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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I went the weekend prior to Memorial Day. I fly into Ohio on that Saturday and spent an hour and half at the park and then I spent all day on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday at the park. I stayed at Breakers and I am platinum. I didn't get FL+ and it worked out fine. I ended up with 9 rides on SV, 15 on MF, 11 on Maverick, 12 on Gate Keeper, 8 on TTD, 4 on Valravn, and 9 on Magnum. Monday was the busiest day and the day I got the fewest rides. I can see this being the case in May and June before it gets crowded. If it was a lot more crowded, say in July & early August, then I would budget a day, maybe 2 for FL+.

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Quick quick quick TR:


Went to the park on Father's day. It was SO HOT (yeah yeah, fight me). Did Gatekeeper, Valravn, Millennium Force, and Maverick during early entry with little to no waits.


I was a bit disappointed in Brew & BBQ this year. No food really stood out for me except for the brisket station you got a TON of meat for a "sample" and it was tasty, but the rest of the food wasn't that great IMO. I think the non-beer / cider selection was smaller this year (I know, it's about beer, but I don't drink that stuff) but what was there was pretty good. Had a really good pineapple cider I would go out and buy again. And I'm always a fan of ciderboys.


Sidenote: why are the tickets only good the day you purchased them? I ran into a few really pissed off people when the stands wouldn't accept their color of ticket from the day before.


Anyways, on the way out at 3pm-ish Millennium Force had a 1 train wait. To give you an idea of how busy it was; all the crowds were on the water rides and water park... I'm guessing.


Oh, I also got yelled at for filling an empty seat as a single rider. Guy refused to let me by him in the MF station and said I can get kicked out of the park. People are dumb.


Rode Steel err MEAL Vengeance 2x and I feel the ride just gets better the more I ride it. Thing was absolutely flying into the midcourse. That sideways jolt at the top is awesome lol.




Great day but way too hot. Couldn't stay any longer to enjoy the small queues because I was melting. Oh well, we will be back (as always).

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I was a bit disappointed in Brew & BBQ this year. No food really stood out for me except for the brisket station you got a TON of meat for a "sample" and it was tasty, but the rest of the food wasn't that great IMO. I think the non-beer / cider selection was smaller this year (I know, it's about beer, but I don't drink that stuff) but what was there was pretty good. Had a really good pineapple cider I would go out and buy again. And I'm always a fan of ciderboys.


Since I don't know if I'll ever get my TR from last week up, I'll just comment here that I actually felt it was not as great of a selection as last year as well. On the whole, I thought it was a stretch to come up with more than 4 or 5 food items I wanted. HOWEVER, you are right on about the brisket! I couldn't believe how much brisket I got there for only 1 ticket! And it was quite tasty as well! So that was a winner! Also, I had a beer there - the Lex Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale - that was out of this world good! I only wish I'd discovered it earlier, before I ran out of tickets, because I would have gotten a lot more of it! Bottom line though, at least based on this year's selections, I had no problem sharing some tickets with my siblings who were with me (and wouldn't get the Brew and BBQ deal themselves, in spite of my urging, though they saw the error of their ways afterward), and I think 15 tix for two people would have been a fine number with what they offered this year.

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I can't speak for AnonymousCactus, but as for me, my observation isn't based on whether it's a good deal or not (I still was very pleased with it from that standpoint), but rather that the food and beer selection didn't seem as large or varied as last year - at least for my tastes. It's still a heck of a cool event, to be sure, and one I'll do every year, as long as they have it! (And I really liked the new Brew Kettle beer, Huckleberry Hootenanny!)

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I went to the park for my 2nd ever visit a couple weeks ago, finally have some time to log on and post.


Not a whole lot to say that hasn't been said at least a dozen times, but....


1. Everyone is fired for not telling me about the train ride through Boneville. I just happened to take a full loop toward the end of the day, and that was such a charming and fun surprise. I loved it.


2. The smell of the dead bugs cooking on the flood lights below Steel Veng was awful. I hope the park has figured out how to fix that by now.


3. Millennium Force is still my one true love (even though I got a face full of bugs on my night ride).


4. The Country Rocks show was fabulous. The new Lusty Lil show was a very weird hodgepodge, but the cast did a great job. It boggles my mind that their live shows have one cast and one tech, and everyone just works 6 days per week for months on end.

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I went to the park for my 2nd ever visit a couple weeks ago, finally have some time to log on and post.


Not a whole lot to say that hasn't been said at least a dozen times, but....


1. Everyone is fired for not telling me about the train ride through Boneville. I just happened to take a full loop toward the end of the day, and that was such a charming and fun surprise. I loved it.


2. The smell of the dead bugs cooking on the flood lights below Steel Veng was awful. I hope the park has figured out how to fix that by now.


Yes, the train ride is relaxing and amusing at the same time. Those bugs smell to me almost like popcorn...

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I went to the park for my 2nd ever visit a couple weeks ago, finally have some time to log on and post.


Not a whole lot to say that hasn't been said at least a dozen times, but....


