It seems like every Astroworld coaster was damaged in the removal process.
Funny how the SLC spent five years rusting away at TGE & yet they managed to get it refurbished & up & running in Canada.
Well a lot more care was taken when taking down Serial Thriller and some of the other rides that still exist. They were first and then demo had to start moving so the rest of the rides suffered. I was walking the park during the auction and if you look at my Avatar you can see me standing in the track of UltraTwister which was just laying on the rail road track. It looked to be in pretty bad shape after they cut the welds and started to take it apart. As far as Batman, from what I understand part of the track near the lift fell, damaging it. Sure it could be rebuilt with enough money but really, who is going to do that? The SLC was treated very well during demolition. I don't know how well it was stored but I bet it was better conditions than Batman or UltraTwister.
Batman: The Escape was a mediocre ride at best with great theming. It was also a maintenance nightmare just to keep the rolling stock up and running. IMHO, it would cost far more than the ride is worth to fix it, transport it, construct it and buy new trains. I don't think you can compare it to Serial Thriller at all.