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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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But I have been buying $5 Cokes and $6 Corn Dogs (sometimes more) every time I visit (8-12 times a year) for the last 10 years. How much more do I have to spend and how long until I see a return? Just tell me and I'll do it.


You're reading too far into it. If you want that $25 million dollar inverted-giga-rmc, you're going to need to spend $25 million more dollars.


Wait! Don't forget Cedar Point's cut! Remember? According to some, Cedar Point gets a share of every one of the smaller park's profits! Because God knows Cedar Point doesn't make enough money to support itself and build its own rides..


All kidding aside though, if we want this B&M coaster thing to happen anytime soon..Coke & Corn Dog Fundraiser!!..Who's with me?!?!?

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I don't think VF can be awesome but it could be a good park instead of an average one with the right additions.


A park with a bunch of coasters but crap food, no infrastructure, poor entertainment, etc. is basically your garden variety Six Flags. Or even worse, your garden variety Six Flags that was sold to PARC. What makes OK parks good and good parks great isn't just that they have some sort of monster #1 in the world coaster, it is that they have other things. There was this movement years ago to laugh at that suggestion that people wanted "charm" - now all those people aren't around the hobby because they seem to have realized that barren coasters and concrete pathways are easily replicated experiences. Or they confusedly prop up every myth about Disney's superiority in the book without ever analyzing why Disney is different. But I digress.


My point here is that if I wanted to make Valleyfair somewhere better and different to go to for my own tastes, I'd want it to be more like a place I could enjoy without necessarily riding the ever-loving crap out of the coasters. That shouldn't even be as tough or as expensive.

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Everyone who isn't an enthusiast (anyone who doesn't post on this forum & 99% of park goers) will find WT a fairly fun ride. Not the BEST, but it is still FUN (which is the purpose people ride these things anyways). The only people who care about driving a 8 hours to ride slightly better rides that will do the same thing (thrill people) as the rides 20 minutes away are people like us. Or people that have already planned an out-of-town trip.




I found Wild Thing to be a very fun, solid and exciting coaster. And I've been on some of the best-rated coasters in the country. The grass may appear greener on the other side, but you have a really great hypercoaster there.


You people are lucky to have a great park like Valleyfair. Treasure it. Be glad it's always improving. I lost my Geauga Lake years ago, and I wish I could have it back.

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Quick Haunt employee preview report: Improved mazes: Asylum, Zombie High, Hellside, Bloodshed I was pretty disappointed with Graveyard, Humane Habitat,London terror, and Chateau I think the mazes have all good ideas but weren't well executed. Literally the actors in graveyard would just stare at you and stand around. Not to be harsh or anything but that's what I observed. Trails end is really cool though. Chateau's new building is nice but not much cast energy.

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I wish I was a billionaire. I would donate 100 million for Valleyfair to add a couple world class coasters and add 25+ rides.


That is why you are not a billionaire


although I could say money in the wrong, unfrugal hands of an enthusiast one day actually attempting to do this (as sponsorship, not for free though)


But I have been buying $5 Cokes and $6 Corn Dogs (sometimes more) every time I visit (8-12 times a year) for the last 10 years. How much more do I have to spend and how long until I see a return? Just tell me and I'll do it.


You're reading too far into it. If you want that $25 million dollar inverted-giga-rmc, you're going to need to spend $25 million more dollars.


Wait! Don't forget Cedar Point's cut! Remember? According to some, Cedar Point gets a share of every one of the smaller park's profits! Because God knows Cedar Point doesn't make enough money to support itself and build its own rides..


All kidding aside though, if we want this B&M coaster thing to happen anytime soon..Coke & Corn Dog Fundraiser!!..Who's with me?!?!?


7 Stages of Grief with being the Ugly Stepchild of the Chain, Valleyfair just progressed from Stage 1 to 3 with this comment (and meanwhile the Darien Lake thread is permanently stuck at stage 4).

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I'll say it... does Valleyfair really have it that bad?


