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2006 Golden Ticket Awards

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Wow, I am totally shocked by the outcome of this poll. Who would have guessed that Ohio parks and rides would dominate?!? Shocking, I tell you.


These awards are a joke. But they're not going to change any time soon, as they are far more important as a marketing tool then they are as any sort of realistic guide to what might be the best out there. Bring on the TPR awards!



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It seems to me that way too many people look at last years winners and vote and just blindly vote for the same ones.

And they seem to have a bias against large parks which explains why Disney parks win soo few awards let win where it really counts and that is at thwe turnstyle/cash register!!

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Well, these ballots don't force anybody to choose from a list. Its basically pick your 10 top wooden coaster, 10 top steel coasters and the you write in your selection for the different categories.


The Deadline is in Early July so a lot of new coasters don't get the votes the first year.


The Golden Tickets have been a big part of what makes AT successful, they use them to promote the publication and it helps bring in a lot of revenue each year, just look at the number of ads in any issue that announces the results.


Like em or not, they are overall a good representation of what 500 or so people are thinking. I know people are upset about the placement of Balder, but that just reflects the number of people who have ridden it who voted. If I was voting I would have a hard time voting for something I had not ridden.


I think Mitches pole is more accurate just because there is no limit on who votes so there is a lot more representation all around.


As long as I have seen awards or polls, I have seen people disagreeing.


Overall, I think AT does a very good job. You might not agree with the results, but it is what it is.


I think a TPR award would be a very good idea BTW.

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^ I do agree. It is what it is. But what it "is" is more of a marketing tool for the magazine and the parks and less about what the results are.


What you said about "they are overall a good representation of what 500 or so people are thinking. I know people are upset about the placement of Balder, but that just reflects the number of people who have ridden it who voted." just validates even more my thought that the system they use is "outdated."


With technology what it is today, it couldn't be that hard for someone to write a piece of code to input every one's ballots, match the data fairly against each other, and come up with a more 'accurate' result.


The system hasn't changed much since 1998, and if they were really interested in an "accurate" poll, I feel they would have updated it.


But you are right, it does great for the mag and does great for the parks. And for the business side of things, that's really what's most important!



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^ I do agree. It is what it is. But what it "is" is more of a marketing tool for the magazine and the parks and less about what the results are.


What you said about "they are overall a good representation of what 500 or so people are thinking. I know people are upset about the placement of Balder, but that just reflects the number of people who have ridden it who voted." just validates even more my thought that the system they use is "outdated."


With technology what it is today, it couldn't be that hard for someone to write a piece of code to input every one's ballots, match the data fairly against each other, and come up with a more 'accurate' result.


The system hasn't changed much since 1998, and if they were really interested in an "accurate" poll, I feel they would have updated it.


But you are right, it does great for the mag and does great for the parks. And for the business side of things, that's really what's most important!




Your right they do need to update it. The poll was just messed up, TTD over "Good" Goliath! jezz

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Well sure, any seasoned enthusiast can poke holes in this thing all day long.


I don't think this poll is really for us though, its for the parks and amusement today. There is a business behind it. And it serves it's purpose well.


If you want a more accurate poll, just look at Mitch's. That is the end all-be all for me because it is all about collecting as much data as possible, comparing it and making logical conclusions.


Amusement Today is a business. It caters to the Amusement park business, and while they love enthusiasts, enthusiasts are not paying the advertising bills.


Could it be better? Sure it can. I don't know how pressing it is for them, the current model seems to be working well. I am sure it will change and evolve as time goes by.


So don't blow a gasket over these results if you don't like them. Like I said before it is what it is, don't read more into it. The parks don't seem to have a problem with it. I think most of them love it as it is an additional marketing tool.


Edit - Forgot to add, obvoiously its not all hard core coaster fans voting. I have no idea how the ballots are distributed but the results show its not just "old Acer's" but a general representation from the peeps out there.

That could explain all these "Oh Crap" moments.

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^ SoB is on there, because like stated before it's one of those memorable coasters, if you break your breastbone on a rollercoaster, and you're in the process of suing for damages, you remember that ride more than say, just another ride on a different wooden coaster.


-James "WTF, SOB?" Dillaman

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Relax everyone. If anything, this list should make you all feel smarter for knowing what's really good out there, right? The fact that Balder wasn't anywhere near the top, or the fact that SOB was even mentioned should give you reason to be thankful you know the truth. You're not considered part of the "general public," so be thankful you know better.

