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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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I stopped out at VF this morning to purchase my 2007 Maxx Pass (a steal at $85, plus they include a free ticket to bring a guest if you purchase by tomorrow).


It was supposed to be a rainy day but as I walked out of the sales office the sun came out. I don't have a season pass for this year so I sat down on a bench in front of the gates thinking how great it would be to be able to go in for a few rides. I look over and there's a lady sitting on a bench holding six tickets in her hand. So I walked over and asked if she was selling them, hopefully at a discount. She said she wasn't but had an extra ticket and gave it to me - score! I had fun in the park for a little over an hour, it was completely deserted.


I could see a lot of land clearing activity going on for Renegade from the lift hill of Wild Thing. I am really looking forward to it opening next year! For those of us that have lived here since the park opened in 1976 I can tell you this is the best addition the park has ever made. It's going to be an amazing romp through the woods, absolutely unbelievable that land has sat unused for this long.


Things are also coming along nicely for Valleyscare, My favorite ride/coaster in the park now is Xtreme Swing, or I guess the first two hills on Wild Thing (and then, it's over).

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In response to the question "If a college already has a library, why would it build another one?": My college (University of Cincinnati) has 7 libraries, so.... Bad metaphor. The libraries are specialized for different needs, for example there is a medical library, a sheet music library, a science reference library, etc. I daresay that if you can't see any difference between High Roller and Renegade, then you have not been on a GCI coaster have you? The ride feel is COMPLETELY different, and I'm excited for Valleyfair, as IMO every park could use a GCII coaster, just to round out the collections they have. I would say that any park that builds more wooden coasters is fine by me, except maybe Mt. Olympus and Holiday World, which both could use a decent steel coaster before they build any more wood masterpieces.


-James Dillaman

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure why some folks seem to think this one looks dull. I think it looks pretty darn cool.



If it's airtime that y'all are concerned about, I see at least six spots where there's potential for some pretty good air.


Obviously, we won't really know until we ride it, but it looks to me like GCI's best design to date: combining an out-and-back type layout with a more GCI-traditional "bunch o' turns."


I'm really excited about it. Plus, it gives me a reason to finally go back to ValleyFair!

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I don't think people are enthused, because if you live here in MN, you know what Valleyfair does to us.. they made the Excalibur out to be something great, but it's nothing more than mildly fun.. Wild Thing could have been so much more, but after the first 2 hills, it's pretty tame... they took out Wild Rails to put in the Mad Mouse.. they could have gone taller on Steel Venom as the ride in other parks is, but chose not to.. they have a way of making a fun ride less fun and exciting than it easily could be... What they really need is an inverted coaster, or something like a Kraken type of ride..


But I guess this is better than nothing.

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I don't think people are enthused, because if you live here in MN, you know what Valleyfair does to us.. they made the Excalibur out to be something great, but it's nothing more than mildly fun.. Wild Thing could have been so much more, but after the first 2 hills, it's pretty tame... they took out Wild Rails to put in the Mad Mouse.. they could have gone taller on Steel Venom as the ride in other parks is, but chose not to.. they have a way of making a fun ride less fun and exciting than it easily could be... What they really need is an inverted coaster, or something like a Kraken type of ride..


But I guess this is better than nothing.


WOW are you happy with anything the park has?


something like a Kraken type of ride..

Thats also funny comming from someone w/ kraken as their avatar lol...

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Yeah, for the most part, GCI builds much more unique rides (of the ones I've been on) than B&M (of the ones I've been on). I'd love for them to tear down SoB and build a coaster like this there instead. With a couple outstanding coasters as exceptions, I find B&M's to be usually pretty similar and boring, not to mention quite a bit of headbanging on the standups and inverted coasters.


-James "Looking forward to reviews of Renegade from people who've RIDEN it!" Dillaman

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Sorry to be the voice of reason, but re: Valleyfair!


Coaster enthusiasts may (or may not) as a group prefer a ride like this be in store for the park.


