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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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Oh come on, you should know that there is no way employees could know this kind of thing. If there is a new VF! coaster for 2008, it's in its early planning stages.


I know that WoF first knew they were getting Patriot in about 2004.


If they do get a new coaster in 2008, I would put my money on a Daemonen-sized floorless or a B:TR-sized invert.

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VF has an inverted coaster.


As for how the GP will react; they will react much better than they would for anything B&M could build for 6.5 million. Wood coasters are making a come back. They are becomming popular again at a time when the price of steel is skyrocketing. It is not a bad thing since a great woodie is tons of fun. You just have to give them a chance instead of only allowing yourself to be wowed by height and inversions. At a park that has a low ceiling, a woodie is one of the better ways to maximize your thrill factor. In my opinion, Renegade looks like it has the potential to be one of the best coasters CF has ever built, even at CP.

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Please, Please, Please don't call Steel Venom a coaster. VF did that on the cheap.. It's not as tall in other places, and it doesn't twist on both sides like other places even..


It did draw a lot of people to the park the year it opened though. I only ride it if the line is minimal.


I still think the GP likes steel more than wood.


And nothing's saying they couldn't have spent more than 6.5mil.

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Please, Please, Please don't call Steel Venom a coaster

Then what do you suppose we call it? If its not a coaster then Im not a guy, and I can assure you Im a guy.


Anyways, I think that for the money, Renegade is a VERY nice coaster. I would take it over a lot of other rides any day, and I think the GP will like it too.

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Well, some are long enough in my book to be considered coasters, at least 200m.. but some aren't..


You are entitled to your opinions on what you think is a coaster as well.


I will just not count Steel Venom as a coaster. You can take a "credit' for it if you like and need a credit that bad.

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Well, I haven't riden to ride, yet (Shocking I know!) so I can't give any review about it. I'm not blessed with ESP like others seem to be on this forum. I'm reminded of Kentucky Rumbler, which from the POV animation I didn't think would be nearly as fun as it turned out to be...


-James Dillaman

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this coaster is gonna be tight as hell. i saw the pov on valleyfair.com and it looks sweet. it seems much faster than it says it is. i mena in that video it looked like you were going like 80. but its actually only 53. we'll see. it should be a great addition to a nice park. look forward to many pictures from valleyfair from me as well as POVs of renegade ( when it opens) wild thing, excalibur and maybe steel venom

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if this potential plan for an invert of floorless in 08 is true, i sure hope valleyfair takes advantage of their height limit and build it moderately tall. they'd have enough of a height ceiling to make it taller than the tallest inverts and floorless-superman krypton coaster and alpengeist. even i dont see what the point of building an invert that tall would be. fo rsome reason however, i dont believe that they will get a coaster in 08. its taken them 4 years since steel venom to get another coaster and that was only 8 Million. if they invested in a b&m, they wouldnt have enough money to build anothe until our kids are our age.

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I agree Pinkslip.. I don't think they'll put another coaster in VF in 08... It's just too much capital to lay out, and I don't think CF is ready to put out that kind of money at a park like VF. Though I'll keep my virtual fingers crossed that they do bring in a coaster like that.

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true, i suppose they could fit a boatload of coasters if they had the twisted minds of b &m. do they own any land past excalibur? they could build on the edge of the parking lot or over part of it that is never full like magic mountain did with scream. im just really excited to finally get something new to look forward to at VF.also with most of their rides being so short in height, they could build like a millennium force type a coaster and easily overlap over small rides and intertwine it with other things. it doesnt have to be that tall though considering VFs height limit. as long as its at its max as high as possible 250-300 ft. VF would see the largest crowds its ever seen if they invested in an intamin gigacoaster.

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I think they're limited to around 200-220 feet in height, so we'll never see a really tall coaster there. But you can do a lot with a good floorless or inverted coaster in under 110.. I just don't think we'll see anything like that for a while after this investment in Renegade. They could always just get rid of excalibur.. It really only ever runs 1 train, and never gets that many riders... Excalibur does have some good force to it, but it REALLY beats the hell out of you too, keeping me (and apparently everyone else) from riding it very much.. nearly anything would be an improvement over that.

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I stand corrected.. I don't know how VF is doing this math, but they say that Power tower is 250 feet high, and that it is actually 75 feet higher than Wild thing. (which lists at 207 feet tall) (According to VF own website)


So maybe 250 feet is the height limit at the park, as it's mentioned on the VF web site that the power tower would have been higher if not for the FAA limit.. See bottom of this link for FAA statement.




I've been on both of these rides too many times to count, and I can't say I really believe that power tower is that much taller than Wild Thing's first hill... They look to be pretty equal height when you're at the top of either.


Anyone have any real insight into this fuzzy math that VF is using?

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Gotta go slightly off topic for a minute here... I would like to go for a short trip out to MN next spring for VF and MOA. How much distance is between the two and how far is either place from the airport? Can it be done without a rentacar? IMO, Renegade is the one thing I needed to finally head out in that direction.

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