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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Gatekeeper is so attractive, it's almost like a really hot girl who is just so-so in bed but fun enough to keep sleeping with.


I like GateKeeper a lot, but I'm glad my woman is definitely a Maverick, if we're comparing to coasters here! (Which is also a beautiful coaster to look at, but additionally is... well... you know...)


breaks down a lot, and occasionally someone pukes on her??





NOT where I was going with that, but you got a good out of me!

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Sorry to change topics, but has anyone ever been to the park during Father's Day!? I have heard different opinions about the day, from small crowds to large. What is your experience on this holiday!? Recommend or stay away!?



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Hope you went and the weather holds for you. We have been to the park on Gay Day/Father's Day and it was dead...perfect time to go!

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oh. and I wanna play the "compare to a coaster" game too.



hmmm. . . . ok:


My Husband is like Cedar Creek Mine Ride: old, but reliable, if a bit jerky as it ages. . and it provides a nice, long ride. . .



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Gatekeeper is so attractive, it's almost like a really hot girl who is just so-so in bed but fun enough to keep sleeping with.


I like GateKeeper a lot, but I'm glad my woman is definitely a Maverick, if we're comparing to coasters here! (Which is also a beautiful coaster to look at, but additionally is... well... you know...)


breaks down a lot, and occasionally someone pukes on her??





NOT where I was going with that, but you got a good out of me!


Do you like it rough and wild!

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^i just died. That was perfect.



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if you go today. . I wanna see pictures please!


I am disappointed in the fact that you couldn't tell that it was "unofficial gay day", maybe a handful of people but that was it.


Sorry to change topics, but has anyone ever been to the park during Father's Day!? I have heard different opinions about the day, from small crowds to large. What is your experience on this holiday!? Recommend or stay away!?



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Hope you went and the weather holds for you. We have been to the park on Gay Day/Father's Day and it was dead...perfect time to go!



We ended up making up for the day. The crowds have been dead and the weather has been beautiful. This is a great day to go to the park.





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^i honestly laughed at the fact that in the past there was such a big deal about it. Those are the type of people that get angry that a store won't take their expired coupon.



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^i just died. That was perfect.



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if you go today. . I wanna see pictures please!


To quote you again. I wasn't able to get any photos of any dads. That is how "unknown" today really was. But at the same time isn't Cleveland's parade today? That could have kept people from coming.



*apologizes for double post. Tapatalk app is not user friendly.


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Just wanted to drop in with an interesting fact I learned today. I work at Holiday World, and at Voyage today, one of the people I was working with used to work at CP. He said that on Magnum, once the train cleared the lift, you had 35 seconds to clear the next one and send it, before it would cause some sort of fault. So they're literally forced to be fast there, or else the ride will shut down. I just thought it was funny because for us, on Voyage, it'll take some effort to get one train out in 2.5 minutes. Given, we do have about 4+ less operators on most days, and we deal with a bit more (loose items, etc.), but still, I just found that insane. So there's your ride op insider for the day, from a ride op who doesn't even work at that park

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^To elaborate a bit more, if you don't hit interval on Magnum, the ride "sets up"; i.e. The train hard-stops on the brake run after the tunnel. That's not considered "normal operation" by the manufacturer so as an emergency safety measure it essentially shuts off the ride so that you can't dispatch a train and have it crash into the train on that block brake. It was considered an "operational" by the front office so the ride ops have to call it in every time it happens because the ride has effectively "gone down". It's a weird quirk of how Arrow designed their coasters- Iron Dragon does it too. Problem was, in the old days (pre 2012 I think), you had to physically run over to that brake run and push a button to start the ride back up and then get back to the platform in time to do your duties so you wouldn't set the ride up again! I think when they redid the control booth around 2013 they added a button so you don't have to run over there any more.

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On the topic of unofficial gay day we ended up being there unknowingly years ago maybe 07. my best friend and i had been at the park since friday. We noticed Sunday was really crowded for some reason and noticed a lot of red. We put together what was going on and my buddy had worn red that day. we ended up leaving after only 3 or 4 rides just because we had been there long enough and it was packed. They had the dj booths going and on our wait for MF i have never heard so many people sing its raining men and free bird (this was odd to me at the time given the band) so loud outside of a concert. It was 11 am and in full party mode. It is something I surly will never forget.

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I was at the park this weekend. I found it interesting that the Cedar point shores lot is now not open till 9:30. Also I still holding on that parts of the new coaster will duel. Just looking for the water park parking lot. seems like it could still happen.

Also want to know if something happen with beer sales at the park they really check much harder now. They even asked me how many drinks i had that day since my face was red, But my face was red due to the sun.

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I was at the park this weekend. I found it interesting that the Cedar point shores lot is now not open till 9:30. Also I still holding on that parts of the new coaster will duel. Just looking for the water park parking lot. seems like it could still happen.

Also want to know if something happen with beer sales at the park they really check much harder now. They even asked me how many drinks i had that day since my face was red, But my face was red due to the sun.


The fact you think there is still a chance that the new Mean Streak will duel is proof you had too much to drink! I mean, that's just drunk talk...

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This is what i am talking about. sorry for a crap pictures but this is what i could do with an iPhone. This part of the track just seems like it is going to get track. but i have no clue how they would get track to that point with the way the structure is now.


I would just like to know what is going to happen with the spot the Arrow is pointing to.

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