackjack has been running.

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Blue Streak sucks lately (even in non wheel seats). I'd rather ride Corkscrew.
No way. The non-wheel seats were a good ride on Blue Streak. The first half of Cork Screw is in the discussion for one of the worst 5 rides. Very painful.
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I still love Blue Streak, but even I must admit it has been running rougher these past couple of years. After years of loving it more every time I visited, I've actually had a couple of uncomfortable rides in recent visits. However, if you ride in the very front row, or at least the front of the cars towards the front, you should still have a good ride. But as I said earlier, if you have to ride a coaster that way, how good is it really? Still, I enjoy Blue Streak, and hopefully with a little retracking over time, it will become smoother again.


On the topic of refurbishment, and getting back to Magnum, I would LOVE to see them get those new B&M trains like SD2000 got! Potentially, it could take Magnum back to being a top coaster in the world again (at least to those like myself who don't already see it that way! ), and would actually make sense as a smaller park improvement next year. While they're at it next year, they absolutely need to do something about the Magnum station cluster****, whenever there are hardly any people of in there. Personally, I'd like to see people just held at the top of the stairs, and only up to three groups deep in each row allowed in at a time. However, if they were to modify the station next year, longer row queues for each row, with a number at the entry to the row queue, would be immensely helpful! I know the last time I went to CP this year, it was an utter madhouse up there, and somehow, my brother and sister got on the front row before I got on my favorite row, the first of the last car.


Don't get me wrong about Magnum... It's not a "bad" coaster, and I certainly respect the hell out of its place in history! (Heck, I still remember my vivid dreams during the offseason of 88-89, about me riding it for the first time, just based off of the commercials!) I just think like all Arrow coasters, time has not been kind to it, and it can be the second most frustrating coaster in the park many visits... (Second, of course, to Tepid Thrill Downtime, which I've yet to ride this year as it's been down, more than up during all my visits, and has LITERALLY shut down when I entered the line, or was walking up to it, three times! )

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LOL I rode Blue Streak 5 times during the power outage with almost no wait. Nothing but great rides front and back. I thoroughly disagree - yeah I hate the ratcheting bars and the hard foam padding, but that thing is running really well IMO. I can also ride the hell out of Magnum in 1.3 and Rougarou in middle seats. Y'all are crazy to me.


I can ride Rougarou and Magnum all day. Blue Streak though... Jesus


Though to be fair I haven’t ridden it yet this year after our awful rides last year, maybe it’s better...

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On the topic of refurbishment, and getting back to Magnum, I would LOVE to see them get those new B&M trains like SD2000 got! Potentially, it could take Magnum back to being a top coaster in the world again (at least to those like myself who don't already see it that way! ), and would actually make sense as a smaller park improvement next year.

Trains wouldn't make any difference in the ride experience... if anything, better trains would make the experience worse by further highlighting the imperfections in the track and the fact that Ron Toomer could only design rides with straight lines and constant radius curves. Something I don't think most people want to feel anymore than they already do.

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The primary difference with Blue Streak is that they've gone to the more durable but less forgiving padding in the seats; it's about as rough as Racer at KI (another ride with that padding), which is to say "I think everyone is a wimp". It isn't bouncing or shuffling at all. Speed is outstanding. I can even ride in wheel seats no problem.


Between this and people complaining about "B&M rattle" online, I'm starting to be convinced that the slide of "rough" is shifting so far over into the territory of "does something" that it's actually concerning for the future.

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The primary difference with Blue Streak is that they've gone to the more durable but less forgiving padding in the seats; it's about as rough as Racer at KI (another ride with that padding), which is to say "I think everyone is a wimp". It isn't bouncing or shuffling at all. Speed is outstanding. I can even ride in wheel seats no problem.


Between this and people complaining about "B&M rattle" online, I'm starting to be convinced that the slide of "rough" is shifting so far over into the territory of "does something" that it's actually concerning for the future.


