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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^Save yourself from disappointment and adopt my mentality. I'm expecting not to ride SV for one of two reasons. Either it will not be operating, or the line will extend into the multiple hour range. Now, if I get one ride on SV I'll be content just to get the experience. If I'm luck enough to do so I don't anticipate more than one ride.


I'm just appreciative of all of the other great rides I was going to get to ride. To be honest, I was a lot more excited to get back on Millennium Force and Maverick than I was to try out SV. I haven't been riding the hype train as much as other people.


Sucks RMC is having a rough go at opening up SV after the Lightning Rod fiasco.[/quote


Correct me if I am wrong, but technically with LR it was the launching system and that was not done by RMC, right?


I will say, even though they are still have major problems, they have been able to get it open, which is a huge plus. Also one train operation isn’t ideal, but surprisingly the line still moves good. Overall this is not a great situation, however I feel that this is not an “end of the world” for rmc/cedarfair partnership.



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It's really nice to read about how the park is stepping up when things are going less than swimmingly.


I was genuinely happy to see them do something like that. And it wasn’t just the people in the station or the ones that were about to ride. It was everyone who stayed in line.



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We were in the station when it closed at 3:45 and left right after they made the announcement that the closure was expected to be a lengthy one. Where did you get the pass? We went out the fast lane line and were one of the first people out and letting people in the queue who didn't hear the spiel know it was going to be closed for a while.

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It's really nice to read about how the park is stepping up when things are going less than swimmingly.


I was genuinely happy to see them do something like that. And it wasn’t just the people in the station or the ones that were about to ride. It was everyone who stayed in line.



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We were in the station when it closed at 3:45 and left right after they made the announcement that the closure was expected to be a lengthy one. Where did you get the pass? We went out the fast lane line and were one of the first people out and letting people in the queue who didn't hear the spiel know it was going to be closed for a while.


I stayed in line until 420p. I was at the station and really didn’t feel like riding anything else, so I stayed. At that time they told us it wasn’t going to open but not to leave yet as we were going to get those passes.



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Word is that RMC trucks rolled in overnight and were testing multiple trains... 2 or possibly 3. Also heard that they were testing the harshness of the brakes. Does anyone have confirmation or more details on this?



I will be at the park this morning. If I see anything I will let you all know about any changes or information.



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Word is that RMC trucks rolled in overnight and were testing multiple trains... 2 or possibly 3. Also heard that they were testing the harshness of the brakes. Does anyone have confirmation or more details on this?



I will be at the park this morning. If I see anything I will let you all know about any changes or information.


Update: SV is closed for early entry. Magnum is opening for early entry. Hopefully it will open later today.


Update 2: They got it open for early entry.


Also, noticed that they have water dummies on a second train on the transfer track. Hopefully that means soon they will have multiple train op.


Ps. I don’t know why the last two post happened. This forum’s app is not working properly. My apologies





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Correct me if I am wrong, but technically with LR it was the launching system and that was not done by RMC, right?


That's my understanding, but it still blows that they appear to be having a little more than standard bugs on their new record breaker.

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Also, noticed that they have water dummies on a second train on the transfer track. Hopefully that means soon they will have multiple train op.







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It was like that on Sunday too.

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Also, noticed that they have water dummies on a second train on the transfer track. Hopefully that means soon they will have multiple train op.







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It was like that on Sunday too.


Well....darn. I was trying to be hopeful!



Hopefully rmc will get this fix and for the future they will have everything smoothed out.



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Word is that RMC trucks rolled in overnight and were testing multiple trains... 2 or possibly 3. Also heard that they were testing the harshness of the brakes. Does anyone have confirmation or more details on this?


I've seen this reported in a few places but I mean, let me get this straight...


The ride broke down yesterday. They dumped the queue, they said it wouldn't reopen and they gave everyone vouchers. Then they fixed it after the park closed and tested 2 trains. Then they knew well in advance that despite the fact that they supposedly fixed it last night they wouldn't have it open for early entry after it was broken yesterday afternoon so they had the Magnum crew come in early and open up for Early Entry (though Steel Vengeance did end up opening up faster than they thought it would).


That makes no sense. I guess theoretically they could have broken it again last night but it seems way more likely that the same breakdown that caused it to close for the day early yesterday afternoon prompted them to have the Magnum crew come in early.

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I'm sure they're trying everything they can to get this thing going for peak operating season. I don't anticipate them rolling 2-3 trains within the next week, but none of us really know what needs to be done to get SV fully operational again. They're likely losing money on FL+ and ticket sales to an extent. CP is having much more of a headache with this than us geeks are. Sucks that nothing we are basing our information on is more than shotty observation information and pure guess.


Do you think that once they get multiple trains operational that the FL+ option will return?