Out of curiosity, year-to-year, what's the estimation of how much has been added to MIA vs Valleyfair since both were acquired in 2001? (not that the metro areas are even comparable, but I'd guess even relatively MIA pales).


TBO, Valleyfair isn't even the 2nd most hated child in the chain (Valleyfair has it better than MIA, and neither trails CGA's limbo between park ownership and 13 year coaster drought between Stealth, 2000 and Gold Striker, 2013). CGA thread hasn't complained nearly as much as the social media and enthusiasts have.


If anyone has time, would seriously be interested in seeing if Valleyfair compared side-by-side with Michigan Adventure actually get's less capital improvements than Michigan Adventure.

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Hello Everyone, here my review of haunt!


Hellside Farm: This maze was terrible, only about five people working here. Most of the time you were just walking threw emptiness. It was long but when you don't get jumpscared once it kinda sucks. RATE: 4/10


Zombie High: This maze was the BEST! I loved how they put in a closterfobic part, I loved this maze! One of my favs this year Again it was short on actors... RATE: 10/10


The Aslyum: I loved this maze, one of my favs again! What is with the entrance guy, he touch a pretty young boys ..... He screamed and said "AAA STOP IT". This isn't right, I hope that guy is told not to do that cause you can't sexually assault people. For the maze, it was pretty much the same as last year! RATE: 8/10


HUMANE HABIT: Ugh don't even! This maze was the worst! So first we are coming down and there's NO LINE for it... We then head for it first, so we go in and wow what a bummer! Honestly guys This maze sucks! I see what UMD was trying to do but it didn't work! I'm sorry but tapped spider legs on a girl doesn't scare anyone! There are NO jumpscare in this maze! It probably has less than 10 people working in there it's so dumb! Please don't even waste you're time! My friend, Dave asked him " how dissapointed are you with Human Habit?" One of the corners I walked around I caught them talking normally... What a dissapoinment. Not enough people WORKIN in there RATE 0/10


LONDON TERROR: I liked this one! Wasn't good wasn't bad. Definitely not as good as last year but it was good! Didn't have enough employees, AGAIN!!! RATE: 6/10


Mr Cleaver Bloddshed: They didn't get this one done in time, the whole entrance wasn't as "pretty" as last year but the maze was great this one was probably short about 5 people but you couldn't notice it. I got hurt on this maze to, Mr Cleaver was at the end and he started to chase me and so I ran and he kicked my shoe/leg pretty hard and I fell and my hand was all bloody!! He shouldn't be doing that RATE: 9/10


The CHATEUO: I stopped trying to spell that 3 years ago . Ok they focused way to much on the theming which is good but this maze was short people and didn't give one jumpscare the theming doesn't make up for it either! Because they had such good chances. This maze was short AGAIN it starting to piss me off... RATE: 7.9/10


Trails End: Didn't see one person in here, looked for them too. RATE: 0/10


Dinoslautger: same as last year... >:-( RATE: 1.5/10


Carnevil: For the 3 years it's been here and I've been to every opening night, it was short again. They were trying so I'll boost their score...this did have great lighting effects! RATE: 7/10


Blood Creek: No enthusiasm for the actors way to much fog! The drummer didn't have his drum, I asked him and he said they couldn't find it for me... Not as good as this year RATE 6.5/10


ABNORMAL ALLEY: this maze was improved one hundred percent! So many jumpscare a and I loved it! They're have sharp nails on the boards so BE CAREFUL! I loved this maze! RATE 10/10


THRILLER DANCE: I'm not going to give any away, but it was good not as good as last year NO RATE


That a wrap! I have been going to Valleyfair since 2007 and been goin to opening for valleySCARE for the last 3 years NOT including this one so don't go off, " you're being to hard" "wow you ass I work in that maze"


OPINION: RENAGADE was taking FIVE FULL MINUTES TO DISPATCH! I timed 10 dispatches (I had fast lane) and I timed each one! IT SHOULDNT BE TAKING FIVE MINUTES TO GET THE DAMN TRAIN OUT! Even the team lead said his sorry for the wait. I don't care either, I know they were trying hard but still the lady on the oppiste side on the platform was just trying to go slow AF. Ugh

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Haunt Review:


Zombie High: Was great again, always a pleaser. A couple of new sections spiced it up even more.