Yeah, that's kind of been my thought on that topic for a few years now. I rode the Boomerang at Darien Lake this past weekend and thought it was perfectly fine, a little bumby in a few transitions but otherwise smooth enough to totally enjoy it yet I'm sure most these days would deem it almost un-rideable. I honestly can't remember the last coaster I rode that I considered to be so "rough" that I wouldn't ride it again, maybe Gwazi right before they closed it down? Maybe Cannonball Run in Gulf Shores, that was pretty brutal but understandable for a seasonal wooden coaster at a waterpark near the beach (I still rode it 3 or 4 times haha).


Heck, people were complaining about Mine Blower like a week after it opened when that ride was totally fine.

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Yeah, that's kind of been my thought on that topic for a few years now. I rode the Boomerang at Darien Lake this past weekend and thought it was perfectly fine, a little bumby in a few transitions but otherwise smooth enough to totally enjoy it yet I'm sure most these days would deem it almost un-rideable. I honestly can't remember the last coaster I rode that I considered to be so "rough" that I wouldn't ride it again, maybe Gwazi right before they closed it down? Maybe Cannonball Run in Gulf Shores, that was pretty brutal but understandable for a seasonal wooden coaster at a waterpark near the beach (I still rode it 3 or 4 times haha).


Heck, people were complaining about Mine Blower like a week after it opened when that ride was totally fine.


The boomerang at Darien Lake is probably among the best I've ever gone on. It's really good for what it is.


Truthfully, a lot of the really bad wooden coasters are gone. Rattler, Son of Beast, Mean Streak, Rolling Thunder, KD Hurler, the list goes on and on. Stuff like Bandit or Coaster Express that is complete garbage is far away so no one rides it. Maybe that moved the overton window into looking at regular ass B&M coasters, which is crazy talk to me circa 20 years ago. But things change...

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Apparently I need to ride this thing again.


I mean, I’m with you on Rougarou. If you think any floorless coaster is rough then you’re a bitch. Even Patriot is rideable, it’s just that the layout sucks so I mean... why?


I guess Blue Streak is just a risk / reward thing with me. We usually rode it and thought it was fine, our last ride sucked but that can happen on any wood coaster. I just haven’t bothered riding it again because (this may be blasphemous) I um... just don’t think it’s that good anyway. It’s just “okay” even on its best day and it’s in the same park as some of the best coasters in the world.

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Yeah, that's kind of been my thought on that topic for a few years now. I rode the Boomerang at Darien Lake this past weekend and thought it was perfectly fine, a little bumby in a few transitions but otherwise smooth enough to totally enjoy it yet I'm sure most these days would deem it almost un-rideable. I honestly can't remember the last coaster I rode that I considered to be so "rough" that I wouldn't ride it again, maybe Gwazi right before they closed it down? Maybe Cannonball Run in Gulf Shores, that was pretty brutal but understandable for a seasonal wooden coaster at a waterpark near the beach (I still rode it 3 or 4 times haha).


Heck, people were complaining about Mine Blower like a week after it opened when that ride was totally fine.


There actually has been one coaster that I have experienced that was “too rough” to ride it again. The Predator at Darien Lake has been absolutely awful for these past few years now. I ride it last year in the back seat (I still don’t know why I made that mistake) and I got off feeling like a rib popped out. I go to the park quite a few times each year, including this year, and I still haven’t been on it since that terrible ride last May. Rides that are so rough to the point where they are “in-rideable” do exist, but aren’t actually very common. Out of all the coasters I have been on, Predator is the only coaster I have deemed as “in-rideable”.

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Haha, I rode Predator 3 days ago and thought it was perfectly fine, the front had some decent air and was actually a really fun ride. Took like 5 rides all over the train and totally enjoyed all of them.


Maybe I caught it on a good day with an empty train or something, but point is that it seems like these days anything that isn't perfectly smooth and comfortable someone will have a problem with.

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