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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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I can't stop watching the live video feed #3 either.


I'm bursting with excitement over here. Have a half day at work tomorrow, driving up to the point from Pittsburgh, staying at Lighthouse Point Friday and Saturday night, heading to the park on Saturday and Sunday!!


I believe my last trip was in 2009, so almost 10 years ago!


Looks like we'll both be getting rained on. Cross your fingers. I know I am. Emily and I are going to Coaster Campout, so I hope we don't have a soggy night.


I do hope that it holds out for you and Emily over the weekend, Zach - and anyone else attending the event!


I am really starting to think that weekends in May in the Great Lakes area are nothing but f%cking rain every year. We might see a couple nice days during the week, but it seems like every weekend is above a 50% chance of rain...with a little dose of freezing-ass cold weather like what we experienced last weekend.


Saturday does look like one of those days where it will at least be warm, so a passing t-storm could clear a lot of the crowds out during the afternoon. As Andrew mentioned, you might be able to save on FL+ and use it to drink beer during the t-storms.


Good luck - looking forward to your take on the event!

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Anybody notice that the red light on top of the lift hill isn't flashing at night? Isn't that like highly illegal?


I'm hearing Steel Vengeance is currently in handcuffs now

Just 2 of the 3 trains are in handcuffs... The 3rd outlaw is still running on the track...
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Okay, I'm going to go ahead and say it: My prediction for CP's 2020 coaster is a 200+ foot RMC Raptor or T-Rex. So screenshot this if you want and see if I get it right.


Can we get through the 2018 season first?



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Got into town about 8:20 and spent about an 1:35 minutes in the park. I got 5 rides in. I rode Gatekepper first. Felt like it had a bit of a rattle. Only had to wait one train. Faster than X Flight but I think the near miss was better on x flight. Need to give it a few more rides. Next was Wicked Twister which I got on right away. After that I looked at the app and noticed dragster was closed but looked up and they were testing. I jumped in line and after 15 minutes I rode it. Pretty good ride. Then I went to Valravn. Rode it twice before closing. Once in the third row and once in the front. Best thing about that ride is the 270 degree third inversion. And I will say they get the trains out fast on that ride and gatekepper. Dragster was quick as well. I thought the employees were doing well. App was completely off in terms of the times it took to get on the ride. Will be at the park for the next 3 days and will be at the park for early entry for Steel Vengeance. I think I lucked out today since some rain in the area reduced the crowds I am sure.

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Is Cedar Point ever dead this time of year during the week, where for the first 2-3 hours you could pretty much walk on to most rides and 10-15 minute waits at most for the most popular/low capacity rides? Excluding SV of course. Or is this park so popular that it's pretty much always going to have lines even midweek mid-late may?

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^ This week, and next week Monday- Thursday should be pretty dead. I was there during the week last week and everything except SV was a complete walk on unless you wanted to wait for the front row's.

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My new favorite pastime is putting live stream camera 1 and camera 2 on each of my two monitors just before weekend early entry opens to watch people get their morning exercise as they try to sprint to SV. I especially like the ones the slow to a walk and then sprint several times before they get off camera 1. (FWIW that would be me if I attempted it).

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Steel Vengeance is a really good coaster, but pretty tough on the thighs when you're over 6ft tall. The layout, the area it sits in and everything about it is visually stunning.


Magnum XL was my favourite coaster at Cedar Point, that probably makes me crazy right?

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^ Not at all - everyone can't like the same thing, otherwise the world would be a dull place!


Even though I only got one ride on SV, I didn't notice any thigh pain or bruises. I did however, get a bruise on the thigh from riding Outlaw Run about 7-8 times during our visit to SDC.


And that isn't a complaint by any means...I just kept re-riding it because it was awesome and there was no line at all!

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Magnum XL was my favourite coaster at Cedar Point, that probably makes me crazy right?

That does't make you crazy... What makes you crazy is the fact that you spelled Favorite with a "U."


Jokes aside, I visited the park for the first time this season today, and it was pretty awesome. Got on just about everything including Steel Vengeance (which was sick), and met some cool people on the rides! In addition, I got the chance to ride WindSeeker for the first time ever (I always skip it) and I have to say, I enjoyed that much more than most rides in the park!!! I could lap that over and over again. ERT on windseeker? Yes please!


Anyway I could see the construction sight below, and although not much was going on, there were pipes being laid in the configuration I artfully drew below. I think it's for a stage, considering there is also a new show called "Fire and Ice" next the beach, and the H12 block apparently has a "Lakeside Stage."


The next Van Gogh?

Edited by CoasterInk
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^ You're missing the stars in Starry Nights there, guy!


Kidding aside, that would be cool if they build a nicer looking stage than it's predecessor and add another show. Now that Michael can't do coasters & most rides, we look forward to shows more than ever.


Fire and Ice sounds like an interesting show to have near the beach. I'll be anxious to see this come to fruition!

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^ You're missing the stars in Starry Nights there, guy!

Thanks for catching that! I think it's fixed now...

Fire and Ice sounds like an interesting show to have near the beach. I'll be anxious to see this come to fruition!

I agree, should be interesting to see what they come up with! The map says it starts early July, so we'll know soon enough.

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Magnum XL was my favourite coaster at Cedar Point, that probably makes me crazy right?

That does't make you crazy... What makes you crazy is the fact that you spelled Favorite with a "U."


I'm OK with the 'u', but I am from a British colony.


I have a love-hate relationship with Magnum XL. Some visits I think it's a great coaster and other visits I wonder about some of the design decisions....but being a design engineer I always wonder about design decisions.


My only complaint from my one SV ride so far is I was out of my seat so much my shirt rode up. Another loop at the people waiting at the station may have got an eye full of my boobs. Oh, and my cheeks hurt from so much happiness.


construction sight


Well, I guess we can't all win the spelling bee.

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