Asylum: Was very good. The monsters were not the same as previous years. The strobe lights were in a horrible place though.

Bloodshed: Was very good with jump scares and chainsaws and people above and below you. It was cool to see Mr. Cleaver.

Chateau: Somewhat disappointing, as a super nice building, but the characters didn't jump out at all! It was all just people looking in your eyes.

Hellside Farm: Very disappointing. This maze was super long and there was around 5 people in it, only 1 jumpscare.

London Terror: All of these dumb-looking bird masks along with a new change in scenery made London Terror the biggest changed maze. Unfortunately, the change was for bad.

Humane Habitat: I actually mis Camp We Kill Uou! This maze was so terrible, and I waited for an hour because the maze shut down (some guy got arrested for punching worker). This maze had a cool layout, but no scarers.


scare Zones: Wild West, graveyard, and abnormal alley were poor. Carnevil and dinoslaughter were eh.

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Haunt Review:


Zombie High: Was great again, always a pleaser. A couple of new sections spiced it up even more.

Asylum: Was very good. The monsters were not the same as previous years. The strobe lights were in a horrible place though.

Bloodshed: Was very good with jump scares and chainsaws and people above and below you. It was cool to see Mr. Cleaver.

Chateau: Somewhat disappointing, as a super nice building, but the characters didn't jump out at all! It was all just people looking in your eyes.

Hellside Farm: Very disappointing. This maze was super long and there was around 5 people in it, only 1 jumpscare.

London Terror: All of these dumb-looking bird masks along with a new change in scenery made London Terror the biggest changed maze. Unfortunately, the change was for bad.

Humane Habitat: I actually mis Camp We Kill Uou! This maze was so terrible, and I waited for an hour because the maze shut down (some guy got arrested for punching worker). This maze had a cool layout, but no scarers.


scare Zones: Wild West, graveyard, and abnormal alley were poor. Carnevil and dinoslaughter were eh.

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Haunt Review:


Zombie High: Was great again, always a pleaser. A couple of new sections spiced it up even more.

Asylum: Was very good. The monsters were not the same as previous years. The strobe lights were in a horrible place though.

Bloodshed: Was very good with jump scares and chainsaws and people above and below you. It was cool to see Mr. Cleaver.

Chateau: Somewhat disappointing, as a super nice building, but the characters didn't jump out at all! It was all just people looking in your eyes.

Hellside Farm: Very disappointing. This maze was super long and there was around 5 people in it, only 1 jumpscare.

London Terror: All of these dumb-looking bird masks along with a new change in scenery made London Terror the biggest changed maze. Unfortunately, the change was for bad.

Humane Habitat: I actually mis Camp We Kill Uou! This maze was so terrible, and I waited for an hour because the maze shut down (some guy got arrested for punching worker). This maze had a cool layout, but no scarers.


scare Zones: Wild West, graveyard, and abnormal alley were poor. Carnevil and dinoslaughter were eh.

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Haunt Review:


Zombie High: Was great again, always a pleaser. A couple of new sections spiced it up even more.

Asylum: Was very good. The monsters were not the same as previous years. The strobe lights were in a horrible place though.

Bloodshed: Was very good with jump scares and chainsaws and people above and below you. It was cool to see Mr. Cleaver.

Chateau: Somewhat disappointing, as a super nice building, but the characters didn't jump out at all! It was all just people looking in your eyes.

Hellside Farm: Very disappointing. This maze was super long and there was around 5 people in it, only 1 jumpscare.

London Terror: All of these dumb-looking bird masks along with a new change in scenery made London Terror the biggest changed maze. Unfortunately, the change was for bad.

