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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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Someone had a random idea they thought was cool, or are they trying to keep more rides open to reduce lines elsewhere?


I still think Asylum would be a good candidate for a permanent haunt structure, because you can do a lot with the facade, it's one of the classic horror themes

And It was the next canidate for this year, Until London terror burned down...


Damn arsonist.

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Someone had a random idea they thought was cool, or are they trying to keep more rides open to reduce lines elsewhere?


I still think Asylum would be a good candidate for a permanent haunt structure, because you can do a lot with the facade, it's one of the classic horror themes

And It was the next canidate for this year, Until London terror burned down...


Damn arsonist.


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If anything, the London Terror fire pushes back plans to build new haunt attractions because a new one has to be built in it's place. While there isn't the cost associated with actually building a building this year, there still are other changes I'm sure they're making this year instead to other mazes. This is assuming that there were plans to actually do a permanent haunt structure this year. Who knows now though.

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Did anyone read screamscape today? They said there is a rumor of a 2018/2019 new B&M invert going it a CW. But he then said that he has a hunch that Cedar Fair would put in a new B&M at another park before it put in another one at CW. Possibly Valleyfair?!?!?!?

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So they decided not to recreate the London Terror theme. Are they building another temporary structure at the same location with a different theme.


Also, I saw on the site that "No Boo" necklaces will be back. I know most people here disagree with me on them, but this year at least they made it clear that they're not to be used in mazes, something I saw happening last year. Other park chains that tried the concept out already made that clear.

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We Six Flags Americans feel your pain valleyfair


Pft! The Star Flyer is one of the best additions at Cedar Fair this year! Consider yourselves blessed then, that you got something that would rate highly if you were a CF park!


I rather get the Top Scan from Carowind. Heck I would trade the Wild Thing for it. That ride is the best ride a park could buy!

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I wish they would have put North Star in the helix of Wild Thing instead of here.


I assume they chose not to place it there because it would come in too close of a proximity with Wild Thing. They also probably don't want to deal with people throwing objects from the swings at oncoming Wild Thing trains.

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My biggest hope with Northstar is that they don't have a completely F'd up exit like Enterprise did.

What was wrong with Enterprise's exit?


^ How so? I've never been to VF so I'm not familiar with the park.

It was 2 exit gates, on either side of the control panel/booth. The paths merged behind the control booth and to a single exit gate. I don't understand what's wrong with that setup. It gets people out of the ride area quickly.

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My biggest hope with Northstar is that they don't have a completely F'd up exit like Enterprise did.

What was wrong with Enterprise's exit?


^ How so? I've never been to VF so I'm not familiar with the park.

It was 2 exit gates, on either side of the control panel/booth. The paths merged behind the control booth and to a single exit gate. I don't understand what's wrong with that setup. It gets people out of the ride area quickly.


I would guess he means how it exited back into the main park and nowhere near the entrance to the ride

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