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Well sure, any seasoned enthusiast can poke holes in this thing all day long.


I don't think this poll is really for us though, its for the parks and amusement today. There is a business behind it. And it serves it's purpose well.


If you want a more accurate poll, just look at Mitch's. That is the end all-be all for me because it is all about collecting as much data as possible, comparing it and making logical conclusions.


Amusement Today is a business. It caters to the Amusement park business, and while they love enthusiasts, enthusiasts are not paying the advertising bills.


Could it be better? Sure it can. I don't know how pressing it is for them, the current model seems to be working well. I am sure it will change and evolve as time goes by.

I know, I know....trust me, with what I do in my "day job" I fully understand why this is what it is. Still it just frustrates me to see an award system so flawed to carry so much weight.



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The fact that Balder isn't on that list, and that The Beast still is, and how Magnum XL-200 is above Expedition GeForce, and how the "best shows" award is given to a Six Flags park and not Disney, makes me realize more and more how "commercial" that poll really is. Either that or the ballots are given out to people who don't travel very much anymore.


It's a shame that so many industry folk put so much more weight into the AT poll and less into Mitch Hawker's Coaster Polls. If Mitch had the time, I'd love to see him produce a poll with the same information at AT's and see what the differences would be.


But hey, if we were running an industry mag as a busniess which thrives on industry ads I'd probably sway the votes the same way too. So more power to them!


It's the same for the video game biz, so I see no reason why it should be any different from theme parks also.


Again, these are my opinions on both the poll and the results, but I guess I really can't complain....at least until we do our own TPR Awars!


--Robb "We should really get that going...." Alvey



That is a brilliant idea


At least my NM Rattler is still on the list, #36, wonder how long it will be there, with it being so "out of the way" I'm sure most of the people voting fot AT has never been on the Rattler

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How did Tatsu not make the list for best new ride?

How did you not read the thread to see that has already been mentioned?


Seriously. I just lifted your ban on the condition that you would stop "posting for posting sake" and the first thing you post is a one-sentance response that's already been posted.


--Robb "You'll be on your way back out REAL quick if it keeps up..." Alvey

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I am all for the startup of TPR awards. I think that's a great idea.


Of course, not many parks would actually pay much attention or care...


BTW, DATman, Little Miss Sunshine could be the funniest movie I have ever seen.

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I am all for the startup of TPR awards. I think that's a great idea.


Of course, not many parks would actually pay much attention or care...

Why not? We have a lot of parks that read the forum on a regular basis. And parks do seem to care when we show up with bus loads of visitors!



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^ LMAO Ted!!!!


And you know, even CF's top ten list.....

1. El Toro Six Flags Great Adventure 9.64 74

2. The Voyage Holiday World 9.50 111

3. Balder Liseberg 9.39 41

4. Thunderhead Dollywood 9.27 115

5. Hades Mt. Olympus Water & Theme Park 9.11 81

...while I might not agree 100% with those results either, I can totally "accept" those results as a MUCH more honest poll as I could AT's poll.


And let me ask you...how much effort would that be to code?



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As someone who does participate in the Golden Ticket survey, I must agree that it really is a joke. While I travel pretty heavily, my top ten steel and wood really doesn't change that much (except in the case of this year where I added 3 new woodies into my top 5). Nowhere in the ballot does it ask for ones count, how many countries they've visited, etc. I know a bunch of people got the ballots after the ECO trip of 2002, and yet I know a good deal of people who haven't traveled abroad (or even in this country) much at all afterwards. I still think the awards should hold more weight for people who do travel often and who rank something high even though not many people may ride it (much like Mitch's Poll does). If 500 people were given the ballots and only 9 people have been out of the country, and 400 haven't been outside of Ohio, its no wonder why CP and PKI always seem to be ranked so highly. (its an exaggeration, but you get the point) I know a lot of coasters better than Beast, TTD, Millennium Force, and Son of Beast, and a lot of parks with better kiddie areas (though Amusement Today would call them 'Kiddie Parks')


A lot of the categories seem to be very park specific (I'm still waiting for the "Best Park themed to holidays and end with 'World' Award")


For writing this I probably won't get a ballot again next year, but no big deal, as it doesn't even appear that my ballot makes any difference in this awards anyway.

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