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^Save yourself from disappointment and adopt my mentality. I'm expecting not to ride SV for one of two reasons. Either it will not be operating, or the line will extend into the multiple hour range. Now, if I get one ride on SV I'll be content just to get the experience. If I'm lucky enough to do so I don't anticipate more than one ride.


I had the same mindset, one ride would've been enough if I got it, and anything more would be a bonus. That was all well and good until I actually got that one ride, then I needed more.

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Definitely heartbreaking for RMC to have yet another high profile ride have such profound teething issues. Hope they get it sorted out soon, I'd imagine CP wants this thing up and running at least by memorial day.

Man, I wish I had your life if that's what you consider "heartbreaking."


Nah, just being a jerk. I keep thinking to myself that I feel really bad for everyone affected by this situation, which is literally exactly what I say after a tragedy. I get it, stuff happens, people aren't entitled to a specific experience at a park, and folks can schedule trips at times more likely to avoid predictable problems, but this still sucks.


Edit: My day is also now, uh, the thing that happens when you see Steel Vengeance running on the webcam.

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I wasn't even that disappointed about not getting on SV when I went to the Point last Friday. Heck, I never got anywhere near SV due to weather (45 degrees with wind and occasional rain) and the park being overrun with school groups (I also wasn't able to get on Maverick, Millennium, or Valravn; however, I did get on Raptor, GateKeeper, and Rougarou).


Watching the webcam right now and a train just crested the lift.


SV's problems are nowhere near as bad as LR, for two reasons:

(1) SV has been able to run (even if capacity is about 300 pph), in part due to its chain lift (LR didn't really run until about August)

(2) It's not really peak season yet (CP/RMC would be happy if SV got to sometimes 2-train ops by Memorial Day or shortly after; peak season at CP (outside of weekends) doesn't really begin until mid-June due to K-12 schools being in session in early June)

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It was a fantastic day for our group, and personally it's always my favorite day of the year. My day is spent riding with kids that I have had in class and some that I had never had in class. I buy the funpix just for this day and post all the pictures on this cork board in my classroom. Usually I cut it really close in terms of being able to get a ride/picture with every student that wants one. But with the park being so dead I got everyone in with 3 hours to spare.


And then the very best part of the day is convincing students who are scared and intimidated to at least get on one of the more mild coasters. Today I was especially proud of a student who just moved to my district last year from Kuwait. She chickened out at first but the end of the day I got her to ride the Mine Ride, and she loved it. Then she went on Gemini and was hooked, and I got a pic with her on Maverick with her hands up. She probably wins the prize for doing the biggest 180 in terms of going from being scared to being hooked.


The other highlight of the day was when a fellow teacher had to take a walk of shame on SV. I don't know if I've ever laughed so hard. And the funny thing is that he fit in the test seat. Now there were no students around, it was just me and him, and I would never embarrass him like that in front of students. We're very good friends so it was cool...


The only negative was MF being down for what seemed like the entire day. But it was up at some point.

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So had to be on a conference call at 7:15pm but several colleagues were late dialing in so while waiting, pulled up TTD webcam on 2nd monitor to see if SV was running. (I know GEEK alert)


Here is the breakdown, between 7:15 and 7:30 (ish), TDD dispatched every 1 minute WOW!!! I have been riding TTD since it's inception and cannot ever recall that quick of a dispatch. Don't know how many trains they were running but Holy Cow, kudos to the Dragster crew on kicking butt on a Wednesday!!!


On a sadder note, SV was indeed running but dispatch appeared to be roughly four minutes apart so definitely must be 1 train op still.


Just before getting back on conf call, TTD rolled back. Lucky peeps!!

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So had to be on a conference call at 7:15pm but several colleagues were late dialing in so while waiting, pulled up TTD webcam on 2nd monitor to see if SV was running. (I know GEEK alert)


Here is the breakdown, between 7:15 and 7:30 (ish), TDD dispatched every 1 minute WOW!!! I have been riding TTD since it's inception and cannot ever recall that quick of a dispatch. Don't know how many trains they were running but Holy Cow, kudos to the Dragster crew on kicking butt on a Wednesday!!!


On a sadder note, SV was indeed running but dispatch appeared to be roughly four minutes apart so definitely must be 1 train op still.


Just before getting back on conf call, TTD rolled back. Lucky peeps!!

At least SV is running... That is the good thing for those of with trips in the very near future!
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Here is the breakdown, between 7:15 and 7:30 (ish), TDD dispatched every 1 minute WOW!!! I have been riding TTD since it's inception and cannot ever recall that quick of a dispatch. Don't know how many trains they were running but Holy Cow, kudos to the Dragster crew on kicking butt on a Wednesday!!!


Just before getting back on conf call, TTD rolled back. Lucky peeps!!


Thank you! The crew is working hard to keep the line moving! Also we were running 5 trains all day, that's the normal amount we run for maximum capacity.

Edited by JRice92
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