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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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It would be weird if CP got rid of it and send it to CGA's. According to the master plan they are going to receive an impulse coaster and as Intamin seems to no longer manufacture them I'm pretty sure that it will be a relocation. Now we only need to know which of the Impulse's of the chain will bite the dust, and when it will happen.

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It would be weird if CP got rid of it and send it to CGA's. According to the master plan they are going to receive an impulse coaster and as Intamin seems to no longer manufacture them I'm pretty sure that it will be a relocation. Now we only need to know which of the Impulse's of the chain will bite the dust, and when it will happen.


I haven't been on Wicked Twister as of late, or to the park as often as others on this thread, so I cannot speak of its ridership or maintenance cost--but would those two issues perhaps prompt the park to relocate it to CGA? With so many other larger, faster, more thrilling rides available, I could imagine Wicked Cyclone not attracting the crowds it once did.


Also, given the location of Wicked Cyclone, perhaps CP might use the space for a junior wooden coaster? It is quite close to that section of junior rides afterall.

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^First, I assume you're talking about Wicked TWISTER

I don't remember the other impulses in the chain, but I think that, while Wicked Twister may not be as popular as the other Intamins and cheap ride to maintain (LIM's are b*tches), it is still a great coaster that fills their line-up, and I think it's more probable that the one at Dorney (or any other that I don't remember) leaves than Wicked Twister being move to CGA.

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Sorry if these appear to be off-topic, but a friend of mine informed me today that Wicked Twister is being relocated to California. Has anyone else heard of this rumor? Or is it even valid?


I really can't see Cedar Point parting with Wicked Twister. Compared to most coasters, it has a relatively small foot print. I can't imagine what the park could/would replace it with that would be comparable.


Also, I love Wicked Twister, so I'd hate to see it leave the park.

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. . . as Intamin seems to no longer manufacture them. . .


I'm pretty sure Intamin does still manufacture them. . . And there is a park opening one for 2017, so I'm assuming up until now there just hasn't been a park interested in one in a while.


Well, the only reason I could see on it leaving is to put a S&S/Intamin 2nd gen Free Spin. It would fit in the footprint, it would be cheaper to open and maintain and CGA would be satisfied.


If that's the case why wouldn't Cedar Fair just build an S&S/Intamin 2nd gen Free Spin at CGA instead of paying to relocate WT, and then paying to build a new coaster at CP??

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Sorry if these appear to be off-topic, but a friend of mine informed me today that Wicked Twister is being relocated to California. Has anyone else heard of this rumor? Or is it even valid?

This rumour comes from a recently published expansion plan for California's Great America, which calls for an Intamin impulse coaster that looks remarkably like Wicked Twister, including the unique double spiral. Intamin hasn't made a coaster like that for a while, and CGA is a fairly small market, so some people have speculated that Cedar Fair may be relocating Wicked Twister rather than purchasing a new coaster.


The rumour does have some internal logical consistency, so it's not completely out in left field. I doubt that Wicked Twister is leaving any time soon, though. It's still fairly popular, is as reliable as a launched Intamin usually is, and is in a spot that few other things would fit in. A Schwarzkopf shuttle loop, a Premier Skyrocket II, or a Ferris wheel are the only ones I can think of that would fit neatly in that spot; the shuttle loop would be considered a step down, and they've already got a Ferris wheel in basically that same spot. The Skyrocket might be okay, but it's not a much different experience and not really worth the hassle.


I'm leaning toward, if CGA does get an Intamin impulse, that it's bought new. They don't cost that much as coasters go, and the cost of tearing down, transporting across the country, and rebuilding it in the new location, isn't that much cheaper than just getting a new one.

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That plan goes out so long that Ouimet may not be CEO by the time much of it is instituted. I'm expecting that in 15 years from now on some holographic internet forum we bring this thing up as an archaic piece of trivia.

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Just kind of dreaming here, but if Wicked Twister was removed and that aquatics stadium was removed, we'd have ourselves a nice little plot of land on the beach there without having to build further out. That area is pretty dead as is.


But I also like Wicked Twister so I can't tell if I would want the above to come true.

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That plan goes out so long that Ouimet may not be CEO by the time much of it is instituted. I'm expecting that in 15 years from now on some holographic internet forum we bring this thing up as an archaic piece of trivia.

Nah, you know 15 years from now we'll still be talking about that damn boat.

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Sorry if these appear to be off-topic, but a friend of mine informed me today that Wicked Twister is being relocated to California. Has anyone else heard of this rumor? Or is it even valid?