Humane Habitat: I actually mis Camp We Kill Uou! This maze was so terrible, and I waited for an hour because the maze shut down (some guy got arrested for punching worker). This maze had a cool layout, but no scarers.


scare Zones: Wild West, graveyard, and abnormal alley were poor. Carnevil and dinoslaughter were eh.


Are reviews are both the same, Haunt wasn't good

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Haunt was a blast last night. It's by far my favorite time of the year. The mazes lacked people working definitely, but Valleyfair never fails to amaze me with all the props, makeup and FOG MACHINES. Literally, the fog is the best part of Haunt. The mazes may have been a bit lackluster, but the night rides were the best I've ever had. Wild Thing was simply amazing at night with the fog, and it gives such cool views of the foggy park. Let's talk Renegade. This will forever be the best night ride at Valleyfair. It's just simply amazing, and when the park is completely dead by 11:30, my friends and I got 5 re rides in a row, with nobody else on the train. We just kept getting out and switching spots on the train like a Chinese Fire Drill. Also, the airtime on Renegade is super strong, especially if you leave your lap bar one click up from being tight. Basically, Renegade may be coming on 10 years old, but it was a real gift from GCI, and that is one thing we should be happy about.

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MIA vs Valleyfair since both were acquired in 2001?


Both in 2001? ValleyFair was purchased by Cedar Point back in 1978 to create Cedar Fair. Cedar Fair = Cedar Point + ValleyFair.


I know we all want our home park to get the latest and greatest, but I do think we have it pretty good. We have a good selection of coasters (Renegade, Wild Thing, Steel Venom). I know they aren't record setters, but they are good none the less. And also a great selection of flats too. I think Route76 was a great transformation for that part of the park a couple years ago, and throw in Power Tower and Extreme Swing, it's pretty good.


Just my 2 cents!!

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You conveniently forgot the last 5+ years worth of additions. Valleyfair isn't a coaster-mecha in any sense of the word. So why people believe that the park "needs" world class coasters to stay afloat is beyond me.


Never said VF needed world class coaster to stay a float. Never said it was a coaster mecca either, I am just asking for one new coaster every 10 years to update that category of the park's ride offerings. . The park needs a new coaster (because everyone knows VF is not getting a world class coaster) to keep thrill riders coming back to the park and that means the local thrill riders.


Valleyfair as always focused on a mix of mostly flats, family rides, water additions. And the occasional thrill ride. 96-07 has been the only time period this park has ever tried to push thrill rides with such consistency and scale. And it seems they've reconsidered, and are going for the tried-and-true approach that has made the park into what it is today.


If you agree with the way they are trying to grow the park then great. Again, I personally don't have patience for it anymore. They have spent the last 5 years adding family attractions and 10 years without a new coaster. When does the thrill seeker who frequents the park get a new attraction? I am bored with the park and like others on this thread will not be renewing my season pass for next year.

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You conveniently forgot the last 5+ years worth of additions. Valleyfair isn't a coaster-mecha in any sense of the word. So why people believe that the park "needs" world class coasters to stay afloat is beyond me.


Never said VF needed world class coaster to stay a float. Never said it was a coaster mecca either, I am just asking for one new coaster every 10 years to update that category of the park's ride offerings. . The park needs a new coaster (because everyone knows VF is not getting a world class coaster) to keep thrill riders coming back to the park and that means the local thrill riders.


Valleyfair as always focused on a mix of mostly flats, family rides, water additions. And the occasional thrill ride. 96-07 has been the only time period this park has ever tried to push thrill rides with such consistency and scale. And it seems they've reconsidered, and are going for the tried-and-true approach that has made the park into what it is today.


If you agree with the way they are trying to grow the park then great. Again, I personally don't have patience for it anymore. They have spent the last 5 years adding family attractions and 10 years without a new coaster. When does the thrill seeker who frequents the park get a new attraction? I am bored with the park and like others on this thread will not be renewing my season pass for next year.



Alright, time for a poll. How many of you will not be returning to the park until they build a new coaster? Only answer if you're serious.

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