But as far as the general public goes, few rides please the crowds as well as a good beemer. An invert or a floorless would definitely impress the locals. Don't let your jaded enthusiast goggles convince you otherwise.

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Funny, the GP sure seems to love the Beast at PKI, even though it is braked (even more this season, damnit!) WAY too much, and has no airtime. Most people I run into there are asking where it is, and I've heard many times "This is the best coaster in the world" from members of the GP. It doesn't matter IMO, as the GP won't even know that the new ride isn't made by B&M, because for all they know B&M also builds wooden coasters.


-James "The GP are glad for any coaster or large flat ride, look at SoB" Dillaman

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No, realistically less than 1% of theme park attendees would know what "B&M" referred to in the first place.


But the point is, B&M essentially makes the most GP-popular coasters out there. Are there exceptions? Sure. But I still think CF should turn to 'em for their next project. It's just the sort of thing the park needs.


More like Silver Bullet? More like Nemesis? I doubt it would even really matter all that much.

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Ahh, yea, B&M, not Beams as in wood.. Gotcha..


Yes, that's what I'm saying.. I would have been happy with nearly ANY of their rides rather than another wooden coaster.. Floorless, inverted, whatever.. Valleyfair just isn't known for putting the best out there.. I think CF tries to save that stuff for Cedar Point.


I know we'll never see anything at VF higher than 200 feet (limited to their max height do to the airport nearby), so a shorter, inverted would work great.


New water slides would have been good too.. They haven't done much to update that part of the park in years.

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You've got to remember, CP pretty much HAS to add big fancy coasters year after year as they have that reputation to uphold as the coaster capitol of the world. Renegade will definately satisfy the "GP" and definately myself and many other enthusiasts. I've never been and I'm thinking of making a trip out there for this, Mall Of America, and a Twins game next year.


I do see your point though... A beemer would look pretty nice at VF and would balance out the types of rides they have there. But CP does get all the attention.

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^^ The GP look for the biggest and best, sure CP has them but as a lot of people say, there not the best.


Besides they've got Wild thing, a big coaster and they can use that to attract Guests and they notest while there there Reganade, A new coaster and the GP are bound to ride it cause its new and to them, better therfore attracting more guests, so it'll do its job


People seem to be un-impressed by this ride, I understand why, its has'nt got anything that really makes you go WOW, and it is'nt as twisty as other GCI rides but Bah!


It better than Maverick IMO

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Well, any new ride, no matter what it is, seems to attract guests for a while.. But after a while, the place just isn't as exciting unless they keep adding new things.. Sure, Renegade might be fun for a ride or two, and people will come to try it out, (Though I think MORE would have come for a B&M type product), that won't keep them coming for long. I am doubting Renegade would be rated higher than a 6 or 7 out of 10 by those going on it.. But I guess only time will tell.

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Well, any new ride, no matter what it is, seems to attract guests for a while.. But after a while, the place just isn't as exciting unless they keep adding new things.. Sure, Renegade might be fun for a ride or two, and people will come to try it out, (Though I think MORE would have come for a B&M type product), that won't keep them coming for long. I am doubting Renegade would be rated higher than a 6 or 7 out of 10 by those going on it.. But I guess only time will tell.


Any themepark that doesn't offer something new every couple of years, either with new rides or new shows or festivals, will eventually see a large decline in GP attendance. The themepark business relies on parks putting in new attractions. Most people only go to a seasonal themepark like VF maybe once or twice a year, or if they can't afford that, once every couple years. Without any new rides, a park can become mundane for the season pass holders, and they are the ones funding the park with food/drink and other add-on sales. Most parks don't rely on out of state people coming to ride a new B&M hyper... I'm just pleased they're getting a new coaster. Look at PKI, I was dissapointed with Italian Job, and felt they could have built much better coasters, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy riding it, and the GP like it also, as it's usually one of the longest lines in the park. Most people don't care who makes the coaster, or how tall it is (As they always think the coaster that's new is the tallest and fastest in the world anyway ) GCI builds good coasters, even when their layout doesn't look that great in the animations. (Look at Kentucky Rumbler).


-James Dillaman

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