1. Everyone is fired for not telling me about the train ride through Boneville. I just happened to take a full loop toward the end of the day, and that was such a charming and fun surprise. I loved it.


2. The smell of the dead bugs cooking on the flood lights below Steel Veng was awful. I hope the park has figured out how to fix that by now.


Yes, the train ride is relaxing and amusing at the same time. The cooking bug smell reminds me of popcorn...

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1. Everyone is fired for not telling me about the train ride through Boneville. I just happened to take a full loop toward the end of the day, and that was such a charming and fun surprise. I loved it.


We took this train ride a few times as a way to get between Steel Vengeance and Millennium Force while resting our feet, and I was surprised at how entertaining the ride itself was. I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about this before now.

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There's an extremely hot rumor I'm being told that SV is closed right now because they're working on getting three train operation going. Insert fire emojis here.




Can't wait to see if enthusiasts complain "3 train ops are slower than 2 trains uwu go back to 2 trains" since that's already been speculated by counting dispatches from the webcam

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People are saying that "the gold and black trains are testing." Blackjack is the black one so that would probably explain why it isn't running considering it has been sitting on blocks of wood since April. Great to hear that it is finally being used if it is in fact true

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I am here now. Steel Vengeance is only running 2 trains.


Well yeah... because it's open now. Getting it to the point where it can open with 3 trains is probably going to take more than one day of morning testing.


Yes, but everytime I went by, it was only 2 train testing. There was a train on the transfer track.

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4. The Country Rocks show was fabulous. The new Lusty Lil show was a very weird hodgepodge, but the cast did a great job. It boggles my mind that their live shows have one cast and one tech, and everyone just works 6 days per week for months on end.


Yes. I played piano at Cedar Point from 1986-1990. We did 6 25 minute shows a day, 6 days a week. Once you get into the groove of doing it, it's not that bad.


I still play piano professionally (Walt Disney World for 19 years) and when the kids I am working with complain about having to do 5 20 minute shows a day, I just laugh.

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I am here now. Steel Vengeance is only running 2 trains.


Well yeah... because it's open now. Getting it to the point where it can open with 3 trains is probably going to take more than one day of morning testing.


Yes, but everytime I went by, it was only 2 train testing. There was a train on the transfer track.

They need to get the 3rd train certified.

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Just got off Digger. Chess is still running and Blackjack parked. Had an issue yesterday around noon riding 2nd row right side on Chess, my nephews restraint released just before launch after being secured and cheched. They reset and re-locked with no issues, but had that row closed the rest of the day.

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Just got off Digger. Chess is still running and Blackjack parked. Had an issue yesterday around noon riding 2nd row right side on Chess, my nephews restraint released just before launch after being secured and cheched. They reset and re-locked with no issues, but had that row closed the rest of the day.


I cannot believe that the restraint came loose after they checked it, what would have happened if they had not noticed that and sent the train off? Sounds like a serious issue.....I hope we will never experience such a thing during our visit this coming August. I remember hearing a report earlier this season when the restraint came loose after they launched the train and the guy screaming and shouting to stop the train......I am not sure how accurate these reports are or if there is a real safety concern...

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I didn’t believe these reports the first 5 or 10 times I heard them this season but after awhile it’s hard not to believe that this is an issue.


Still, it’s highly likely that the computer wouldn’t have allowed them to dispatch the train.

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I never believe stories like that about restraints coming open, so it was a little surreal when it actually happened. Even stranger was that his seat stayed green on the board until they lifted the restraint completely back up.


Needless to say, the nephew didn't do that run with his hands up!


Another weird thing happened when we got out of the train, the restraints refused to stay up once we pushed them up, the left restraint (the one that wouldn't lock) came back down as I was stepping out and trapped my foot. Darn Chess was getting in one last shot.


Our second ride today was back on Chess and those 2 seats were still not in use and showed grey in the board.

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I always do that out of habit - used to be a major chicken.


Some lap bars freak me out unreasonably still, like Screamin Eagle @ SFStL whose classic wooden coaster lap bars sat way above my lap - best floater air I've ever gotten on a ride but a little unnerving the first time.


The push up is always better than the push down as a test I think.

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I never believe stories like that about restraints coming open, so it was a little surreal when it actually happened. Even stranger was that his seat stayed green on the board until they lifted the restraint completely back up.


Needless to say, the nephew didn't do that run with his hands up!


Another weird thing happened when we got out of the train, the restraints refused to stay up once we pushed them up, the left restraint (the one that wouldn't lock) came back down as I was stepping out and trapped my foot. Darn Chess was getting in one last shot.


Our second ride today was back on Chess and those 2 seats were still not in use and showed grey in the board.


Well at least the additional seatbelts will hopefully hold you in place just in case the restraints fail.....Seriously, whoever is responsible for that issue (Cedar Point, RMC or IOE) they should really look into that.....



Anyway, Twisted Timbers seems to be down to 1 train ops again, don't know if that might also be related to the same issue....

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