I really can't see Cedar Point parting with Wicked Twister. Compared to most coasters, it has a relatively small foot print. I can't imagine what the park could/would replace it with that would be comparable.


Also, I love Wicked Twister, so I'd hate to see it leave the park.


Rumor is false because it would be relocated to Dorney, if anywhere. Michigan's Adventure would get those tarps that cover parts of the queue.

Edited by Ed Farmer
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Personally, I'm on board for WT to be relocated. I don't feel like it fits CP and would be better suited for one of the smaller parks. I'd love to see what CP would continue to do with that beach front.

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Sorry if these appear to be off-topic, but a friend of mine informed me today that Wicked Twister is being relocated to California. Has anyone else heard of this rumor? Or is it even valid?


I really can't see Cedar Point parting with Wicked Twister. Compared to most coasters, it has a relatively small foot print. I can't imagine what the park could/would replace it with that would be comparable.


Also, I love Wicked Twister, so I'd hate to see it leave the park.


Rumor is false because it would be relocated to Dorney, if anywhere. Michigan's Adventure would get those tarps that cover parts of the queue.


I hear they're going to use it to replace Stinger when they ship that ride off to MiA.

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Rumor is false because Wicked Twister would be relocated to Dorney, if anywhere. Michigan's Adventure would get those tarps that cover parts of the queue.


I hear they're going to use it to replace Stinger when they ship that ride off to MiA.


A. How sad would it be that MiA would get a cast-off from Dorney that was a cast-off from CGA?

B. Stinger=Vekoma Invertigo. Possessed=Intamin Impulse. Wicked Twister=Intamin Impulse.

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Or is it even valid?


No, person with no credible source and 21 posts. It's not.


Why are we still talking about this 2 pages later?


. . . as Intamin seems to no longer manufacture them. . .


I'm pretty sure Intamin does still manufacture them. . . And there is a park opening one for 2017, so I'm assuming up until now there just hasn't been a park interested in one in a while.


Thank you.


PS: While I've seen the master plan for CGA, could they have picked a louder coaster type for a park where the neighbors are insufferably annoying about noise to the point where Gold Striker is now covered in sound walls and tunnels? Short of relocating an old school B&M I really don't know if it's possible. The LIMS on impulse coasters sound like they're screaming bloody murder, even when parking the train in the station at only a few MPH.

Edited by coasterbill
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Sorry if these appear to be off-topic, but a friend of mine informed me today that Wicked Twister is being relocated to California. Has anyone else heard of this rumor? Or is it even valid?


I really can't see Cedar Point parting with Wicked Twister. Compared to most coasters, it has a relatively small foot print. I can't imagine what the park could/would replace it with that would be comparable.


Also, I love Wicked Twister, so I'd hate to see it leave the park.


Rumor is false because it would be relocated to Dorney, if anywhere. Michigan's Adventure would get those tarps that cover parts of the queue.


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Or is it even valid?


No, person with no credible source and 21 posts. It's not.


Why are we still talking about this 2 pages later?


. . . as Intamin seems to no longer manufacture them. . .


I'm pretty sure Intamin does still manufacture them. . . And there is a park opening one for 2017, so I'm assuming up until now there just hasn't been a park interested in one in a while.


Thank you.


PS: While I've seen the master plan for CGA, could they have picked a louder coaster type for a park where the neighbors are insufferably annoying about noise to the point where Gold Striker is now covered in sound walls and tunnels? Short of relocating an old school B&M I really don't know if it's possible. The LIMS on impulse coasters sound like they're screaming bloody murder, even when parking the train in the station at only a few MPH.


This is so true... I can hear WTs from the main midway if I really listen for it. Thankfully CP doesn't have ridiculous neighbors.

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Or is it even valid?


No, person with no credible source and 21 posts. It's not.


Why are we still talking about this 2 pages later?


. . . as Intamin seems to no longer manufacture them. . .


I'm pretty sure Intamin does still manufacture them. . . And there is a park opening one for 2017, so I'm assuming up until now there just hasn't been a park interested in one in a while.


Thank you.


PS: While I've seen the master plan for CGA, could they have picked a louder coaster type for a park where the neighbors are insufferably annoying about noise to the point where Gold Striker is now covered in sound walls and tunnels? Short of relocating an old school B&M I really don't know if it's possible. The LIMS on impulse coasters sound like they're screaming bloody murder, even when parking the train in the station at only a few MPH.


I was thinking the exact same thing.

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